Chapter 18

My One and Only
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You loudly said to the boys who were playing a game of Halo on XBOX. They ignored you and you harrumphed in annoyance. 

"You guys!"

"What?" Chen retorted while taking a bazooka and pointing it at his enemy, Suho. 

Suho groaned in frustration after he failed to escape from Chen. 

"Do you need anything Chaerin?" 

You rolled your eyes and walked away. 

"Nevermind. You all won't listen anyways. I'm going somewheres." 

You left the house with a vexed expression and walked to where your feet was taking you. 

One place was pictured in your mind and you sighed. "Should I?" 



Your hands grazed against the walls of the studio. It seemed as if it was yesterday when you first walked into this certain room. Mirrors covered every inch of the room. The doors were covered with two large mirrors that were attached. 

One half of the floor was made of a certain mat for tap dancing while the other half was made of hard wood for the hip-hop dancers. 


You turned around and tears filled up your eyes. 

"It is you.." 

You slightly ran to your old teacher, not that he was old. He was your former dance instructor before you decided to quit. 

"What are you doing here?" 

You frowned and let go of him. "Am I no longer allowed here?" 

He shook his head and ruffled your hair. "You've grown up to be a really beautiful young lad."

"You're talking as if you're over 50 Shinnie!"

Mr. Shin, or others who knew him well enough, Shinnie. A dance teacher ever since he was 19. Standing 6 foot 4 with broad shoulders, a well built body, ladies would be drooling over him. He was the perfect 32 year old dream man. 

"I'm slowly aging here if you didn't realize that."

You scoffed and nudged him. "You're still teaching?"

He nodded and walked around his own room. Yes, this room was specially made for him. Every teacher in the 4 story building had their own personalized rooms. 

Over 20 dance rooms were in the well-built structure, making it the biggest dance studio in Korea. 

"I...I was thinking over some things. And this took a lot of time. I decided to start doing it again." 

"Are you sure? Is this what you want?" 

"Yes. I really want to get back on my feet again. I want to prove my mom that I am capable of doing whatever I want, and that is dancing. I want to prove the world that I can do it again." 

Mr. Shin smiled at how positive you were being, unlike a few years ago when all you did was cry and shout that you wanted to quit forever. 

"Well then prove it. Show everyone you can do it." He urged and got a remote from his pocket and clicked a button. 

You breathed in and did what your body told you to do.

Feeling better every second that passed, you felt happy again. Forgetting how mad you were earlier. 


"Have you guys seen Chaerin?"

D.O asked as he peeked into the nearby bedrooms. 

He got ignored like how you were and let out a sigh. "Does anyone know where she went?" 

"I dunno. She walked out after Chen got her aggravated," Sehun carelessly waved off. 

"Damn you Chen." 

Calling your cell one more time, he muttered to himself,"If she doesn't come home by 5:30 I'm going search for her."

He killed time by making himself an omlette and ate it hurriedly. Gulping down his iced tea, he checked the time and it was only 2 minutes until he would go and search for you. 


"Thank you so much Shinnie. I'll come back real soon and maybe help you out with your classes." 

"You're always welcome here at your second home. Call me if you ever have any problems." 

Giving him one last hug before leaving the studio, you went out and looked at your watch. "I should be home by 5:30." 

You walked down the curb next to the house and walked through the gates to bump into a body. You stumbled backwards and an arm was wrapped around your waist. 

"Oh, Kyung?" 

"I was going to go find you. Where have you been? Why weren't you answering my calls? Is everything ok?" He babbled on and on. 

"I went handle some business with an old teacher. Everything's ok now." You beamed and hugged him. He took his arm that wasn't wrapped around you and hugged you back. 

"And my phone died while I was gone. I'm sorry for worrying you so much," you muffled into his chest. 

"At least you're back safe. Let's go inside."

He linked his right fingers with your left ones and dragged you in. You took your sneakers off and followed him to the stairs, while passing the kitchen you halted and backed up. There sitting down were the 11 guys all on their phones playing a group game. 

"Kris why'd you do that?!" 

"Ey! Not my fault you died on your own." 

"Tsk. Lay you betrayer!" 


You eyed them weirdly and went back to D.O's side.

"I'm going take a quick shower." 

Before you could go up one step, he grabbed your wrist and teasingly looked at you. "Mind if I join you?"

Your head slightly tilted to the left. "Join me? Where to?" 

He was taken aback by your innocent question. He was expecting you to start stuttering and turn beet red, but he guessed that you were really pure in the mind. Not wanting to taint your innocence, he waved it off. "Nevermind. You'll understand someday." 


Stripping out of your sweaty clothes and throwing them into the clothes bin, you the shower and took the time to stare at yourself through the mirror. "My face is so red..Did I gain weight?" You glanced down at your stomach and measured your waist with your hands. 

"I think I got wider.." you pouted and went under the shower head.

In the middle of conditioning your dark brown locks, you heard a text tone from your phone.

You glanced at it and Junho's name showed. 

"I should probably meet up with him soon. I haven't seen him in so long," you thought in your head. 

While rinsing out the conditioner, a knock was heard. "Are you almost done?" 

"Yeah! In five more minutes," you loudly said over the running water.

You turned off the water and stepped out of the rectangular bath tub. 

Taking a towel off the rack and drying yourself up, you wrapped it around you body and made sure it was tightened. 

Putting on some dyodorant (LOL) before leaving the bathroom, you made sure your hair was straight. 

You opened the door and stuck your head out. There he was, lying on the bed while making raspberry noises. 

"Can you turn around for a little bit?" 

He heard your soft voice and looked at you. 


He blushed at the fact that you were currently and face planted into a stuffed horse.

You quickly went into action and darted towards your dresser. Taking out a pair of undergarments you rushed into the closer and locked it behind you. 

A pair of sweats and an oversized t-shirt was placed on you and you felt so free! 

"I'm done." 

You tapped his back since he was still face planted. 


He checked you out before kissing your nose. 

"Dinner is already made." 


"WOOHYUN!" You tackled your brother with a strong embrace and he pushed your face away during the brother-sister moment. 

"Go away brat." 

You jabbed him on the side and he winced in pain. 

"Get off of me." 

"But I missed you!" 

"And I didn't miss you." 

"You're suppose to say nice words!" 

"It's just my way of showing I love you." 

"Aw I love you too brother!" You chirped and hugged him tighter.

"I never said I love you." 

You slapped him on the back and frowned. "I'm joking kiddo." He chuckled and hugged you back. 

"Now get off of me." 

You let go of him and stood by Baekhyun. "My brother hates me Baekkie." 

Baekhyun giggled and hugged you from the side. "Is our little Rin sad?"

"Very sad. My own brother hates me! I never want to see him ever again!" You buried your face into Baekhyun's chest and he comforted you. Where was D.O when you needed him most? 

"Yah, Chaerin, why would I hate you?" Woohyun poked you and you slapped his hand away while sobbing. "Go away moron!" 

"Why is Chaerin crying?" 

Fake tears spilled and you ran to your beloved boyfriend. "Oppa he's being mean to me!" You hugged his waist and he slightly pushed you away. "Chaerin he's just playing around. Stop crying like a little kid."

"Wah! You hate me too?" 

You ran back to Baekhyun and he continued to comfort you with nice words.

"What? I didn't say-" 

"B-But you meant it!" 

Damn you were a good actor. Might as well audition for a Fox Film. 

"Nam Chaerin stop being such a cry baby," Woohyun loudly backfired. 

"I'm not a cry baby you buttface! Baekkie make them stop!" 

"Stop bothering her you two. You're hurting her feelings. D.O I'm so disappointed in you." Baekhyun shook his head in shame, but on the inside he was cackling. I can't believe they're falling for this. 

"I'm going home. See you soon." Woohyun left confusedly, leaving D.O in a daze.

"Chaerin, you know I don't hate you right?"

You ignored him and Baekhyun led you to your room. "She doesn't want to talk to you now." He watched as Baekhyun put his arm around your waist and supported you up the staircase. 

"What just happened?" 



You high-fived Baekhyun and laughed lowly. "I can't believe they actually fell for it." 

"They're so gullible. Text the others to kake sure they know what they need to do. We'll complete the plan by the time I head to the fountain ok?" 

Baekhyun nodded and called D.O's name. "D.O! You should head to bed now!" 

Once Baekhyun heard your room door slightly open, he kissed your temple to add fire to D.O's confusion, making sure D.O heard everything, Baekhyun said,"Don't worry Chaerin. Everything'll be fine. Just come talk to me and I'll be there to listen." 

D.O eavesdropped and sulked after hearing what Baekhyun said. You "misunderstood" what he meant earlier and he wanted to apologize quickly since tomorrow would mark half a year since the two of you beca

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updated a special chapter since it was my birthday x)


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baekspace #1
definitely going to miss waiting for your updates! but i'll go on to your "autobiography" and wait there :3 GOOD LUCK! *sings beast's good luck*
Chapter 41: Kai Oppa BEST
Chapter 41: KAI OPPA!
Chapter 41: Kai!!!!!! I love Kai!!!! But it's really just up to you authornim. But I would prefer Kai. ^^
Chapter 40: I prefer Kai because he's manly, gorgeous, and sizzling, making him every girls' dream guy. :)
baekspace #6
Chapter 40: Baekhyun hihi
Chapter 40: baekhyun juseyo ~
Chapter 37: What a nice topic they got back there! Hahahaha colors of pig :)
felltosoo #9
Chapter 36: Author nim ,where are you ? :)) I hope you get much free time to update this story ^^
just found this story now and am interested <3