Helped 2.0

Unconditional Love


Helped 2.0

"Are you planning to get drunk, Chen?" Suho asked worriedly.

Chen was drinking two full bottles of alcoholic drink, which made his friends a bit worried. Chen only drank when he was upset about something and right now, he was more than just upset.

"I just broke up with my girlfriend so bear with me, guys." Chen said arrogantly. He took another sip of it.

Kai, on the other hand, didn't touch his glass. He kept starring at it. Kai was not in the mood of drinking or anything. He just wanted to sit and think. He even ignored every girl who gave him a flirty wink.

"I think Chen's soul is on Kai's body and Kai's soul is on Chen's body." Tao whispered to Sehun. Sehun laughed shortly.


Kris, Kai, Tao, Sehun, D.O, Suho, and Chen looked up.

"Can I join you?"

The seven of them looked at each other. They didn't know what to reply. Kris was the one who finally spoke with his cold manner.


The man grabbed a chair and sat between Sehun and Suho. They stopped talking and just sat there in silence. Chen kept drinking slowly. Kai looked down a bit. Kris kept his gaze on the man who sat in front of him. He didn't like the man.

"I'm Jin, by the way."

Jin gave them a quick smile. "I know Kris and you must be Kris's friends; Kai, Chen, Tao, Sehun, Suho, and last but not least, D.O." Jin said each of their names according to where they seated. "Am I correct?"

They seemed surprised to know that Jin knew their names. They exchanged glances with each other again.

"How do you know our names?" D.O asked curiously.

"You are quite famous in here. Everybody knows your names." Jin said.

"What do you want?" Kris coldly said.

Jin shrugged. "I just want to be your friend. 8 is a lucky number, right?"

They all knew that was a lie. Jin wouldn't approach someone just because he wanted to be his/her friend. There would always be something. Jin was more famous than them. Everyone who liked to go clubbing knew Jin. Jin was, indeed, a mysterious guy. Nobody knew where he lived, when he would come or where did he come from. He had the authority to beat someone or even to kill someone.

Kris was a lucky guy. He once made a trouble with one of Jin's men. Luckily, Jin let him go peacefully but Kris was aware that Jin wouldn't just let go people that easily. And now it seemed quite obvious. Jin wanted to get closer to his friends. What for? Neither of them knew.

"Take as much drink as you want. My treat." Jin said. "I'll have to go somewhere now. Nice to meet you, friends."

"He wants something. I can feel it." Kris spoke in a low voice. "If Jin wants something, he must get it no matter what. His want is unpredictable so don't tell him anything. ANYTHING. If you have to tell him something, lie. Are you listening to me, Tao?" Kris glared at Tao who was busy eating his dessert.

"Yah! Why me?"

"Understand, guys?"

All of them nodded.

"One more thing, now he knows us, our names. We can't hide anymore. All we can do is to wait and to be careful. Wait until we know what he really wants and be careful so we don't fall into his trap." Kris was the one who had more experiences in this kind of situations. He knew what Jin had done to some people. Kris was an observant so he would know few of his moves and how he planned  his game.


Nana was back to work again. Although sometimes she could still feel a little dizzy but she just held it. At school, Nana avoided an eye contact with Kai. She stayed inside the class all day long. She didn't want to risk her life anymore.

Nana took the night shift since she wanted to take care of her grandmother first. When Nana wanted to walk into the one of the tables, she didn't know that the floor was slippery so she fell. But before she touched the floor, a pair of hands held her. So now Nana lied under the man who caught her.


Nana blinked few times at the man.

"Do you want to stay like this all day long?" The man teased.

Nana stood up immediately. "Thank you again." Nana bowed. "What are you doing in here?"

"I'm hungry." Jin smiled at her and sat on the nearest empty table.

Nana slapped herself mentally. How could she forget that it was a restaurant? 

"Can I order now, miss?" Jin raised his hand up while smiling.

Nana took out a pencil and a small paper. "Uh, sure." 

Jin told her what he wanted to order and then Nana went to the kitchen to give the order to the cook. Nana worked without noticing that Jin was watching her all the time. Jin smiled whenever Nana was smiling at the other customers. 

"Here you go, sir." Nana placed the food and the drink in front of Jin. 

"Thank you, Nana." Jin replied. 

Nana smiled at him and bowed. Nana felt bad at herself. She was saved by him twice but she did nothing to him. A simple thank you wasn't enough for her. 

After finishing the food, Jin asked for the bill but instead, Nana approached him with empty hands. 

"You don't have to pay."

Jin looked confused. "Why?" 

"You saved my life. Twice. So, let me pay the food as my thank you for you." Nana shyly said. 

Jin laughed and stood up. He patted her head and walked towards the cashier. Jin asked the cashier for the bill and gave amount of money. 

"Eh? Wait! Don't." Nana stopped him. "Please, let me pay the bill." 

Jin ignored her and payed the bill. Nana just stood there, helplessly. Jin turned to her and gave her a warm smile. Jin left the restaurant but Nana chased him. 

"Jin!" Nana called and Jin turned around. "At least tell me what can I do to pay you back." 

"You don't have to." Jin replied. 

"Please? I will feel so bad for not paying someone who has helped me twice." Nana begged. 

Jin was silent for a minute. "What time did you finish your shift?" 

"10." Nana answered. 

Jin looked at his watch. 10 minutes more until Nana finished her shift. 

"Ok. I will walk you home and then I will tell you what I want." Jin spoke. "I have to go somewhere first. Don't go home before I arrive. I'll come back." 

Nana nodded. Nana wasn't supposed to do this. She shouldn't agree with him just like that. She barely knew him but Nana could sense that Jin was a good guy. Still, she needed to be careful. 


Exactly at 10 o'clock, Jin was in front of the backdoor of the restaurant. At first, Nana thought he wouldn't come back since she didn't see him in front of the restaurant but she was wrong. Jin came back. 

"Hi." Jin greeted. 

"You come back!" Nana exclaimed. 

"Why? You don't want me to come back?" Jin raised a brow. 

"No, no. It's not like that." Nana quikly explained. "It's just that I never thought you will keep your promise." 

Jin laughed. "I'm a man and a man should keep his promise." 

Nana let out a short laugh. 

"Let's go." 

Nana walked beside Jin whose hands on the pockets. He wore a black oufit again but this time, no hoodie. Jin looked straight at the front with a cold and mysterious gaze. Jin turned to Nana who caught looking at him. Nana immediately kept her head down and Jin smirked. 

"Am I too handsome or what until you can't keep your eyes off of me?" Jin playfully asked. 

Nana rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Why do you do this? Walking someone you barely know home?" 

Jin shrugged. "I just want to make sure you arrive at your house safe and sound." He explained. 

Nana was blushing at what he just said. This was for the first time a guy did this to her. 


"So, what do you want? A free voucher? A free cup of coffee?" Nana asked as they arrived at her house. 

Jin shook his head. "I want a date with you." Jin looked straight to her eyes. 

Nana thought that it was a joke but Jin didn't say anything anymore. His face was serious. Nana bit her lips. She was told by her grandmother many times to not to go out with strangers. 

Jin noticed with her uncomfortable look. "Let me guess. You don't want because we're barely know each other and you are afraid I will do something bad to you, right?" 

Nana nodded slowly and looked down. "Sorry." 

"It's ok. At least you are a normal person that is afraid to go with strangers." Jin said, making Nana more relaxed. "But, if I'm the bad guy,  I wouldn't help you yesterday and today, right? I could simply join those three men to flirt with you if I'm the bady guy." 

"You're right." Nana agreed. 

"And if I want to do something to you, I can do it now, you know." Jin continued. "However, I choose to not to. You are too kind and beautiful to be treated badly." 

Nana blushed again. 

"And cute." Jin added with a sweet smile. "So? Yes or no?" 

Nana thought for a while and then nodded. "Yes." Nana replied. "But if you do something to me, I swear I will hate you forever." Nana threatened. 

Jin smiled. "Nothing to be afraid of, Nana. Saturday, ok?" 

"I can't." Nana suddenly remembered about her first and last date with Kai this Saturday. "How about tomorrow? I don't have any shifts for tomorrow." 

"Ok. Tomorrow then. What time?" 

"Six o'clock, maybe? Is it ok with you?" 

Jin nodded. "It's always ok with me even if you want to have it at midnight." He joked. "I know a nice place to hang out. I'll pick you up in here." 

Nana doubtfully nodded. "Can I trust you? Or should I bring a gun, just in case?" 

"You're a funny girl, Nana." Jin said while laughing. "See you tomorrow, Nana." 

Jin waited until Nana closed the house door and then he went home. 


Jin is very different from Kai. Nana thought. What if Jin is the one for me? Not Kai. 



LA LA LA LA! A short bonus chapter for all of you, my dear readers! :) I really love your comments, seriously! Sorry if I can't answer it one by one but believe me, I read all of them. XD XD And I'm so looking forward to see them more! Don't be a silent reader, please :) Your comments are really needed for me so I have the desire to update more often. I update so often because I want to see how you react to it and I'm so excited and glad to know that you guys like my update! 

For those of you, who used to be silent readers and finally make a comment on any of my stories, thank you :) 




kai or jin?


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Pretty good series, but....... I wish it would’ve been Jin .-.
Hermin #2
Chapter 29: A cute story
RoyalCupcake03 #3
Chapter 24: honestly can't they just stab mira and get over with it?
RoyalCupcake03 #4
Chapter 6: every time any of the antagonists' name is Jin, i always imagine seokjin from bts
Chocoholic_Exo-L #5
Chapter 3: I've only read 3 chapters and I already want to stab someone. Sighh
korinna26 #6
Chapter 28: Wow.... Ur story is so amazing ... LOVE IT <3
misinam #7
Chapter 28: I don't if i am really heartless but i still don't prefer kai for her...i can tolerate everthing..wether it is abusing..beating...cursing..not loving...not caring..but i seriously won't tolerate if my boyfriend make out or cheat on me with other girls...i really hate that kind of guy~and the girl is way..way..too nice which also irritates me..i would have like her to have happy ending with other guy~~...

I know i know i am a heartless person but eventhough..its my point of view..
CLTheBestOfTheBest #8
Chapter 15: The best story eveeeeer :)