chapter twenty-seven

Lost Memories


Chapter twenty-seven


“The movie was good don’t you think?” _____ said as she tried to make small talk with Jaejoong.

For the past two days, Jaejoong has been quiet and a bit of a recluse. He would leave for work early, come home on time for dinner, spend his time with Yumi and go to sleep as soon as Yumi was. _____ could sense that there was definitely something going on, probably just stress from his work she thought. She was pleasantly surprised that Jaejoong wanted to go out with her tonight. He even found a babysitter looking after Yumi. _____ expected this date to be great but so far the ride from their house to the theatre was silent, the movie was ineventful, the ride to the restaurant was silent apart from the occasionally yes or no of Jaejoong to _____’s questions and there definitely was no skinship involved thoughout the night.

They arrived at the restaurant and were looking over the menu, well more like Jaejoong was looking at the menu while _____ was looking over the menu and at Jaejoong. _____ was starting to worry about what this date was really about. Silent Jaejoong was manageable but a grim looking Jaejoong was worrying her.

“Is something wrong _____?” Jaejoong caught _____ staring at him. “Is there something in my face?”

“Ah! No.” _____ shakes her head and buries herself in the menu.

“Maybe you’ll understand the menu better if you read the menu right side up.” He reached over the table to right the menu.

“Goodeveing ma’am, sir. Would you like to place your orders now?” The waiter came to their table. Once orders were set an awkward silence fell upon them once again.

_____ couldn’t take it anymore, dessert was served and yet still no words were exchanged between the two. She couldn’t wait for Jae to open up to her so she finally broke the silece. “Jae, are you ok?” You know you can talk to me about anything right?”

“We’ll talk later.” He replied stoically.

“Is this about your fight with Yunho? I called Yoochun, because Yunho wouldn’t tell me anything and he said that you and Yunho aren’t talking to eachother. What’s wrong?” _____ asked as she reached over for his hand, but he immediately retracts his hand.

“We disagree on something. I’ll tell you later. Just eat.”

“Are you guys still fighting over something stupid like Yumi’s attention? Yunho might be her fave uncle but you're her appa.” She smiled reassuringly.

He sadly swirled his wine and released a sigh. “Just eat…please. I don’t want to ruin your appetite. Just enjoy your cheesecake.”

“But I can’t, Jae tell me what’s wrong.”

Jaejoong sighed frustratedly and decided to just do it already “I want…I w-want-” he took a steadying breath and tried again. “I w-want a d-“ divo- no. I can’t. I can’t ask for that now, especially not over her favorite food. “I want you to finish that so we can go home.” He said and drank the remaining wine in his glass.

“Let’s just go home.” _____ said putting down her fork, her cheesecake barely touched. She signaled the waiter for the bill and waited for this dinner to be done. She was now annoyed more than concererned. Why would Jaejoong bring her out on a date if he would just sit there, looking glum and annoyeded at the world. If he was tired he should have just stayed home. I never asked for a date, she thought. I slave myself at home to take care of the house and of Yumi and he treats me this way?! “Let’s go.” She stood up and went to his car as soon as Jaejoong handed the payment.

The ride home, like the rest of the night was silent. _____ gave up on even trying to do small talk with Jaejoong, let alone finding out what was bugging him. She decided to just sleep this night off. She closed her eyes hoping that the moving car would lull her to sleep.

“_____, I…there actually is a reason why I brought you out to dinner.” Jaejoong started to say.

_____ felt the car pull over and stop. She wanted to open her eyes and look at Jaejoong but her body would simply not move.

“I think I want a divorce?” Jaejoong said, he was holding his breath, his hands were gripping the steering wheel tightly, his eyes were fixated infront of him and his whole body tense, awaiting for her response.

Jaejoong has beed dreading this moment ever since his talk with Shae a few days ago. Ever since he woke up from his coma he wanted nothing else but to divorce _____ right? Shae was the one he loved right? No husband would forget his wife if he truly loved her right? But after weeks with _____ and Yumi and now that he has finally asked for the dreaded “d-word” he did not like the idea at all. He did not want to divorce _____.

Who am I kidding I don’t want a divorce, he thought to himself. He finally came to terms with his feelings. He unconsciously releases his breath and relaxes.

“_____, I –” He turns to face her and retract what he had just said when he notices that she is quietly, peacefully asleep. “I’ll tell you next time.” He smiled at her and turned back to his seat and drove them home. I’ll tell you next time, I’ll show you next time that your hubby is back. I’m ready to admit I was wrong. And then he frowned. He did not want to break Shae’s heart but it was necessary. He couldn’t live in the past anymore, lying to himself to keep his pride. _____ was more important than his measly pride and ego.



* * *


-_-"  What an anti-climactic chapter. he finally realizes his feelings and i give him only 3 lines of realization.

Sorry guys.

But don't worry drama and all the good action about to start again.





And if you are wondering what took me forever (it seemed like forever to me. hahaha) to update,

Blame YANG SEUNGHO. that y lips, dark undereyes, piano playing, popping, air flipping, awesome leader creature from mblaq.


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Chapter 11: Dang Jaejoong is an for saying that to -----
Poor her though I don't know how she gets through it
Chapter 1: Oh that was funny, did you respond to me or to Shae. Lol.
Chapter 5: the plot is good but the writing...not so much
hayuni #4
Chapter 34: So sweet story :))
duckybaby #5
Chapter 34: I like :)) currently reading your first Jaejoong fanfic :))
May I ask, where did you get the name St Jude's Hospital from?....this is seriously bugging me because it is named after my story.....It's in chapter 31, right at the top it says the name exactly as I spelled it.....did we think of the same thing or have you just copied my name accidentally without knowing.....sorry if I'm sounding mean, I just really want to know...
Chapter 35: One of the best ending! Really enjoyed the humor throughout the whole story
Chapter 19: Hi, new reader here,, I've been loving the story so far,, it's so funny especially imagining the scene with yunho having a little trouble down there hehe
Chapter 27: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yang y seungho is miiiiiinneeeeee