The End

Revenge of School Hopeful

Clock ticking and time passes by, but the three of them, Wonshik, Sanghyuk and Hongbin, they weren't back yet.


Jaehwan and Taekwoon was starting to get worried, afraid that they might not be able to get back on time to see Hakyeon's eyes open for the last time.


"Since I have time, I want to write letters for all of you before I leave."

Hakyeon spoke, trying to sound as cheerful as possible even though he wasn't a single bit happy on the inside.


Taekwoon then took a few pieces of paper and a pen and handed it over to Hakyeon.



Hakyeon brightly smiled, Taekwoon flashing a smile back.


He then stood beside Jaehwan again and held onto his hand, trying to calm down his dead worried boyfriend. But Jaehwan didn't know how Taekwoon knew what he was feeling at the moment, because he was sure he didn't make it look obvious.


They then decided to take a seat as they waited for Hakyeon to slowly write all his letters for the four of them.


"What's taking them so long? It isn't that hard to flag a cab..."

Jaehwan whispered to Taekwoon, softly sighing afterwards.


Taekwoon then held onto Jaehwan's hand once again and gently pecked his cheek.


"They'll be back soon. Don't think too much about it."

Jaehwan looked back at him and flashed a tiny smile.


"...I'll try."

He softly replied.


There was silence for awhile before it got cut off by Hakyeon's vigorous coughing, which scared Taekwoon and Jaehwan. They both immediately got up from their seats and walked to him.


"Are you okay?"

Taekwoon asked worriedly, gently patting Hakyeon's back.


Hakyeon gently placed the pen and paper down, covering his mouth with his hand.


"I-I'm fine..."

He removed his hands and faked a smile to Jaehwan and Taekwoon.


He then covered his mouth and coughed aggressively once again, this time feeling liquid on his palm. He slowly pulled away and his eyes widened.


"We have to call the doctor."

Taekwoon turned, but got stopped by Hakyeon, who grabbed his wrist with his clean hand.


"D-Don't...I'm going to die no matter what anyway..."

He looked at Taekwoon and faked a smile.


"I'm going to the bathroom to wash up."

He softly spoke. He then got out of the bed, but his legs wobbled so badly that he couldn't balance, causing him to fall on the ground.



Jaehwan shouted, immediately going over to help him but Hakyeon forcefully shoved Jaehwan away and burst into tears, tightly clutching onto his own pants, staining them with the blood on his palms by accident.


Taekwoon caught Jaehwan from behind and they both stood at their spots helplessly.



Hakyeon softly called, Taekwoon crouching down to meet his eye level.


"...Carry me back to the bed."

Taekwoon immediately obeyed and carried Hakyeon up in bridal style, gently placing him back down on the bed.


He then grabbed a tissue and cleaned up the blood on Hakyeon's palm and mouth.


Jaehwan stood there, honestly feeling abit hurt. Because Hakyeon pushed him away but spoke nicely to Taekwoon. But he thought that maybe it was fine, Taekwoon was Hakyeon's best friend while Jaehwan was just a normal friend.


Hakyeon sank down on the mattress and gently held onto both Taekwoon and Jaehwan's hands.


"Thank you for staying with me till the very end..."

He softly mumbled, loud enough for them to hear.


Taekwoon then looked at the clock and sighed.




"So, this is the end already, huh..."

Hakyeon smiled and closed his eyes.


The doors then slammed open, the three of them finally back.


The both of them let go of Hakyeon and took a few steps back.


Wonshik immediately rushed to Hakyeon and sat on the chair beside, grabbing onto Hakyeon's hand and resting his forehead on the back of Hakyeon's hand.



Hakyeon called his name for the last time.


"I love you, Cha Hakyeon. I'll always love you...Please don't ever forget me. Don't leave me..."

Wonshik spoke, tears rolling down his cheek.


Hakyeon then held onto Sanghyuk's hand as well.


"I'll never forget you guys. All of you."

He slowly closed his eyes, lips curling up to a smile.


"I love you, Kim Wonshik."

His smile faded away and his hands slipped off from Wonshik and Sanghyuk's grip.


Jaehwan immediately gasped and hugged Taekwoon tightly.



Wonshik called, but received no reply. He stood up from his seat and gently held onto Hakyeon's hand, interlacing their fingers together, before a sharp beep came off from the monitor...


"Hakyeon hyung...Hakyeonnie hyung!"

Sanghyuk shouted his name the last time before he broke down, falling onto the ground, unable to take the pain growing in his heart.


"Hakyeon ah... Don't play around with me... Wake up! Hakyeon! Cha Hakyeon! Hakyeon-"


"Wonshik! Enough! Hakyeon won't wake up anymore!"

Taekwoon screamed at him as his tears started falling uncontrollably.


Wonshik plopped back down on his seat and gently kissed the back of Hakyeon's hand, lips continued staying there as tears started to slowly wet Hakyeon's hand... He didn't want to let go of his lover's hand, because he would never be able to feel the warmth of it anymore. 


Hakyeon's hands were slowly starting to turn cold as ice...


Wonshik's tears just continuously flowed. He didn't know what to do anymore. He felt so empty without Hakyeon's constant chit chatting and nagging. 


He was already starting to miss it. 


How much he made Hakyeon cry previously, how he neglected him sometimes, it all starting sinking in as he filled himself with regrets.


The room was just filled with sounds of sobbing and crying, even Hongbin didn't know what to do. 


Everything was his fault, yet he couldn't change anything... 




"Honestly, the 4 of us already seen his death coming way before he knew it himself... His death has no actual health reason behind, but it was a supernatural case."

Taekwoon spoke during Hakyeon's funeral, standing on the podium in front of the crowd who were sobbing.


"Hakyeon was my best friend, and he still is. He was always there to nag, to care, and to participate in every conversation. He was highly respected in school, he was an ace. The leader of the other 4 of us... We valued him as much as a family member... I remember the first time I met him, he was smiling brightly at me, although I was as cold as ice. He welcomed me brightly. I remember how he always says that I'm too quiet and how he always annoys me and sticks to me no matter how much hate I try to show him. Hakyeon, truly, deeply, I love you like my brother, and I hope you can hear me... Rest In Peace. I will pass the next speech to someone Hakyeon valued more than anyone else. Kim Wonshik."


Wonshik cleared his throat, before adjusting the microphone and started speaking.


"For the past years, Hakyeon was the one who was there for me all along. We were judged strongly sometimes for being a couple against mother nature, but we got through every obstacle together. I remember my first time realising that Hakyeon hyung was probably the saddest person on earth who seems to be the happiest around everyone. I remember the very first time I saw him cry, which was when he told me he was stressed out and he felt like dying, and he didn't know why. He is the probably the bravest guy you can find on earth. Not brave in a sense whereby he can face wild animals or take scary rides, but brave whereby he gives a lot more than he receives. He was always giving joy, giving love to everyone, but never loved himself as much as he loved everyone else, and was never as happy as everyone thought. I remember I saw him cut himself due to certain issues he couldn't get over. From there, I saw what kind of treasure he was. He was more than gold, more than diamond. He was beyond everything in the world. It isn't easy to give. We are all humans and we all know how selfish humans can be, but he was one of a kind. He was never selfish. He was even trying to force us to go for auditions just to save the school from closing down.. We only accomplished that yesterday... Everyone has to love this angel... And I love him for all reasons in the world, whether positive or negative... And I hope the sincere love that he gave us when he was still here, could be returned, here and now... Rest In Peace, my love..."

Wonshik let his tears fall as he bowed, stepping down of the podium.




Wonshik made his way to N's grave, bending down and gently placing down a bouquet of flowers infront of it.


"We did it, Yeonnie. We passed the audition, all of us."

He sat down on the grass and crossed his legs.


"If only you were here with us. I bet you would be jumping in joy."

He said, letting out a soft chuckle.


"I gave myself the name Ravi. It sounds cool, isn't it?"

He smiled. 


He then hung his head and felt tears rolling down his cheeks.


He missed Hakyeon. He missed his face, his voice, his touch, everything. He missed every single thing of his lover, Cha Hakyeon.


"I miss you so much Hakyeon...I really...really...miss you so much..."

He burst into tears and covered his face with his palms.


Nobody could heal the pain in his heart, not even Sanghyuk, because he was also as broken as Wonshik was.


He knew that Hakyeon didn't want to see them like this, but he just couldn't control himself. 


He had never missed someone this badly in his entire life.


"I want you to come back. I want you to nag at me like you always do. I want you to panic when I'm not there for you. I want you to be in my arms, safe and sound. I want to protect you for the rest of my life."


"...I love you, Cha Hakyeon."


He felt a pair of cold arms wrapping around his waist. He felt a cold presence on his back, but it was a comfortable coldness mixed with a warmth he was familiar with. He bit his bottom lip and cried even harder. 


This can't be true.


"I love you too, Kim Wonshik."




Today, we are all standing on the same stage, and we are VIXX. Voice, Visual, and Value in Excelsis. 


"Thank you my Starlights for giving us this award. We love you guys. Thank you so much. And...To an old friend, Cha Hakyeon, I hope you can see us from up there...We made it, hyung. We got first place. Thank you hyung! VIXX will continue to strive! Thank you everyone!"

Wonshik rose the trophy up high, smiling as tears rolled down his cheeks. 


They were all renamed. 


Sanghyuk was Hyuk. Taekwoon was Leo. Jaehwan was Ken. And Wonshik was Ravi. While an invisible member that only the members can see, is still Hongbin.


They were a family. 


Whether Hongbin was human or not, they were still one. 


And Hakyeon, was definitely part of them. In their hearts. 






"Real V! V.I.X.X VIXX imnida!"




Finally done with my best ever written story! :3 baek_exoloves helped to write I guess you can say 1/4 or maybe more of this chapter? ^.^ And I want to thank her for that because she helped to make the end more depressing I guess ahahah


Hope you enjoyed this story from the start until the end ^^ Thank you very much for your love and support for this story!



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Chapter 57: Ahhh ~ I was expecting for a "YAH WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" Hakyeon. Too bad it really ended w Hakyeon passing away. Anyway, I love the story! Daebak author-nim!
Chapter 22: I feel like this fan fiction is going in the direction of 'and then they made a boy band with ghost hongbin and lived happily ever after. And that is the story of why hongbins so flawless'
JhoyWu #3
Chapter 12: Leo is jealous omg my feelssssss!
Minwoo95 #4
Chapter 57: Im crying so hard
Chapter 57: Authornim. How could you do this to meeeee. Ilove Hakyeon a lot yet you made him dead huaaaa. Poor Hakyeon. He was the one who had to suffer this too much whereas it was Taekwoon's fault in the first place... btw good job authornim! I really love your story!!! Fighting for yor new story in the future!!!!
Kpopfanfan_elf #6
Chapter 57: A sequel would be grate where hakyeon is back as a ghost like kong !!
Kpopfanfan_elf #7
Chapter 57: Omg *crying* the ending is so sad
Chapter 22: To answer your Ques : If you were to date a member from VIXX, who would it be and why will you choose him? KEN because altho he is cute an funny, I think I see him as a serious type, a gentalman.. And I think it would be romantic
anel1234 #9
Chapter 57: ohh my good this is amazing i really felt like crying!!
but i cant cuz im at the school (∩_∩) but fightingg!!! amazingg fanfic!!!
JongBinShipper #10
Chapter 57: I miss this already :( I imagined this as a real drama and now I really want it to become one. If you were in my Creative Writing class, you might win a contest with this story while I'll just be on the side fangirling. I WANT A SEQUAL :')