just the two of us

When the NERD turns into a PRINCE!!
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Juniel dragged her stuffs inside her room and shut it after. she look up and was stunned by the beautiful view of the sea.


Amazed, she sprinted to her window and swiped the window doors aside. the wind touches her beautiful face as her soft long hair dances with its grace. she closed her eyes and smiled. savouring the warmness of the wind.


when she open her eyes, all that she could think of is how wonderful her life by now. everything's going well with what just she wanted and wished to be. her having a happy and lovely family, a very kind neighbors, the parks', good friends and also, the man she love the most next to her father, Chanyeol.


all the times she shared with chanyeol played in her mind.


"ahh~ this feels so good~" she let out a sigh followed by a short chuckle.


she walked to her luggage and settled her clothes inside the dresser. the bed catches her attention, it looks soft and fluffy. not wasting any more second to pass by, juniel walked towards her bed and lay down. she's right, the bed is really warm and comfortable. juniel giggled as she hug the pillow tight. "Oh! i forgot!" she pushed herself up as she remember chanyeol's waiting for her..


"aishh..pabo..i even forgot chanyeollie~" she chuckled and changed her clothes since its a little bit windy and sunny.


juniel changed into her jean shorts and a black and white striped shirt, a cardigan wrapped around her waist and to finalize, she wore her sandals since she thought they would go and walk around the waters. putting her backpack ready on her shoulder, juniel walk out of her room and closed it making sure it's locked on the other side.


"oh..!" juniel smiled as she turn her head only to see minhyuk on the same pose like her.


"are you going?" she nodded "having a walk with chanyeol..." she said,


Minhyuk's smile slowly faded as it was replaced with a forced smile. "ahh..i see.."


"how about you? going somewhere?" minhyuk snapped his head to look at her and smiled warmly as he nodded his head "going to some music shop with jonghyun.."


"is..chanyeol going to pick you up?" juniel shook her head "no..we'll see each other down there..wanna go down together?" she offered. minhyuk smiled and started to walk, juniel followed him to his side, side by side..they walk together with smile on their faces, juniel's happy to have a friend like minhyuk. even though she knows minhyuk have some romantic feelings for her, she's relieved that minhyuk didn't hold any grudges on her of chanyeol.


but for minhyuk not as easy as he think it would be, he just accepted the fact that juniel would not going to look at him like the way he looks at her. she have chanyeol already and seeing how happy she is with him, he's happy as well..


"yah.minhyuk, you know- Ahh!" just as when juniel was about to fall on the floor, a pair of arms took her figure to keep her safe, eyes wide with concern "are you alright? did somewhere hurt on you?" minhyuk asked as he look down on her eyes. Juniel chuckled and minhyuk helped her to straighten her body up.


Juniel fixed the straps of her backpack as minhyuk puts his arms down.


"that was close..i'm fine don't worry..thanks anyway"  she ruffled minhyuk's hair and minhyuk chuckled "next time be careful.."


the two continued on walking..



"Chanyeol!" juniel called out and waved her hand up to catch chanyeol's attention but being such a bubbly kid she is, she captured everybodies attention on the lobby.


she smiled to minhyuk and waved a hand on him as minhyuk wave back on her..


juniel run towards chanyeol and slung her arm around the giant's shoulder "Yah..why are you two together?" chanyeol asked but it sounded as if he's scolding her.


"stop being such a jelly..she's all yours not going to steal any man's girl" minhyuk's voice interrupted the two lovies. chanyeol narrowed his eyes on him and took juniel's arm off his shoulder only to wrap his arms around it. "Good thing you know that" he snapped.


minhyuk chuckled and ruffled juniel's hair "hey.hey.hey! no touchy touchy!" chanyeol slapped minhyuk's hand off to juniel's head.


"yah!" minhyuk hissed as he rub his hand. the two started to have such a childish browl.


Juniel sighed as she massaged her temples "kids these days are getting bigger and taller.."she puffed some air inside her cheeks and pushed the two tall guys away from each other by putting her palms on each of their foreheads and walk pass by them..


minhyuk and chanyeol watch her as she leaves the building..


"y-yah..!! wait!!" chanyeol shouted and started to run after her.. minhyuk chuckled as he straighten up his posture, he puts his hands inside his pocket and stand their looking so cool as if nothing childish happened a while ago.


"I wish i can have a girl.." he sighed and walked towards the couch..


"what's taking him long" minhyuk mentally cursed as he took his phone out of his pocket. dialing jonghyun's number.


not looking straight, he accidentally bump into someone, making his phone to fall down flat on the floor, minhyuk apologized to the girl as he help her up "are you okay?" he asked.


the girl smiled at him "sorry..i'm kinda not looking.." her soft voice spoke. for a second minhyuk found h

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hey guys can you help me to have some posters.. hehe? i just want to have good poster.. i'm not that really good on making one :)


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jj_jw_sh #1
Chapter 35: huwaa chaniel? i just realized that it is the abbreviation of chanyeol and juniel, hehe. love it. thank you so much author-nim...^^
SHINeeTheOne #2
Chapter 35: Daebak! Fighting !!
Chapter 35: i love it seriously
valeriemillenia #4
Chapter 35: Ohmygod baekhyun is definitely too old for chaniel
Love this fanfic, it's great and told lots of things bout love and friendship ;D
jj_jw_sh #5
Chapter 32: Is this the final? Hehe. Anyway thank you for the updates author-nim.
exotics_aileean #6
Chapter 32: Aww...this is so fluffy~~ Nice chappie~~ :D
jj_jw_sh #7
Chapter 31: Oh my, this is so sweet and cute at the same time.....^^
Thanks for the update, author-nim....:D
Chapter 30: I love chanyeol being a protective boyfriends..it so cute when he get jealous....
exotics_aileean #9
Chapter 30: NYAAA~~ Chanyeol and Juniel are sooooo cute together~~~