
Unconditional Love



"Grandma, you should rest." 

Nana took the plates from her grandma's hands. Her grandmother's condition was not good recently. She had been coughing for the past few days which made Nana worried and concerned. 

"Have you eaten the pill?" Nana asked while her grandma sat down on the couch. 

"Relax, Nana." Her grandma replied. She coughed again. "I'm totally fine." 

"Here, grandma." Nana gave the last pill of the medicine. "You need to take this." 

Her grandma took the pill and swallowed it along with a glass of water. Nana smiled and hugged her. "I have to go. Call me immediately if you need something." 

"Ok, dear." 


Nana sighed deeply as she closed her house door. There were so many things she needed to handle at once. They made her so stress and sick. Nana was so worried and scared of losing her grandmother since her grandmother was rarely got sick. And then, she needed extra money to buy the medicine for her grandmother. The medicine wasn't cheap either. 

What Nana did was she worked for another few hours so she could get more money. She was working so hard to earn more money. She even didn't mind working until past midnight and on the weekends. Of course she still needed to stay for another few hours to get her homework done and to study. It had been a new daily routine for her. 

Despite all her busy schedules, Nana still made time to go to Kai's house and cleaned it up. To be honest, she didn't know her status now whether she was single or still in a relationship with him because they never talked about it. Never. The other thing that made Nana even more stressful was the thought of her as a burden for Kai, her own boyfriend. She would be so much better if Kai talked directly and clearly to her. Nana didn't want to be a burden or a blocker for him at all. She did her best to make him happy and free. She never demanded a thing from him and she never asked him to love her back. 

"You are getting thinner and thinner, Nana." Tara told her worriedly. "And it's not a good thing." 

"Yeah, I know." Nana replied with a low voice. 

Nana had lost some weights because she never had proper meals for a day since her grandmother got sick. 

"You have to take care of yourself." Tara continued. 

"My grandmother is more important right now." Nana said. 


Nana did a quick cook while her eyes kept looking at her phone. She was waiting for her grandmother's reply. At least, before she went to work she needed to make sure her grandmother was fine and more importantly, still alive. Nana moved the cooked food into a plate and put it on the table. 

Nana took off the apron and placed it on the laundry basket. She wasn't sure if she was able to do the laundry right now as her shift was starting in 30 minutes and it took about 20 minutes to get there. In the end, Nana did the laundry as fast as possible and put them on the drier machine. In just 10 minutes, the laundry was done and she felt relieved by that. 

"Hello!" Nana bowed when she saw Kai, with a girl. Nana smiled to the girl nicely. "Hi." 

The girl smiled back but seemed confused. 

"I have made your meal." Nana informed Kai who was taking off his shoes while the girl standing so closely to Kai. 

Kai didn't say a word, he went to the dining room and ate it. Nana looked down when the girl gave Kai light kisses all over his face. She bit her lips and moved closer to them. 

"Mm, just leave it on the sink if you have finished, I'll wash it later." Nana told Kai groggily. "I have to go now. Bye." Nana bowed again to both of them. 



"Omo! Grandma! You are supposed to be in bed and sleep right now." Nana was surprised to see her grandmother still wide awake. The clock showed that it was 11.30pm already. 

"I'm worried about you." Her grandmother said with a husky and low voice. "You always come back so late. Where have you been?" 

"I'm working, grandma. Don't worry. Right now, you need to sleep." Nana answered as she accompanied her grandmother back to her room. 


"Is it just me or Nana is getting skinnier?" Kris asked when he saw Nana passing by. 

Kai tried to catch a look on her who was far away already. Kai just realized Nana was skinnier than before. Not in a healthy way though. Kai noticed she had eye bags and she looked like an old, tired lady. Nana walked more slowly and her body seemed so fragile as if it would break into pieces with a single touch. Her face was even paler than Edward Cullen.

"Yah! You should take care of her! She looks like a living skeleton." Suho commented. 

Kai rolled his eyes. He didn't know what was going on with her outside the school and his house. 

Does she consume drugs? Kai wondered and then shook his head quietly.

Kai wouldn't believe if someone told him that Nana used drugs because she wasn't the type of girls who dared to consume them. Even Kai, himself, avoided drugs. 


"Hi, and 's friend." The girl who bullied Nana greeted during lunch time. 

Nana ignored her presence but Tara got pissed. 

"Watch your mouth!" Tara said. 

Mira. That was her name. Nana just knew her name yesterday when she heard her talking with Kai. 

"You two like to talk back so much, huh? No wonder you two are best friend." Mira looked at them with a disgusted face. 

"Shut up, Mira. Your voice hurts my ears." Tara mocked. 

Mira got annoyed and then, both of them started to yell and shout to each other, cursing one another while Nana was too weak to help her friend. She woke up in her worst condition this morning. Her head was spinning around and she even hard to walk properly. Her body seemed want to break in just a few second. All of her energy had been used up already. 

"Tara, enough." Her voice was so soft and low. Neither Tara nor Mira listened. They kept shouting at each other and sometimes they pushed each other. 

Nana got up quickly when Mira's fist was about to punch Tara. Nana held the fist with her weak hand but Mira pushed Nana until Nana fell down. At the same time, she had reached her limits. She fainted right away. 

"What's going on in here?" Kai asked in his serious face. He saw Nana, his girlfriend, lying down on the floor helplessly in front of him. "Who did this to her?" 


Welcome to all the new readers! :) :) Thank you for the upvotes and the subs!! 

To be honest, I don't know whether I should change Kai's attitude or not *sigh* OTL. Tell me what do you think or what do you want, ok? ;D Help me with this one, ok?

Next chapter is going to be goooddd... I can feel it *___* 

Happy reading everyone! 

Don't forget to make a comment :D

(Oh, yeah...and by the way, I'm from Indonesia :D)

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Pretty good series, but....... I wish it would’ve been Jin .-.
Hermin #2
Chapter 29: A cute story
RoyalCupcake03 #3
Chapter 24: honestly can't they just stab mira and get over with it?
RoyalCupcake03 #4
Chapter 6: every time any of the antagonists' name is Jin, i always imagine seokjin from bts
Chocoholic_Exo-L #5
Chapter 3: I've only read 3 chapters and I already want to stab someone. Sighh
korinna26 #6
Chapter 28: Wow.... Ur story is so amazing ... LOVE IT <3
misinam #7
Chapter 28: I don't if i am really heartless but i still don't prefer kai for her...i can tolerate everthing..wether it is abusing..beating...cursing..not loving...not caring..but i seriously won't tolerate if my boyfriend make out or cheat on me with other girls...i really hate that kind of guy~and the girl is way..way..too nice which also irritates me..i would have like her to have happy ending with other guy~~...

I know i know i am a heartless person but eventhough..its my point of view..
CLTheBestOfTheBest #8
Chapter 15: The best story eveeeeer :)