
Unconditional Love



Tara and Jin never left Nana alone. They took turns to stay beside her and sometimes both of them were there. Nana stopped going to school and also preferred sleeping in the hospital. Kai visited her everyday but often she ignored his presence.

"You can't just drop out from school like that, Nana." Tara commented after Nana stated that she would like to drop out from school since it would so hard for her to keep up and also to pay the school fee. "You can do this, Nana. Don't let one thing ruin everything."

Nana kept shut. She looked at her grandmother who was still lying unconsciously on the bed. Beside the bed, there were some medical appliances, which helped her grandmother to breathe normally and inhale as much oxygen as needed.

"If you are afraid about the money, don't worry about it. I will help you with that." Jin added.

Sure he would. "No, I don't want you to spend a cent for me." Nana refused. To be honest, Nana had some financial crisis. She also stopped working which meant there was no income. Nana gathered all of her money to pay the hospital fee but still it wasn't enough.

Kai was aware of this and he secretly helped Nana. To make it not too obvious, Kai paid half of the hospital fee so Nana would only pay the other half. It was the least he could do to help her.


"Oh! Jin is Sanghyun's brother? They look different, though." Tara spoke when the girls talked about Jin.

Tara was also a good friend of Sanghyun. They dated once but it lasted for only about three months because Tara realized that their relationship was better as friends only.

When Tara encountered with Jin for the first time, she knew Jin cared so much about Nana. In her little mind, she often compared Jin and Kai. Who was better for Nana. Sometimes, Tara would go with Jin but sometimes Tara felt Kai was much better than Jin.

"Yeah." Nana replied with her low voice. "They look different but they have a good relationship with each other."

"Nana? Can I ask you something?" Tara hesitated. Nana turned to face her best friend who sat beside her on the couch. "Do you like Jin? Not as a friend but as a...guy." Tara wasn't blind. She could see how Nana looked at Jin, how Nana reacted if Jin was coming and how Nana acted around him. Maybe, just maybe, Nana had fallen in love with Jin.


Day by day, Kai had been searching some information about Jin and also Sanghyun. It surprised him a lot when Kai found out that Sanghyun was Nana's old friend. This made him had a thought that Sanghyun was also a part of this. It wasn't very easy to find Jin's real address however it was quite easy to find Sanghyun's address since he was more open and sociable.

He went right away to Sanghyun's house (or apartment) after he knew the address. Kai hoped Sanghyun could cooperate with him to give him Jin's house address or anything about him.

"Kai!" Sanghyun was surprised to see him. "What are you doing in here? And how do you know my apartment?"

Kai kept his cold stares. "It doesn't important. I want you to give me some information."

Sanghyun raised a brow. "Go on."

"Where's Jin's house?" Kai asked.

Sanghyun blinked few times. He knew that both Kai and his brother didn't really like each other that much. "What for?" It seemed Kai had a serious business with Jin just by hearing his voice.

"Just tell me. I have some unfinished business with him." Kai demanded.

"You should probably ask him. It's between you and him, right?" Sanghyun was about to close the door but Kai's hand stopped it.

"It's about Nana." Kai told him.

Sanghyun became aware and on guard.

"I know you know her, Sanghyun." Kai said. His hand still on the door. "Please, I need to talk to Jin. You don't want Nana to be in danger, do you?"

Sanghyun knew everything actually. He knew about Nana's grandmother's accident and everything. Sanghyun knew about his brother's affection towards Nana and he respected him. He also knew about Nana's feeling towards Kai and he could say that Nana loved him so much.

Many people had mistaken his brother as a bad person with an illegal job. Sanghyun knew his brother so well and he wouldn't let anyone to make his brother suffer.

"Please." Kai begged with softer and pleading voice.

Sanghyun sighed. He would definitely regret this. "I can't give you his address but I can give you his warehouse address. He often goes there."


About an hour or more after Kai left, Sanghyun got another visitor. He wasn't that surprised with his visitor yet he knew the person would eventually come.

"What brings you here?"

The visitor shrugged. "Is that how you greet your friend?"

Sanghyun rolled his eyes. "You're not my friend, never will be."

"That hurts, Sanghyun."

Sanghyun stood still and gave his serious look. "Don't hurt her. You're being irrational. Do you know that? It's not her fault at all."

The visitor gave a sarcastic laugh. "Why do you always on her side? The three of you, really. Why? I don't understand. You, Jin and Kai seemed so attached to her as if she's the only girl in the world. You guys are so blind, I guess."

"It's better than to be attached with you. I made a good decision back then." Sanghyun replied.

The visitor smirked. "And a bad decision too." They stared at each other for a moment. "I won't stop until she suffers. Tell that to your brother and Kai."

Sanghyun twitched his brows. "You're being ridiculous right now. She suffers enough! Can't you see? And for the record, it's not her fault at all. She hasn't done anything to you from junior high until now. You are just jealous." Sanghyun lost his patience.

"Not enough. I don't care, Sanghyun. I'm done torturing her when I say I'm done." The visitor then left him. 


There are so many things happening in this chapter. If you read all the chapters carefully, I always gave few 'hints' or 'clue' (for example: "Kai's eyes then looked at the rearview of his car and he seemed anxious about something." [Chapter 11] and that was for the last chapter when Kai noticed that he had been followed by someone who he thought it might be one of Jin's men) 

Some of you are team Jin and some are team Kai. Tbh, I don't know where I stand OTL. I love both of them -___- so it's hard for me to choose. BTW, Jin is NOT a bad guy. 

I will try my best to find time to update this story :) Hopefully I can update. This is my last update for this week :'( I will miss updating this story. 

Am I a bad person? Leaving you with unanswered questions :

1) Who tricked Kai?and why? 2) Who hit Nana's grandmother? 3) What will Kai do with Jin? 4) Does Nana like Jin in a special way? 5) Who is the visitor? 6) Will Kai and Nana get back together? 7) Will Nana give a chance for Kai to explain? AND 8)What will happen next? 

Tell me what's on your mind, ok? ;D



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Pretty good series, but....... I wish it would’ve been Jin .-.
Hermin #2
Chapter 29: A cute story
RoyalCupcake03 #3
Chapter 24: honestly can't they just stab mira and get over with it?
RoyalCupcake03 #4
Chapter 6: every time any of the antagonists' name is Jin, i always imagine seokjin from bts
Chocoholic_Exo-L #5
Chapter 3: I've only read 3 chapters and I already want to stab someone. Sighh
korinna26 #6
Chapter 28: Wow.... Ur story is so amazing ... LOVE IT <3
misinam #7
Chapter 28: I don't if i am really heartless but i still don't prefer kai for her...i can tolerate everthing..wether it is abusing..beating...cursing..not loving...not caring..but i seriously won't tolerate if my boyfriend make out or cheat on me with other girls...i really hate that kind of guy~and the girl is way..way..too nice which also irritates me..i would have like her to have happy ending with other guy~~...

I know i know i am a heartless person but eventhough..its my point of view..
CLTheBestOfTheBest #8
Chapter 15: The best story eveeeeer :)