Chapter 17

My One and Only
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A/N: Thanks for waiting so patiently even though I didn't receive any comments except for one kind person,lol. so thanks for commenting! c: 



D.O was waiting for you to come out of the terminal gates. He endured the empty days without you. During the week he would talk to you on the phone for a limited time since you had paperwork to do and long- meetings to attend with Soomi. 

He tapped his foot and glanced at his watch from time to time. The plane has already landed 4 minutes ago and you were currently waiting for the passengers to get off the aircraft. 

He finally saw you in your casual clothing and called your name. You looked around and saw him waving cheekily. 

You walked towards him and smiled brightly.

He returned the smile and opened his arms. You walked into him and immediately felt the warmness he gave off. 

"I missed you so much Kyungie." 

He didn't reply back and just tightened his hug, bringing you closer to him, his heart. 









You had no idea what was going on. Streamers were hanging off of everything, confetti was all over the ground, balloons covered the ceiling; it was hectic. 

Was this suppose to be a welcome back party or a zoo? 

D.O suddenly bursted through the doors with your luggage, hurriedly waiting to see what the commotion was all about. 

"What the hell? I thought I told you guys to just cook not throw a big mess." 

"Kris's fault," Lay pointed out.

Everyone else nodded to back him up and Kris gave them a what-the-hell-is-wrong-with-you-guys look. 

"Well guess I'm cooking since you are all B-E-T-R-A-Y-E-R-S," he spelt out. Everyone gave him confused glances except for you and D.O, the only two who could comprehend what he spelt out. 

"Yeah so you guys should clean up the mess and- HOLY CRAP KRIS IS IN THE KITCHEN. EVERYONE STEP OUT OF THE WAY!" 

D.O ran to his beloved kitchen leaving you behind wondering what the nutz was going on that day. 

"I'll take your things up Chaerin," Lay volunteered. 

"Oh! Thanks Lay." 

He nodded and brought them up to your room and quickly left after placing it on your bed. 

"So how were you Baekhyun?" 

You were sitting next to Baekhyun and he brightly smiled. 

"I was great but disappointed that you left us alone with the devil, A.K.A. YOUR BOYFRIEND!" 

"I heard that." 

The two of you whipped your heads at the voice and Baekhyun awkwardly laughed. "Haha...uh.. yeah I love you so much D.O. Have a nice talk with your beautiful, cute girlfriend~ BYE CHAERIN! DON'T KILL ME D.O!" 

He quickly brought the two of you to his long arms and hugged the both of you before scattering away, away from D.O's wrath. 

"The nerves of that flirt." 

"Hey, I find him adorable." 

"THANKS CHAERIN!" You heard Baekhyun from the kitchen. 

"See? He's totally finding a liking in you." 

You punched him in the arm real hard with no mercy showing. 

He whined in pain and asked why'd you do that. 

"Because you're such an idiot and a jealous freak getting ready to slice his bestfriend's head off." 

"Baekhyun is not my bestfriend," he weakly pointed out. 

"He's your second bestfriend with Kai being first." 

"Exactly. Ow. You punch hard." He rubbed his fair skin and you felt a tee bit guilty. 

"Sorry. I just felt like doing that." 

You blew on the red mark and kissed it. 

"That should make it feel better!" You chirped and stood up.

"I'm going help whoever's in the kitchen with the food. I'll talk to you later Kyungie." 

Before you could walk away, he pulled you to him and you stumbled back a little. 


He embraced you and played with your hair. "I missed you." 

You grinned and hugged him back. 

"Welcome back Chaerin." 

He kissed your hair and let you go to the kitchen.  



"If you don't stop I will tickle the life out of you." 

"But I don't wanna," you protested,"it's so fun. And you look sooooo cute! I can't resist you Kyungie!" 

"Yah, Nam Chaerin. If you don't stop messing around with my hair I will not talk to you for a week." 

"You know you will die without making a conversation with me," you jokingly retorted and continued to make braids with his slightly lengthy hair. 

"You asked for it." 

He attacked you with his fingers roaming around your waist. You let go of his hair and bursted into giggles. "S-Stop!!" 

"Not until you stop messing with my hair." 

"BUT YOUR HAIR IS S-SO-" You laughed for another round and he didn't let you go. Your face turned pink and D.O found it amusing. 

"Say you'll stop and then I'll stop." 

"Okay fine! B-But- HAHAHA!" 

"Say it," he pestered on. 

"Alright! I'll stop! As long as I can still touch it without making crazy hair styles!" 

"Deal!" He got off of you and you slowly started breathing steadily again.

Silence filled the room yet it was comfortable. You took your phone out of your pocket when you heard a beep. 

"Who's that?" 

You shrugged meaning 'I don't know yet'. 

He hugged you from the side and watched you type in your code. 

"It's just Jin."

"I never met him yet," D.O stated while messing around with your ear. 

"Stop that tickles." You shuddered at the touch and texted your bestfriend back. 

"What are you two talking about?" 

"Mm..just wanted to catch up with each other since we haven't talked in a while. Can I go out with him tomorrow morning?" 

He sighed and didn't think about anything furthermore. "Go ahead. I don't own you anyways." 

You looked at him in sorrow and stopped texting him for a few minutes. 

"You'll own me someday though, right?" 

His lips quirked up into a smile and nodded,"As long as we can go through our early years first. I don't want to go too fast." 

"Whatever you say, I'll listen." 

You gave him a heart-stopping smile before texting Jin back, telling him that you can meet up with him early tomorrow at a bakery. 

"I'll drop you off while I'm on my way to work," he offered. 

"I'd like that." 

He patted your head and asked you how was America and the tasks you had to do. 

"Ah. I missed it so much; American food and all the sights. We went to this place called "Ellen's Stardust Diner" and all of the workers are performers, hoping to go to Broadway and advance in their skills. It was so awesome! They even made me sing for them and it was a little embarrassing but so much fun. I want to go back again." 

"You sang? I'm so proud of you," he said after chuckling quietly. 

"Yep. And the place we worked at was in Times Square and oh my, it was so beautiful. But way too crowded. I don't think I would like living there. Maybe visit once a month, but imagine walking to work with over a million people walking in the same area as you?" 

D.O made a shocked face when he heard the large amount of people. "That many?" 

You nodded,"it's crazy." 

"Well, it's good to hear that you had a nice time." 

"Way too nice. But I want to hear what you did while I was gone." 

He turned your entire body to face him and he looked frustrated to you. 

"Uh Kyu-" 

"Don't even get me started. I can't stand these guys without you. They took me on a trip to Jeju for 2 nights and never again will I go to the beach with these 11 idiots. One minute they're tanning, the next they knock some teenagers out by throwing volleyballs at their heads. It was terrible and I had to go treat their heads."

"It was suppose to be a little vacation for me to get you off of my mind for a bit, which didn't work at all. But worst vacation ever. I blame you for leaving me." He wrapped his shorts arms around you and you couldn't help but laugh at his experience with the boys.

"I'm sorry, I won't le

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updated a special chapter since it was my birthday x)


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baekspace #1
definitely going to miss waiting for your updates! but i'll go on to your "autobiography" and wait there :3 GOOD LUCK! *sings beast's good luck*
Chapter 41: Kai Oppa BEST
Chapter 41: KAI OPPA!
Chapter 41: Kai!!!!!! I love Kai!!!! But it's really just up to you authornim. But I would prefer Kai. ^^
Chapter 40: I prefer Kai because he's manly, gorgeous, and sizzling, making him every girls' dream guy. :)
baekspace #6
Chapter 40: Baekhyun hihi
Chapter 40: baekhyun juseyo ~
Chapter 37: What a nice topic they got back there! Hahahaha colors of pig :)
felltosoo #9
Chapter 36: Author nim ,where are you ? :)) I hope you get much free time to update this story ^^
just found this story now and am interested <3