For many more years..

When the NERD turns into a PRINCE!!
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"Hey.." dara followed gd and sat down beside him. GD was a bit shocked seeing dara's beautiful face and feeling dara's presence near him.


After the night that he confessed to dara, gd felt awkward and shy. it took him too much years to have the courage..


"h-hey.." he stuttered and acted busy by watching their other school mates play..


Gd heard dara's soft sigh, he secretly glance at her and notice the smile on her face. The smile that would make his heart flutter.


"What's up..? i've noticed you being so distant with me.? is it because of what happened..?" dara asked.


how can i ..*sigh* gd thought. dara couldn't take the long silence anymore, so she turn her head and look straight into him "Come on..You know i hate it when you're away from me.." gd look at her confused "w-why..?"


dara shrugged "I just feel comfortable with you~"


"A-actually.." gd paused and bit his lips "Dara..everything i told you was nothing but the truth..i've been liking you, i've been only seeing you..i've always been loving you, i wanted to confess years ago but my gut would always stop me. cause i'm afraid you'd stay away from me.." dara was speechless.. it's not actually the first time she heard confessions but gd's was way too different from others.


"but it's alright...if you want us to be's fine with me. don't force yourself, this is my feelings, so-"


gd's serious words got ceased by dara's soft chuckles. he eyed the girl with curiousity as dara keeps on chuckling. It's just dara can't stop it to see gd's face so serious saying sweet words. it's so different.


she had known him for being so cool with her, and she had known him, hating things that are related to romance..


"Sorry.." she said, still supressing her chuckles..


dara sighed finally, regaining back her mind "Continue.." she bit her lower lip and raised her right hand "I promise i won't interrupt.."


GD sighed "As i was saying..i can accept it..that the two of us would be friends, i'm expecting this right from the start..I promise, i'll do my best to keep my feelings for you with myself..and i would even try to not love you-"


"-Why stop..?" she cutted..


GD eyed her again, confused. dara turn her head to look at him and smiled "i'm not telling you to stop.." she lowered her head.


strange, but after the kiss that gd gave to her, dara couldn't stop herself on thinking about gd all night long until the sun comes..everything she does, everything she wants, gd's always there. popping out of her mind every second..


"please don't stop loving me...give me time.." she whispered.


"time for what?"


he look back into his eyes "Please give me more time, don't grew tired of your feelings for me..wait..i'm asking you to wait for more, i know you've waited long enough but please don't stop yet..."


GD was stunned, his heart was racing .. too fast that his breathing starts to suffocate him. does she

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hey guys can you help me to have some posters.. hehe? i just want to have good poster.. i'm not that really good on making one :)


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jj_jw_sh #1
Chapter 35: huwaa chaniel? i just realized that it is the abbreviation of chanyeol and juniel, hehe. love it. thank you so much author-nim...^^
SHINeeTheOne #2
Chapter 35: Daebak! Fighting !!
Chapter 35: i love it seriously
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 35: Ohmygod baekhyun is definitely too old for chaniel
Love this fanfic, it's great and told lots of things bout love and friendship ;D
jj_jw_sh #5
Chapter 32: Is this the final? Hehe. Anyway thank you for the updates author-nim.
exotics_aileean #6
Chapter 32: Aww...this is so fluffy~~ Nice chappie~~ :D
jj_jw_sh #7
Chapter 31: Oh my, this is so sweet and cute at the same time.....^^
Thanks for the update, author-nim....:D
Chapter 30: I love chanyeol being a protective so cute when he get jealous....
exotics_aileean #9
Chapter 30: NYAAA~~ Chanyeol and Juniel are sooooo cute together~~~