I'm here for you

When the NERD turns into a PRINCE!!
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Chanyeol's POV:

shoot!!. i forgot about juniel!!

"oh, men! i'm too worried for dara .." i sighed as i clenched my fist, closing my eyes out of frustration. "such a bad friend i am!!" i started to scold myself as i reapetedly hit my head, " i should have check her too.." i mumbled to myself before putting out the phone from my pocket..

i dialed her number but then juniel's out of reach .. i tried a lot of times until i finally put my phone down in defeat. "aishh!!"

"oh! hyung, what's wrong with you?" i heard sehun's voice making me to look up. i put my phone inside my pocket as i let out a sigh. i open my mouth to say a word but sehun interrupted "no need to tell..it spreaded out already." he said. i tilted my head on the side, confused. "how did ..." i stopped realizing how fast the people here .. i nod my head "arraso.."

sehun let out a sigh as he walked nearer .. "anyways, how's dara-shi ?" he asked.

"she's fine nothing to worry about.." i said. sehun nods his head. "but why do chanyeol the dara's #01 fanboy is acting so messed up?" sehun asked in a very sarcastic tone. "i just..." *sigh* "I forgot to check on my bestfriend.." i said feeling so depressed and sorry for my bestfriend.

when we we're kids i always have my eyes on juniel .. i always protect her and stand for her .. but also, i have my heart for dara back then until now, it's actually the first that i didn't even asked juniel if she's fine or if she's hurt, i'm too distructed by dara's fainting. and now realizing what  i did. i feel so ashamed .. juniel's always there for me, she even take a stand just to help me out of my bullies.. but now, i look like i dont care for her..

sehun let out a sigh "aigoo..hyung, don't worry .. i know juniel do have a reason about this..i mean we know her right?" sehun shrugged.

"anyways, i'll be going then" he said then patted my back before leaving me alone .. reasons? i asked myself..

"what reason could it be?"



* * * * * *


Your mind were too busy to catch up on what are they talking about .. you were glancing out of the window and your mind were spacing out of yourself..

minhyuk caught you with your sad and depressed face, he knew that even you're laughing you're not really okay on the inside.. he knew that you're crying on the inside. minhyuk really hates it..

seeing you like this, and also he feels so sorry and worried for you. he feels guilty cause being the older brother of dara, he somewhat feel like it's kinda awkward for you to be friends with him since you and dara were not on good terms..

you let out a sigh "wow!! the dessert's here!!" taeyeon exclaimed as she cutely claps her hands, making you to snap out of your thoughts. you straightened up as you look on the side.

"hey, juniel~ don't you really want to order some sweets?" jonghyun asked, taking a spoonful of bite from his ice cream..

you let out a smile, putting your hands up, "ani..i'm fine.. the burger filled up my stomach.." you said. you look on your wrist watch and decided to go already "guys .. uhh, i have to go.." you announced making the three of them to look at you "already?" taeyeon asked, started to pout her pinky lips.

you nod your head as you let out an apologetic smile "yeah..i remember i have to do some stuffs with my mother.." you said. taeyeon sighed before nodding her head "arraso.." she said. "take care.." she added as you stood up from your seat.

you let out a smile before looking on minhyuk and jonghyun "i'll be going now.. take care of taeyeon, don't be out too late.." you said. "wait! i'll walk you home" minhyuk said and was about to stand up when you stopped him "ani. i'm fine, don't worry.. i need some alone time anyways." you said before letting out a

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hey guys can you help me to have some posters.. hehe? i just want to have good poster.. i'm not that really good on making one :)


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jj_jw_sh #1
Chapter 35: huwaa chaniel? i just realized that it is the abbreviation of chanyeol and juniel, hehe. love it. thank you so much author-nim...^^
SHINeeTheOne #2
Chapter 35: Daebak! Fighting !!
Chapter 35: i love it seriously
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 35: Ohmygod baekhyun is definitely too old for chaniel
Love this fanfic, it's great and told lots of things bout love and friendship ;D
jj_jw_sh #5
Chapter 32: Is this the final? Hehe. Anyway thank you for the updates author-nim.
exotics_aileean #6
Chapter 32: Aww...this is so fluffy~~ Nice chappie~~ :D
jj_jw_sh #7
Chapter 31: Oh my, this is so sweet and cute at the same time.....^^
Thanks for the update, author-nim....:D
Chapter 30: I love chanyeol being a protective boyfriends..it so cute when he get jealous....
exotics_aileean #9
Chapter 30: NYAAA~~ Chanyeol and Juniel are sooooo cute together~~~