Make Over @..@

When the NERD turns into a PRINCE!!
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School went off and as what you planned earlier, you'll start the make over project to chanyeol with the help of your friends and chanyeols..

once you're done fixing up your stuff, you stood up firmly and went off outside your room looking for minhyuk, you tiptoed and when you catch his figure you smiled  and went near to to him..

"oh, juniel's here already~" jonghyun said once you stood up beside minhyuk..

you smiled as you make a V- sign "anneong~"  you twinkled your fingers and let it off..

minhyuk giggled upon seeing you so happy and lively .. he cleared his throat and say "so~ with the help of us and chanyeols friends.. we;ll make your nerdy bestfriend a prince .." ..

you nodded your head and patted minhyuk's arm "hmm.. kaja!!" you half yelled before turning around and started to walk towards chanyeols classroom with minhyuk and jonghyun following you from behind..

minhyuk and jonghyun were a bit far from you, trying to make themselves a bit distant from you since jonghyu asked some sensitive question to minhyuk, while you on the other hand doesn't even know a thing cause you're busy humming a tone while walking. . . .

"so, you sure you're fine?" jonghyun asked minhyuk as he tak a short glance to the back view of your walking figure..

minhyuk smiled before he shrugged his shoulder "hmm.. you know i wanna help, i hate seeing juniel like that, being frustrated cause his bestfriend is kinda bullied.." he said and turn his attention to look at you..

jonghyun hummed "so..speaking of confessions and everything, may i ask when..?" jonghyun asked in a teasingly way, knowing that his buddy minhyuk has this what you called 'FEELINGS' for you..

minhyuk bit the bottom part of his lip before he pouted " not yet.., i'm still thinking of it since i've noticed--"

jonghyun sighed in frustration as he softly slap minhyuks arm "ah..bwoya?~ didn't she say she doesn't love her bestfriend that way.. come on~" and ended up sighing a bit loud..

minhyuk shrugs his shoulders before fixinf his eyeglass "I don't know, i just see itin her eyes..anyways, lets put the topic off and just follow her.. okay," he paused and gave jonghyun a treathening glare "..don't you ever try to tell juniel about this..if not." 

jonghyun wave his hands infront of minhyuks face " arasso..arasso.. i'm not gonna tell her.." he said and zipped an imaginary zipper in on his lips..

... ... ...

you stopped on your tracks once you saw chanyeol  standing infront of dara inside the room, and what surprises you the most is inside the room, it's only chanyeol and dara on it.. and to add, dara's smiling ..

you want to step in but you seemed like your feet were glued to the floor, you want to make a move but it seems like you froze up..

why does my heart started to feel heavy?

you leaned on the wall and even if its bad to do, you've eavesdrop as you shut your eyes close, head looking down.

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hey guys can you help me to have some posters.. hehe? i just want to have good poster.. i'm not that really good on making one :)


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jj_jw_sh #1
Chapter 35: huwaa chaniel? i just realized that it is the abbreviation of chanyeol and juniel, hehe. love it. thank you so much author-nim...^^
SHINeeTheOne #2
Chapter 35: Daebak! Fighting !!
Chapter 35: i love it seriously
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 35: Ohmygod baekhyun is definitely too old for chaniel
Love this fanfic, it's great and told lots of things bout love and friendship ;D
jj_jw_sh #5
Chapter 32: Is this the final? Hehe. Anyway thank you for the updates author-nim.
exotics_aileean #6
Chapter 32: Aww...this is so fluffy~~ Nice chappie~~ :D
jj_jw_sh #7
Chapter 31: Oh my, this is so sweet and cute at the same time.....^^
Thanks for the update, author-nim....:D
Chapter 30: I love chanyeol being a protective so cute when he get jealous....
exotics_aileean #9
Chapter 30: NYAAA~~ Chanyeol and Juniel are sooooo cute together~~~