Because i'm a girl

When the NERD turns into a PRINCE!!
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A/N: i'll be using (YOU) in exchange of using (JUNIEL)..okay? ^ _ ~


Everyone gathered inside the dining hall, mrs.ahn and mr.lee decided to let the kids stay on the table with the ones who want them to be with. the dinner was fine and everything looks so delicious.


mrs.ahn and mr.lee sat with each other on the same table together with some of the students and the school bus drivers.


while you and chanyeol were sitted together with luhan, kris, baekhyun, xiumin and suho in a big round table. while busy munching your food, a fork with meat touched your lips, you turn your eyes on side and saw chanyeol sweetly smiling at you.


you chuckled and gladly open your mouth to let chanyeol feed you up.


Happy, you feed chanyeol as well..


"ahhmm..Excuse me for a while, i'll just go up to my room, i think i forgot my phone there.." chanyeol said as he push himself up, you look up on him and offered to come with him, but seeing you still not down yet with your food, chanyeol half heartedly shook his head.


" careful.." you smiled at him and chanyeol pinched you cheeks with a grin on his face, you heard a groan and both of you turn your heads to baekhyun "what?" you chorused.


Baekhyun acted puking "How come you two won't get tired of each other? come on~ you've been like together 24/7" he said.


you can't help it but to heave out a soft chuckle as chanyeol clicked his tounge on what baekhyun said. "don't mind him he's just envious or ..Jealous~" Suho teased nudging baekhyun's side.


Luhan and xiumin bit their lips to stop themselves from laughing so hard while kris just shook his head.


Suho and baekhyun started to poke each other with  their forks as they were in their own world.


You look up on chanyeol wave a hand.. chanyeol smiled at you before walking out to mrs.ahn and mr.lee to get a permission to leave the dining hall.


As you watch him, a table caught your eyes.. even though you don't want to accuse can't help but to think aware of it. you watch as dara eyed chanyeol leave and to your surprise, just when chanyeol went out of the door, dara stood up and asked permission to leave as well..the teachers let her and you watch dara as she leaves the dining hall..


what is this feeling...i feel uneasy .you thought and turn back your head on your plate, stiffly taking your spoon and started to worrily dig in with your food.




Meanwhile, Chanyeol sprinted to elevator and pressed to where he's floor is.. the elevator door was about to close but chanyeol heard a girl's voice shouting to wait.


Chanyeol pressed a button and to his surprise he met eye to eye with dara...


She smiled at him and went inside the elevator, chanyeol bowed to her as dara smiled at him "to what floor?" he asked. "5th.." she said.


"oh! the same with mine.." chanyeol said forcing out a short laugh to loosen the awkwardness filling the air.Seriously, he kinda' felt not so good with her since he knows everything...right from the start, he wanted to talk with her but he doesn't want to hurt a girl.


for chanyeol, a girl is still a girl even if her attitude is rude and nothing but pure evil. he grown up having respect with ladies..


"ahh..chanyeol" chanyeol hummed. "you see..i've done so much bad things about you and juniel...i still can't believe you two would forgive me just like that, and it's creeping me out.." she chuckled.


I know what you're up too..but since i have such respect for girls, i wont harm you, all i need is to protect juniel away from you. Chanyeol thought. "Oh..that? don't worry juniel and i don't like holding grudges to someone, it's really nice to accept things you know.." he said.


Dara gulped hearing those words from chanyeol does he knows something about my plan?..nah-impossible "r-really?..thanks then and again..i'm sorry" she said.


Chanyeol secretly glance at her and saw her hissing herself. he sighed silently and shook his head. the elevator doors open with a clicking sound and the two went out, going on the same direction..


"aahh..where are you going?" chanyeol asked as he look down on her.


dara pointed a door "in my room going to get some stuffs.." she shrugged and stopped on a door a few doors away from chanyeol.


Chanyeol sighed once dara walks in inside of her room and shut the door softly. he shook his head and walks towards his room. he was busy looking for his key when a white thing caught his eyes.


He crouched down and took the white thing that is an envelope on the floor, he turn it clockwise and it says CHANYEOL on it. he raise an eyebrow and gently opening the envelope. he heard a clicking sound and he look aside only his eyes moving aside. from the side he can see dara peeking on her door. he sighed as expected.I knew it she's up to something..


Dara seems to not notice he sees her already, and cluelessly yet excited, watcing chanyeol as it look inside the envelope there..dumb , let your heart be broken..


Chanyeol chuckled as he sees a picture of you and minhyuk ruffling each others hair, he look from another and it you laughing with minhyuk. yes it annoys chanyeol but he can't stop himself from chuckling because, what he's seeing is surely a childish act. my juniel's really a nice friend.


Dara's jaw dropped he should be annoyed now. she cursed..


Chanyeol sighed and puts the pictures down .. he slips the pictures back inside the envelope and uttered "come out now..i know everything" which made dara's eyes widened in shock.




"ah..guys excuse me for a while..just going to wash my hands" You smiled at them and went up towards the ladies restroom.


as you went out of the dining hall, your eyes widened in horror and immediately, you hid yourself behind the wall.


you can hear annoying high pitched laugh from them.. "and by now, i think he's crying out of anger" you heard a familiar voice which is owned by bom. "yah right..dara's genius. i mean setting her up..but you know i kinda felt bad to minhyuk, dara's taking advantage of her innocent brother. i just wish he wouldn't lose that cute face of him once chanyeol layed a punch on his face" followed by laughs..


your eyes widened in shock. once the voices went out of your ear sight, all you could think now is Chanyeol.


You went out behind the wall and was surprised to bump on a broad chest.


You perked your head up and gasped "G-gd i'm s-sor-"

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hey guys can you help me to have some posters.. hehe? i just want to have good poster.. i'm not that really good on making one :)


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jj_jw_sh #1
Chapter 35: huwaa chaniel? i just realized that it is the abbreviation of chanyeol and juniel, hehe. love it. thank you so much author-nim...^^
SHINeeTheOne #2
Chapter 35: Daebak! Fighting !!
Chapter 35: i love it seriously
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 35: Ohmygod baekhyun is definitely too old for chaniel
Love this fanfic, it's great and told lots of things bout love and friendship ;D
jj_jw_sh #5
Chapter 32: Is this the final? Hehe. Anyway thank you for the updates author-nim.
exotics_aileean #6
Chapter 32: Aww...this is so fluffy~~ Nice chappie~~ :D
jj_jw_sh #7
Chapter 31: Oh my, this is so sweet and cute at the same time.....^^
Thanks for the update, author-nim....:D
Chapter 30: I love chanyeol being a protective so cute when he get jealous....
exotics_aileean #9
Chapter 30: NYAAA~~ Chanyeol and Juniel are sooooo cute together~~~