
Unconditional Love


"Why? What do you want from me?" 

Nana tried to be as brave as possible, forgetting her fear. She gathered up all her courage to finally talk to her, Mira. It wasn't easy to find time alone with her since; first, either Kai or Tara was always with her and second, Mira rarely went to school. Nana was lucky to be able to escape from Kai and Tara and got Mira agreed to talk to her. 

Now, she needed to face another challenge. She had to solve her problem with Mira although she didn't do anything wrong, she thought. 

"Answer me." Nana demanded. "What did I do wrong? Until you did cruel things to me?" 

Mira scoffed. "Apparently, you don't remember me, huh? That's sad." 

"What? I don't understand." Nana furrowed her brows. She was sure enough she hadn't met Mira before, but her name was familiar to her ears. 

"I had to lose my first love. You know why? Because he was in love with you." Mira shoot Nana with furious gaze. "I was the best at everything before you came. Those people – blind and dumb people – were always comparing me with you; saying that you were so much better and prettier than me. It and I hate it." She took a deep breath and continued, "I spent thousands of money, just to be better and prettier than you. Then you stole the boy that I love, for the second time. What's so good about you? You are an orphan and homeless. Your face is average compare to others and you don't have any particular talent to show off." 

Orphan and homeless. Maybe others had been called her with those names too. It hurt her but she could manage it. She didn't want to be angry as she was really an orphan and she didn't have a home anymore since she sold her house to earn money. 

Nana examined Mira's face carefully. The only thing Nana got from her examination was Mira had a plastic surgery done to her face. 

First love? If that's the, we we went to the same school before. I had a classmate named Mira too. Is she that Mira? 

"Are you..." Nana reluctantly spoke. "Are you that Mira from..." 

"So you do remember. Congratulations." Mira said sarcastically. "What?" Mira found Nana staring at her with confusion. 

Nana remembered the old Mira so well. She was a confident girl in the class. She was always being the teachers' favorite during school days. But Nana tried to make friends with her Mira would just walk away. Many people talked Mira that she had a huge crush on Sanghyun but got rejected. Nana didn't know she was indirectly involved too. 

Mira took steps closer to Nana who was thinking of her past. "Let me have him." Her voice softened. Nana blinked few times. "Kai. Let me have him." 

She just started all over with Kai but then she had to let go of him. She always loved him. She didn't mind being treated badly by him. As long as she was with him, she was happy. 

"You have everything that I don't. You have the looks, the brain and him. I envy you because you have him." Mira explained. 

Nana shook her head. "You took everything away." She said in a low voice. 

"I love him so much." Mira stated. Her eyes looked at Nana as if she was begging for her pity. 

I love him too. 

"I won't stop until I have him. I will everything. Everything." 

Nana sighed in desperate. She understood Mira's situation because she knew what it felt like when her crush didn't share the same feeling as her. Nana had made a decision. It was final. She knew it would hurt her but it was the best for her. She was tired of suffering and losing her loved ones. She didn't want to lose anyone anymore. 

"You can have him." 



"Hu? Yeah? What?" 

Kai put a hand on her forehead and held her hand. "Are you sick? You aren't yourself today. Something's wrong?" 

Nana gave him a forced smile. "No. I'm just tired." It was partly true. She was tired, tired of the drama. 

Kai loosened his grip on her hand and caressed her cheek as he drove. "You have to have enough sleep, Nana. I don't want my girlfriend sick." 


"I'm not your girlfriend, Kai." 

"Yet." Kai gave her a playful smile. 


Kai talked about his annoying friends and school stuffs for the rest of the ride. He had been more talkative than before and Nana was actually liked it. However, it made her sad when she realized she couldn't be his girlfriend anymore and had to finally let him go. If this was the case, she shouldn't give him a second chance. 

On the other hand, Kai enjoyed every moment with her. He learnt many things from her. He didn't feel lonely anymore; event at night Kai would call her until they fell asleep. There was one thing he was longing to say. He wanted to say that he loved her as much as she loved him. He didn't want her to change anything. He didn't demand anything from her to be his ideal type. She was his ideal type. He loved her, sincerely and unconditionally. 

Kai stopped the car in front of Tara's apartment. Before Nana went out, he pulled her in again. He looked down as his nervousness took him on the edge. 


Nana tilted her head but didn't say anything. 

"I..." Kai began. "I..." 

"I what?" 

Damn! Why is this so hard? 

"Ugh." Kai rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "I..." 

"If you hesitate, it's ok. You can tell me later. When you are ready." Nana implied. She had no clue of what he would going to say. "You can say it over the call or message. I have to go now." 

"No! Wait!" Kai pulled her in again. 

I had to do this. Now or never. 

"I..." Kai started again. It seemed the rest of the words stuck inside his throat. "I love puppies." 


Nana looked so confused. She burst into laughter. "Oh, Kai." She patted his shoulder while Kai seemed annoyed. "You have enough puppies in your house. You are funny, Kai." 

With that, Nana got out from his car and entered the apartment. 

Kai slammed his head into the steering wheel. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!" He cursed himself. "That wasn't what I'm going to say. Why was I saying that? You are a stupid man, Kai." 

He rested his head on the steer while regretting the previous incident. He still had no guts to say it. 

"I love you, Nana." 



"Jin? What are you doing in here?" 

"Is Nana here? I need to talk to her." 

Jin looked so tense and serious. He had been thinking about telling her since yesterday and now he would go to tell her. 

Nana came out ten seconds after Tara went to call her. She seemed surprised to see Jin. 

"Jin! Hi!" She greeted. 

Jin smiled at her. 

"What brings you here?" Nana asked. 

"Can we go to somewhere more, um, private? I have something to tell you." 

Nana was clueless. She closed the door and directed Jin to somewhere more private. 

"So what's wrong?" 

Jin looked at her with intense looks. "I have to go." 

She furrowed her brows. "Go? Where?" 

"Somewhere far away from here." 

"For how long?" Nana sensed some tensed feeling. She felt sad when Jin had to go somewhere far. He was her close friend, anyway. Her friend that she could run into whatever her mood was. 

"I may not be coming back to here again, Nana." Jin informed. 

Nana didn't know how should she feel about it. She was sad, of course. Losing a best friend was hurtful too. She took a moment of silence to think. 

Why everyone is leaving me? 

"Nana?" Jin called when Nana didn't give any reaction to his words. "I'm sorry I'm leaving you but I have to go. This is a good opportunity for me to start over a new beginning. I know this sounds ridiculous but I want to tell you that I..." 

"Take me with you." Nana interrupted. Her head hung low. 

"Wh-what?" Jin had to make sure he didn't hear wrongly. 

"I want to go with you to wherever your destination is." 


Heeyy! This is probably the fastest chapter I've written. I hope I don't disappoint you with this one :) 

By the way, as I have said before about exo's oneshot, I just posted one shot about Luhan. Check it out ;) 

This story will end soon :( I really had good time writing this and reading your comments :) Thank you for suporting this story :D :D 

I'm looking forward to see your comments in my other stories too :) :) Don't be shy, ok? HEHEHE




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Pretty good series, but....... I wish it would’ve been Jin .-.
Hermin #2
Chapter 29: A cute story
RoyalCupcake03 #3
Chapter 24: honestly can't they just stab mira and get over with it?
RoyalCupcake03 #4
Chapter 6: every time any of the antagonists' name is Jin, i always imagine seokjin from bts
Chocoholic_Exo-L #5
Chapter 3: I've only read 3 chapters and I already want to stab someone. Sighh
korinna26 #6
Chapter 28: Wow.... Ur story is so amazing ... LOVE IT <3
misinam #7
Chapter 28: I don't if i am really heartless but i still don't prefer kai for her...i can tolerate everthing..wether it is abusing..beating...cursing..not loving...not caring..but i seriously won't tolerate if my boyfriend make out or cheat on me with other girls...i really hate that kind of guy~and the girl is way..way..too nice which also irritates me..i would have like her to have happy ending with other guy~~...

I know i know i am a heartless person but eventhough..its my point of view..
CLTheBestOfTheBest #8
Chapter 15: The best story eveeeeer :)