
Unconditional Love



Nana came out from her house and she was a bit surprised when she saw Jin's motorbike. 

"What? Something wrong?" Jin asked while looking at the surroundings. 

Nana shook her head and came closer to Jin who sat on his motorbike. "This will be my first time riding on a motorbike." It was a black ninja motorbike, which really suited Jin a lot.

Jin smiled and gave the helmet to her. He helped Nana to put on the helmet. Nana got on the motorbike but she was too shy to hold on him. 

"Don't worry." Jin said. "I'm a very responsible driver." Jin put on his helmet and turned his body around a little. He reached her hands and put them in the pocket of his leather jacket. Nana leaned closer to his back. "Ready?" Jin's voice wasn't really clear but Nana could still hear it. She nodded as a reply. 

Throughout the ride, Nana just closed her eyes. She was scared since it was her first time. Nana held tightly on Jin's jacket so she won't fall back. Meanwhile Jin watched Nana sometimes from the rearview just to make sure she was fine. Whenever Jin felt her grip tightened, Jin slowed down the speed. 

15 minutes later, they were at one of the restaurants in the downtown. There were many shops and people along the street. Nana rarely went to downtown or any other places at night so it was another new experience for her to feel the nightlife. 

After Jin parked his motorbike, he waited for Nana to get off from his bike first. As soon as her feet were on the ground, Jin easily put off his helmet. Nana took it off too. The helmet made Nana's hair so messy. Jin laughed at her and fixed her hair gently. Nana blushed and thanked him. 

"Were you scared?" Jin curiously asked. 

"A bit." Nana confessed. 

"Sorry if I rode too fast." 

Nana shook her head. "It's ok." 


"Yo, Jin!" 

Jin raised a hand when a guy who dressed in a suit in the restaurant greeted him. Jin and Nana sat down then the guy approached them with two menus on his hands. He gave one to Jin and the other to Nana. 

"As usual?" The guy asked Jin. Jin nodded and closed the menu. 

Nana was still looking at the menu and thinking what should she eat. It was an Italian restaurant and she didn't know much about Italian food. In the end, Nana ordered a spaghetti Bolognese. It was her one and only choice. 

"Do you usually come here?"

"Yeah." Jin replied. "The guy earlier is my good old friend and the co-owner of this restaurant. He is like a brother to me." Jin told Nana. 

As they waited for the food, they talked about their life, their school and their childhood. Nana had a hard time to tell about the parents' accident but she told him in the end. "How about your family?" Nana questioned back. "Do you have a brother or a sister?" 

Jin took a sip of his drink. "I have a little brother. We live separately but we still have a good relationship. My parents, I don't know much about them." Jin played with his food as he talked. "They abandoned my brother and I since we were little. We don't know why but it doesn't matter anymore." 

"I'm sorry." Nana pitied. 

"Don't be." Jin smiled. "I'm happy with my life right now." He admitted.

Then, they talked about their hobby and what they usually did when they had free times. It was a comfortable conversation for both of them. Nana was glad she met Jin. For her, Jin was actually a warm, loving guy despite his cold and mysterious appearance. 

"Do you like to drink, Nana?" 

Nana understood what he meant by the word drink. "No. The last time I drank, I threw up all night long. I guess my body can't digest the alcohol very well. I never want to try it anymore. I can't stand those drinks." 

Jin laughed shortly. "So you don't like to go to clubs too?" 

"Never been there." Nana admitted. "How about you? Do you go to clubs?" 

Jin shrugged uncomfortably. 

"You can tell me. I won't judge." Nana did a peace sign with her fingers. 

"I go to that kind of place almost every night but I only go there to drink and have fun with friends." Jin explained. And do my business. Jin added in his head. "Don't get me wrong, ok? I don't like to play or flirt with random girls in there or should I say that I don't like those type of girls." 

Nana nodded few times. He was so different from Kai. Kai liked to go to clubs too but Kai always attracted to girls in there. "Then, what is your type?" 

"I don't have one because when I like a girl, she will be my ideal type. But I will think twice if she likes to go clubbing." Jin said confidently. 

"Do you have someone special now?" Nana jokingly asked.

Jin stared at Nana for a minute, which made Nana felt uncomfortable. "You." 

Nana's eyes widen. "What?" Nana didn't expect an answer, as it was only a joke.

"You are special to me." Jin smiled brightly. "You are different, you aren't afraid of me. Many girls are scared when I approach them." He took another sip of his drink. "Tell me, Nana, do you have a boyfriend?" 

Nana swallowed her food and she became quiet. She didn't know the right answer. Yes or no? She hadn't broken up with Kai but almost. "Yes..." Nana said with doubtfulness.


Nana bit her lips. "It will over soon." 

"Why?" Jin leaned in. 

"It's because I love him too much whereas he doesn't like me at all." Nana explained with a sad tone. 

"I don't understand. Why did you date each other then?" Jin seemed confused. 

Nana explained from the beginning until the end. She explained how he treated her every day, how broken she was whenever she saw him with another girl and Nana also told him about her decision on breaking up with him. Jin listened to every word that came out from Nana's mouth attentively. He payed attention to her carefully. 

After a long conversation, they decided to go. Nana looked at the bill and when she was about to give the money to the cashier, Jin gave his money first. Nana turned to him who stood beside her with a surprised look. 

"I thought this is my treat." 

"Another information about me that you should know is that I will never let a girl spend a cent on a date. Never." 

Nana was speechless. She put back the money on her wallet. "Thank you. You shouldn't have to do that, you know. I will pay you back someday." 

Jin patted her head and ruffled her hair. "But I want to and you don't have to pay me back anything. It's enough for me when you agreed to go out with me." 


Jin sent Nana back home. It was dark already when they arrived in front of Nana's house. 

"Can I ask you something?" Jin nervously asked before Nana went inside her house. 

Nana waited for him to continue. 

"Can I know your boyfriend's name?" 

"Kai. His name is Kai." 


Jin sat down on his usual spot where he could see almost everyone who were in the club. People were dancing crazily, people were drinking like desperate people and people were coming in. Jin could see them from upstairs. His attention was caught by the appearance of a guy who just came with his friends. 

Jin watched him walking through the crowds and then sitting down on the empty spot. He didn't seem excited like usual. He frowned and looked down while his friends chatting and joking around. 

Jin called one of his men. 

"Give me everything you can get about Kai." Jin ordered. 



Hello there my lovely readers and also new readers :) 

err...Ok, so I found something interesting here. The ulzzang I use for Jin is/was actually the boyfriend of the ulzzang girl that I use for Nana (in the description). I just realized it now o_o

Now Jin already knows who Nana's boyfriend is but Kai doesn't know that Nana is getting closer with Jin and it seems like Jin is interested in Nana. This isn't a love triangle (yet) because Kai doesn't love her (yet). On the upcoming chapter, Nana will finally have her first and last (?) date with Kai and after that.................. well, you'll see later :P

Thank you so much for the subscribes, comments and upvotes :) Keep commenting guys hehehe 

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Pretty good series, but....... I wish it would’ve been Jin .-.
Hermin #2
Chapter 29: A cute story
RoyalCupcake03 #3
Chapter 24: honestly can't they just stab mira and get over with it?
RoyalCupcake03 #4
Chapter 6: every time any of the antagonists' name is Jin, i always imagine seokjin from bts
Chocoholic_Exo-L #5
Chapter 3: I've only read 3 chapters and I already want to stab someone. Sighh
korinna26 #6
Chapter 28: Wow.... Ur story is so amazing ... LOVE IT <3
misinam #7
Chapter 28: I don't if i am really heartless but i still don't prefer kai for her...i can tolerate everthing..wether it is abusing..beating...cursing..not loving...not caring..but i seriously won't tolerate if my boyfriend make out or cheat on me with other girls...i really hate that kind of guy~and the girl is way..way..too nice which also irritates me..i would have like her to have happy ending with other guy~~...

I know i know i am a heartless person but eventhough..its my point of view..
CLTheBestOfTheBest #8
Chapter 15: The best story eveeeeer :)