
Unconditional Love


"What have you done?" Kai glared at Mira and Tara. The other students gathered around them, asking each other what just happened.

Without replying him, Tara kneeled down and tried to wake Nana up. "Nana!" Tara called worriedly. 

Kai stared at Mira with an angry face. Mira gulped and came closer to Kai. "Oppa..." Mira clung her hand to Kai's arm. 

Kai snapped her hand and squatted. His strong hands lifted Nana's weak body in bridal style. He stood up with Nana on his hands. Kai stared at Mira who looked annoyed. "She's still my girl." 

Kai carried Nana to the school clinic. Tara followed them from the back. Kai brought Nana closer to his body as her hands clutched to his school shirt. 

Kai placed Nana on the bed carefully. The nurse wasn't there so Kai decided to wait until the nurse came. Before Kai sat down, he touched Nana's forehead and he could feel the hotness of it. Kai sighed and took a seat beside the bed while Tara sat across him. 

"What happened?" Kai spoke with a low voice. 

"Your girl pushed her." Tara answered shortly. 

Kai stared at Tara who kept her eyes on Nana. "That's it? How strong was she until she could make her fainted?" 

Tara rolled her eyes and sighed. "Are you blind or something? Can't you see how weak she is lately? Can't you see she's getting thinner? Seriously, you need to get your eyes check." 

Of course Kai knew all of them. It was just he didn't know she would be that weak. 

"Why can she be like this?" Kai asked again. 

"She was working too hard until she forgot about her own health." 

"Working? What work?" Kai seemed surprised. It was new for him. 

"A waitress and a tutor." Tara replied. 

"Since when?" 

"Last year, I think." 


Tara raised a brow. "Seriously, Kai? As much as you ignore her, at least you should know about her family background." Tara shook her head few times. "She really loves you." 

Kai didn't say a word about the last statement. 

"There was one time when she woke up so early in the morning just to make a lunch meal for you." Tara snorted. "Unfortunately, when she wanted to give it to you, you received one already from another girl." Tara looked down. 

Kai also looked down. He didn't know about it. 

"I'm proud of her. She can still smile and laugh when I know she's crying inside whenever she sees you with another girl." Tara continued. They didn't speak for a moment. Kai was preoccupied with his own thought, remembering what had he done to her and also remembering her reaction to it. "I don't want to be the bad girl who manipulate her to break up with you. No, I don't want to do that. I don't understand why she loves you too much. But you, Kai, you never love her. You use her. I just want to tell you that you should tell her how you feel whether you love her or not. Let her know that. Let her decide what's best for her." 

Kai mulled over her sayings. Kai sighed deeply and stood up. Tara looked up and saw his confused face. 

"Tell her to eat the medicine and have enough sleep." Kai said softly. 

Tara nodded. 


"Nana?" The nurse called. 

Nana slowly opened her eyes. Then she remembered what happened to her. She fainted. Nana tried to get up but the nurse held her and pushed her back softly. 

"You need to rest, Nana." The nurse said. "Your body is still very weak. Here, take this twice a day, after meal." 

The nurse handed a plastic of pills to her. Nana took it. 

Who brought me here? Where's Tara? Nana thought.  

"Your friend told me that she’d be back here after the class ended." The nurse informed. 


"Who brought me here?" 

"Your boyfriend." 

"What?" Nana didn't believe it. There was no way Kai brought her here. He didn't care about her so why should he carry her and bring her to the clinic. 

Tara nodded. "Yeah, it's shocking, right? But that's the truth." Tara spoke. "He carried you and brought you here." 

Nana lowered her head. Now he will think I am really a burden for him. You are a fool, Nana. Why you fainted in there? He will definitely hate me even more. 


Tara walked Nana home just to make sure she won't faint again. Nana and Tara visit a pharmacy first before they went home. Nana bought a medicine for her grandmother. Nana didn't plan to tell her grandmother about what happened because it would only make her worry. 

"Thank you, Tara." Nana waved as her friend walked away. 

Nana went inside. "Grandma!" Nana  called. "I brought your medicine!" She went to her grandmother's room and found her sleeping grandmother there. She placed the medicine on the table beside the bed and kissed her forehead. "Good night, grandma. I love you." 


"Oppa!" Mira ran towards Kai who stood beside his car. 

Kai gave a death glare at her. "What?" 

"Can I come with you?" Mira asked with her aegyo face. 

"No." Kai entered his car and locked the door. 

"Oppa! Why?" Mira knocked on the window. 

Kai ignored her and started driving, leaving her behind. Kai went straight to the club where he usually hung out with his friends. 


"Hey!" His friends greeted. 

Kai sat down and ordered a drink. A girl suddenly sat on his lap and he let her sat there while he enjoyed his drink. 

"What happened to Nana?" Chen asked. 

Kai shrugged. "She was sick and just fainted." 

"Poor her." Chen said and the rest just nodded. 

"Here comes the bastard." Kris murmured with a low voice while looking at the entrance. 

The others looked at there too and found a guy just came in. The guy was surely in his early twentieth, maybe one or two years older than Kai. His look was a bit mysterious and his hair was long (for boys). He wore black outfit, the same with his two friends. 

"Who's he?" Kai asked. 

"Jin." Kris answered. "Don't get too close with him." Kris warned them. 

"Why?" Tao curiously asked. 

"He's dangerous." Kris replied shortly. "Just don't get too close with him or even share your personal information to him." 


Kai went back home with the girl he just met. Surprisingly, he saw Nana, not inside the house but outside the door. It was 1 in the morning. Kai opened the door for the girl and the girl intertwined her fingers with his fingers. 

"Hello!" Nana greeted with a smile. She turned her gaze to the girl and smiled like she always did. 

"What are you doing in here?" Kai coldly asked. 

"Can I talk to you for a moment? Please?" Nana begged. 

Kai released his hand. "Go inside first." He told the girl. The girl nodded and went inside after Kai gave her the key. 

Nana waited until she heard the door closed. After that, she gave the paper bag on her hand to him. Kai furrowed his brows and stared at it. 

"Take it. It's a gift from me." Kai took the bag and opened it. It was a navy knitted shawl. Nana smiled widely. "I know it's not winter yet but I want to give it to you earlier." Nana lowered her head for a second. "It', actually I made it long time ago and I planned to give it to you during our first month anniversary didn't turn out as I have planned." Nana bit her lips. 

Kai just stared at the shawl and held it tightly. 

"Kai..." Nana was nervous and hesitated. She had been practicing this many times before she got here. "First of all, I want to thank you. Thank you for carrying me to the clinic. Thank you for giving me a chance to be your girlfriend, to stay beside you. I really had a great time, taking care of you and making you meals. I feel like a wife whenever I cook for you." Nana laughed dryly and shortly. "Secondly, I know how you feel about me. I know you don't like me at all or should I say that you dislike me?  But most of all, I know I am such a burden for you and I'm truly sorry for that. I know you want to break up with me and maybe there were times when I annoyed you or made you angry. I'm sorry for that too. Basically, I'm sorry for not being a good girlfriend for you. I'm sorry for not being able to be the girl you always want to date with." Nana held her tears and she tried to look at him but Kai kept his head down. "Lastly, before we break up and move on, can I ask you a favor?"

Kai didn't give any reply. 

"I want to have one date with you. The first and the last date with you. I want you to act as if you love me with all your heart for one day. I want to have one sweet and great memory with you. After that, you can forget about me and hate me if you want. So, can I have a date with you?" Nana wiped the tears which she failed to hold it. She didn't want to cry in front of him because she knew he would think her as a crybaby. She quickly wiped all the tears and looked up. 

Kai looked at her too and all he could see was her smiling face with teary eyes. 

"Just one date only. Please?" Nana pleaded. 

"When and where?" Kai asked. 

Nana smiled cheerfully although her eyes were full of tears. "How about Saturday? Let's meet at myeong-dong, 9 o'clock." 

Kai nodded. Nana was still smiling. 

"Thank you, Kai." Nana bowed a bit. "You are a good guy. Really." Nana said it sincerely. Nana never saw Kai as a bad guy, she knew Kai was a good guy from the beginning. "Good night. See you tomorrow!" 

Nana walked to the bus stop and entered the car which had been waiting for her. 

"How was it?" 

Both Tara and his boyfriend turned around to see Nana who looked down. Nana wiped the tears and lifted her head up. 

"He agreed." Nana smiled. Nana didn't know why she was smiling. It was beyond her control. 


Kai held the shawl tightly and stared at it for such a long time. Kai sat on the couch. His mind kept replying what Nana had just explained. Kai didn't expect it at all. At first, Kai thought Nana wouldn't dare to break up with him because of her love for him but he was wrong. 

"Kai?" The girl he brought spoke. "What are you doing there?" 

"Just go." Kai told her. 

The girl moved closer and tried to flirt with him. Kai held her wrists before she went too far. "Go." 

"What?" The girl's eyes widen. 

"Go home." Kai stood up and opened the door for her. "Either you go now or I drag you out." Kai threatened. 

The girl hissed and muttered something but Kai didn't care at all. Kai was confused now. He was confused of himself and his feelings. Kai went to the dining room and again, he found a plate with delicious yet cold food there. Kai didnmt eat it right away. He looked at it. 

Will this be the last food she cooks for me?


I don't know what to say anymore guys. HAHAHA... I felt kinda sad when writing this one. 

Ok, I will change his attitude, slower than Sehun (Believing), though :D 

Here are pics of Jin:



In there, you can simply request to me, I will try to write the story based on your plot that you have given me.

Just follow the rules :) :) 

Don't worry... I will still update this story XD

Thank you and Happy crying reading! :D



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Pretty good series, but....... I wish it would’ve been Jin .-.
Hermin #2
Chapter 29: A cute story
RoyalCupcake03 #3
Chapter 24: honestly can't they just stab mira and get over with it?
RoyalCupcake03 #4
Chapter 6: every time any of the antagonists' name is Jin, i always imagine seokjin from bts
Chocoholic_Exo-L #5
Chapter 3: I've only read 3 chapters and I already want to stab someone. Sighh
korinna26 #6
Chapter 28: Wow.... Ur story is so amazing ... LOVE IT <3
misinam #7
Chapter 28: I don't if i am really heartless but i still don't prefer kai for her...i can tolerate everthing..wether it is abusing..beating...cursing..not loving...not caring..but i seriously won't tolerate if my boyfriend make out or cheat on me with other girls...i really hate that kind of guy~and the girl is way..way..too nice which also irritates me..i would have like her to have happy ending with other guy~~...

I know i know i am a heartless person but eventhough..its my point of view..
CLTheBestOfTheBest #8
Chapter 15: The best story eveeeeer :)