
Unconditional Love



"Nana? Please, let me explain everything. It's not like what you think." Kai begged in front of her room. His voice was so helpless and sad. "Please..."

"Go away!" Nana said between her sobs.

Kai rested his forehead on the door and squeezed his eyes. He regretted it. He regretted going to the party. He shouldn't have come.

Kai had no clue how could Nana know about it. But now he didn't want to think about that, all he could think was a brief explanation to her. He wasn't sure if he was really drunk or someone tricked him.


Kai felt someone tapped on his shoulder softly. Kai turned around and found Nana's grandmother behind him. She was smiling weakly.

"She needs time. Don't push her." The elder said. "Girls need time alone so come back later when she has calmed down."

Kai mulled over, he wanted to stay but what she said was make sense. Even though how hard he tried to explain it now, Nana still won't believe him. Kai bowed to Nana's grandmother.

"I'll come back later. Thank you." Kai decided to leave her alone first. He sighed as he came out from the house. Kai growled silently. He took his phone out to tell his friends that he was ok but there was an alert for a new email. Kai curiously opened the email. It was the same email which Nana received earlier. Kai covered his opened mouth with his hand. He was sure that Nana received one too so she knew what happened and thought that way.

Kai looked carefully at each of the photos. He wanted to make sure if it was really him. Kai zoomed in the picture to see the woman's face which seemed a bit familiar to him but it was still blurred. Kai regretted for not checking at the woman's face when he woke up.


A few minutes after Kai left, Jin came. Jin needed to make sure Kai wasn't there. Jin knocked on the front door impatiently. He couldn't wait to see how was Nana doing right now. After Nana's grandmother let him in, Jin could hear Nana's crying sound vaguely.

"She didn't want to come out." The old lady informed him. "Nana even told the previous boy to go away harshly. I'm so worried, she never speaks like that."

Jin smiled kindly to her. "Don't worry. She'll be alright."

Jin went to her room and tried to open the door but it locked. He knocked on the door few times.

"Go away." Her voice was stammered and so weak.

"Nana..." Jin called softly. "It's me, Jin." Jin paused to hear her answer but nothing. She didn't reply a word. "I know you are angry, disappointed, depressed and sad and I know you want to be alone right now. I won't beg you to open the door cause you will not open it." Another paused. "I just want to tell you that tomorrow morning, I'll come here to pick you up. I'll bring you to one place. There's someone I want you to meet. And if you are still in your room when I come, I don't have a choice but to break this door."

Jin took a step back and hoped that Nana would open the door. No, the door still closed and locked. Jin knocked again. "You know my number, Nana. Call me if you need something."

Jin waited for another ten minutes. He needed to make sure she didn't try to kill herself. Jin also tried to calm Nana's grandmother down since she was so worried about her granddaughter. Before he left, Jin gave his number to Nana's grandmother. In case anything happened. He a little doubted himself whether he should stay or not.

"Nana?" Jin spoke in front of the door again. "I'll go now. Take care of yourself, Nana. Don't get sick just because of him."


"You're doomed, dude." Tao commented after Kai told his friends what happened. He had a hard time telling what happened to them since he didn't remember clearly.

"She will surely hate you forever." Chen added.

Kai sighed and kept his down in desperation. Even after he told his friends, they didn't know what to say or react.

"I think you've been tricked." Suho spoke. Everyone looked at him with confusion. "Think about it, guys. Kai only drank one glass - or two - and he was drunk already? It's not like him at all. Kai will not get drunk that easily even if the percentage of the alcohol is quiet high, unless..." Suho paused to let them think for a while

"Unless someone put a drug on it." Kai continued. He even didn't remember the bartender's face or the people around him at that time. Kai tried his best to remember it.

"Did you see anything or anyone suspicious?" D.O asked.

Kai shook his head. "I didn't really care about anything or anyone."

They became silent. Kris and Sehun also tried to remember the familiar faces in there but the only person they knew was Jin.

"Could it be Jin who tricked you?" Sehun questioned.

"It's possible but why? What is his motivation? Why would he do that to Kai?" Suho replied. "Kai, did you ever get into a fight or something with him or his men?"

Kai shook his head few times.

"He wants something which belongs to Kai." Kris told them. "What is it, it's still a mystery that we should know as soon as possible so we could give what he wants and then he will leave us for good."

The others nodded and thought what was the possible of Kai's belonging that Jin wants. Money? No, he was pretty rich already. Car? No, he had enough money to buy more expensive car than Kai's. House? Definitely not, he had a huge villa already. So what was it that he wanted so badly until he tricked Kai?

What they didn't know was, it wasn't something. It was someone. Jin wants someone who used to be Kai's.



I didn't plan to update today but I changed my mind ;P Omg! I have the nicest and best readers ever! I'm so touched whenever you comment 'Thx for the update' :'D I feel like you really really like my update :) Thank you XD! You are the best *thumbsup* (Sorry for the short update, though *bow*)

Ah, by the way... The title shows very clear that this is just an assumption about everything in the party. It can be someone else right who tricked Kai? HEHEHE.. it can be Jin also. CURIOUSITY KILLS, i know :D HAHAHAHA. I will give a bit sprinkles to this story *evillaugh* but I bet most of you will know who tricked Kai sooner or later even before the person reveals it. 

ok. I'm done here. Thank you so so so much for reading my story :) See you in the next chapter :D 

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Pretty good series, but....... I wish it would’ve been Jin .-.
Hermin #2
Chapter 29: A cute story
RoyalCupcake03 #3
Chapter 24: honestly can't they just stab mira and get over with it?
RoyalCupcake03 #4
Chapter 6: every time any of the antagonists' name is Jin, i always imagine seokjin from bts
Chocoholic_Exo-L #5
Chapter 3: I've only read 3 chapters and I already want to stab someone. Sighh
korinna26 #6
Chapter 28: Wow.... Ur story is so amazing ... LOVE IT <3
misinam #7
Chapter 28: I don't if i am really heartless but i still don't prefer kai for her...i can tolerate everthing..wether it is abusing..beating...cursing..not loving...not caring..but i seriously won't tolerate if my boyfriend make out or cheat on me with other girls...i really hate that kind of guy~and the girl is way..way..too nice which also irritates me..i would have like her to have happy ending with other guy~~...

I know i know i am a heartless person but eventhough..its my point of view..
CLTheBestOfTheBest #8
Chapter 15: The best story eveeeeer :)