
Revenge of School Hopeful

"W-Wonshik...I really don't want to die. I'm scared."

Hakyeon hugged Wonshik's waist tightly and closed his eyes to calm himself down.


"You shouldn't have told him that, Hongbin."

Wonshik softly spoke as he looked at Hongbin while lightly patting Hakyeon's back.


"Then when am I supposed to tell him? After he dies?"

Hongbin harshly replied back and immediately apologised for his rude manners.


"D-Don't worry hyung. I'll stay with you."

He looked at Hakyeon and slightly smiled, not knowing whether it should be good news or bad news to Hakyeon.


"Thank you."

Hakyeon held his hand and chuckled.


"Ah! How do you make yourself visible to people? Like us?"

He immediately asked, not knowing that he sounded like a fool for doing that.


"I'll tell you when the time comes."

He pouted and softly muttered an 'okay'.


"Jagiya, don't worry. I'll stay by your side no matter what."

Wonshik sat beside Hakyeon and held onto his hand tightly.


He then leaned forward and gently kissed Hakyeon's lips.


"Why must I always see this?"

Sanghyuk said as he groaned and turned around.


Hongbin then looked at the time on the clock again.


'4.00 p.m.'


"Exactly 3 hours and 30 minutes..." Hongbin whispered to himself.


"What was that again?" 

Sanghyuk asked as he heard a inaudible whisper from Hongbin.



Hongbin looked away and bit his bottom lip nervously. He knows that 3 hours is really short, and all these conversations are going nowhere.


"Hakyeon hyung."

He said as he looked at Hakyeon, who immediately looked at Hongbin in shock.



Hakyeon asked as he slightly smiled at Hongbin.


"Is there...any wishes you want to fulfill before you...you know?"

His smile faded away as he thought of it carefully.


"...I've always wanted all of us to become idols. Even though the school is back to normal, I want all of us to fulfill our wishes of being on stage together. But since I'm already dying soon...I just wish to see the four of them standing on stage and performing together as a group."

Jaehwan immediately turned and looked at Taekwoon, since he was the only person left who was yet to sign the audition papers.


"Everyone has signed the papers already...except for Taekwoon hyung."

Everyone then turned to look at Taekwoon as well.


"...Fine. But the audition paper is in the dorm right now."

Jaehwan stood up from his seat and grabbed Taekwoon's wrist.


"Then let's go get it before it's too late!"

Before Taekwoon could even say anything, Jaehwan dragged him out of the ward and rushed towards the entrance.


"Yah! It's not like he's dying in 5 minutes!"

Taekwoon shouted as he pulled Jaehwan to stop him.


"But you'll never know when he might just, you know."

He sighed and brisk walked with Jaehwan.


They then flagged for a taxi and got inside.


"I'm tired after running."

Jaehwan said as he leaned back on the seat and closed his eyes.


"Go to sleep then. I'll wake you up when we're there."

His head slowly leaned to the side till it was rested on Taekwoon's shoulder.


After awhile, Jaehwan fell asleep while Taekwoon kept still at his spot and looked out of the window.


He still couldn't believe that his best friend was going to die right in front of his eyes. He felt guilty that he treated Hakyeon like a best friend but yet he didn't spend any time together with him.


He actually planned to sign the audition papers at the end of the year, but if Hakyeon wanted it now, then why not. It was his last wish for everyone, even though he wouldn't be able to stand on stage with them.



Jaehwan softly called as Taekwoon immediately turned to look at him.


"We're here already. You're looking out of the window and yet you don't know."

He sighed as he paid the money and got out of the taxi with Taekwoon.


"Sorry. I was daydreaming."

Taekwoon softly said and sighed as they both walked back into the school.


"I feel great! There's classes but we don't have to attend~"

Jaehwan chuckled and ran around in circles.


"Yah. We still have to climb the stairs."

Taekwoon immediately dragged Jaehwan by his shirt and stopped him.


"Don't pull my shirt! I haven't exercised for a long time!"

He let go of Jaehwan and chuckled at his sentence.


"Let's hurry up."

Jaehwan said as he grabbed Taekwoon's hand and started running again.


"This kid..."

Taekwoon softly muttered to himself as he slightly smiled.


Sometimes he always wondered to himself whether he was dating a man or a little boy. 


He then unlocked the door to their dorm room and Jaehwan immediately ran towards the computer desk.


"It's here!"

Jaehwan shouted as he took the audition paper and grabbed a pen as well.


"Let's go!"

He excitedly jumped as he made his way towards the door.


"B-But I have to si-"


"We can do that at the hospital."

He folded the paper into a small square and shoved it into his pocket along with the pen.


Taekwoon sighed and walked out of the room as well, locking the door and walked beside Jaehwan afterwards.


When the reached the first level, Jaehwan suddenly fastened his pace, causing Taekwoon to immediately chased after him.


"Yah, stop walking so fast. What is wrong with you?"

Taekwoon slightly raised his voice as he grabbed Jaehwan's wrist.


"I just want to get to the hospital faster."

Jaehwan said as he chuckled and stuck out his tongue at Taekwoon.


They both then walked out of the front gate with Taekwoon still holding onto Jaehwan. Taekwoon flagged a cab and entered it with Jaehwan.


The atmosphere then grew quiet for awhile before Jaehwan scooted closer to Taekwoon and held his hand, interlacing their fingers together.


"What would you do...If I was in Hakyeon's place instead?"

He softly asked as he looked at Taekwoon, who was looking out of the window watching the scenery.


"I...I don't know...My heart would just crush into pieces everytime I see you lying on the bed..."

Taekwoon softly said as he turned to look at Jaehwan.


"And I wouldn't be able to find someone as perfect as you anymore."

He gently pecked the back of Jaehwan's hand and smiled at him.


"Since when were you like this?"

Jaehwan blushed and smiled as he lightly smacked Taekwoon's arm.


"Ever since the day I met you."

Taekwoon hugged Jaehwan's waist and dragged him closer.


"You liar. You always bully me everytime I try to get closer to you last time."

He chuckled in embarrassment and ruffled Jaehwan's hair.


"We've reached."

He said as he let go of Jaehwan and got out of the taxi with him after paying the fare.


"I can't believe I'm signing the audition papers now..."

He softly said as he interlaced his fingers with Jaehwan and sighed.


"But I'm doing it for Hakyeon's last wish... So I can't object to that."

He hung his head and faked a smile.


"If we pass, then we'll both be able to sing together. Isn't that great?"

Jaehwan excitedly said as he looked at Taekwoon with a huge grin on his face.


Taekwoon looked at Jaehwan and slightly smiled.



He opened the door and entered the ward room.


"We're back!"

Jaehwan said as he brightly smiled to everyone.


He then let go of Taekwoon's hand and took out the audition papers from his pocket.


"We just need you to sign it and we'll send all of it over to the company, hyung."

Wonshik said as he looked at Taekwoon and smiled.


Soon, Taekwoon realised that all of their eyes were on him.



He softly spoke as he grabbed the paper and pen from Jaehwan and wrote all of his information down.


Awhile later, he was finally done.


He sighed and handed the paper over to Wonshik.


"Go send it!"

Hakyeon excitedly said as he clasped his hands and looked at Wonshik.


Wonshik was hesitant to go, because Hakyeon wouldn't be able to be with them. But since it was Hakyeon's last wish, he couldn't decline his request.


"I'll be going now..."

He softly said as he faked a smile to Hakyeon and left the room.


"I wanna follow!"

Sanghyuk shouted and ran out as well.


"Me too."

Hongbin softly said and disappeared before Hakyeon could even say anything.


Hakyeon then looked at Jaehwan and Taekwoon and smiled at them.


"It's been a long time since we've talked to each other."

He said as he softly sighed afterwards.


"Taekwoon ah."

He softly called as he looked at Taekwoon.


"I'm sorry for everything I've said earlier on. It's not that I don't trust you, it's because I know you're stressed and you always hate to be in-charge, so I thought that maybe you wouldn't feel even more troubled if I gave the position to Wonshik."

Taekwoon stared back at him for awhile before he slightly smiled.


"It's okay."

He softly said and hung his head.


He then looked up at the clock.


'5.45 pm'

He sighed and rested his head on Jaehwan's shoulder.


He hoped that Wonshik, Hongbin and Sanghyuk would be able to get back to the hospital in time.


"I feel alittle tired..."

Hakyeon softly said.


Taekwoon then shot up from his seat and dashed towards Hakyeon.


"You can't sleep now!"

He shouted, not realising that he might have raised his voice too much.



He softly apologised as Hakyeon stared at him in shock.


Hakyeon had never heard Taekwoon shouting that loud in his entire life before.


"Hongbin said that you're going to die at 7.30. I don't you to waste your last moment sleeping."

Taekwoon softly said, still embarrassed from what happened earlier on.


Luckily the others weren't here, or else he would have crawled to the corner of the room.


"What else can I do? It's boring."

Hakyeon whined as he folded his arms like a little child.


Jaehwan then stood up as well and stood beside Taekwoon.


"You're lying here but yet you're still acting like a little child."

Taekwoon said and chuckled.


"Then you tell me what I should do!"

Hakyeon slightly raised his voice and rested his head on the pillow.


"Chat with us? I guess that's the only thing we can do."

Jaehwan suggested, receiving stares from Hakyeon and Taekwoon.


Hakyeon then nodded at his suggestion and smiled at them.


"How's your relationship?"

He asked in a bright tone.


"It's always his fault."

Jaehwan pointed at Taekwoon and stuck out his tongue at him.


"Yah! You-"

Taekwoon was interrupted by an upset voice.


"Don't quarrel! You guys better cherish each other while you can! Look at me. I have less than 2 hours more with all of you... If you guys want to turn out like me, regretting while I'm lying on the bed I'll die on, then go on, quarrel."

Hakyeon's tone was firm and strict.


He was trying to act happy, but seeing his friends nonsensically shouting at each other, not knowing the importance of each other, made him upset even more. He was trying his best to hide his pain, his fear of dying, and how regretful he feels for not having done much for Wonshik as a boyfriend... 


Taekwoon and Jaehwan then got quiet, hanging their heads after hearing everything Hakyeon said.


"Do you know how much I regret not treating Wonshik better, and always pushing him away in the past?" 

Hakyeon asked as a tear finally rolled down his cheek.


"H-Hakyeon hyung, we should stop talking about it anymore..."

Jaehwan softly said.


"Stop talking about it? If I don't talk about my problems now I will never be able to anymore!"

Hakyeon yelled.


Taekwoon grabbed onto Jaehwan's wrist and took a few steps back with him.


"Okay. Then say all you want now."

He softly said, receiving a slight shocked look from Jaehwan.


"Just let him."

He whispered to Jaehwan and interlaced their fingers together.


"If only...If only I had more time to spend with Wonshik...He's the only person who came into my life and made me become someone...someone I never knew existed in me. If he wasn't there for me, I guess I would have already been dead. Everytime I see his face, he made me forget about everything just for awhile. He helped me to find hope in myself again. He made me forget about the problems I was facing."

The both of them quietly listened to Hakyeon and stoned at their spots. They felt like laughing because Hakyeon was alittle too dramatic, but they knew that they shouldn't be laughing at him at this time.


Hakyeon wiped his tears away and chuckled in embarrassment.


"Hey...What about you guys? What do you both mean to each other?"

He asked, faking a smile to Jaehwan and Taekwoon. All he wished for now...was just to see everyone happy before he leave. He didn't want to see everyone arguing infront of him.



Taekwoon softly said, turning to Jaehwan to look at him. 


"He means everything to me. And I don't know what I'm gonna do if I ever lose him like how Wonshik is losing you."

He hugged Jaehwan's waist and smiled at him.


"I'm grateful to have Taekwoon hyung because he's the only person I can be the most annoying to!"

Jaehwan cutely chuckled and wrapped his arms around Taekwoon's neck.


"There's many other more things, but I know that Taekwoon will be able to figure them out on his own."

He looked at Taekwoon and gently pecked his lips.



N covered his eyes with his hands and chuckled, removing them afterwards.


He then sweetly smiled at them. He honestly felt jealous of them. How they were acting so sweet and loving to each other....It remind him of him and Wonshik.


He wondered how Wonshik would do without when he leaves. He wondered if Wonshik would just find another woman and treat him like he never existed before. He wondered if Wonshik would forget him.


"It's 6p.m already..."

Taekwoon softly said, everyone turning to look at the clock.


"I hope they'll be back before my time ends."

Hakyeon softly said, faking a smile to both of them.


"Hyung...I'm sure they will."

Jaehwan replied, smiling back to him.


He then softly sighed and looked at Taekwoon.


"You idiot."

He whispered, gaining a glare from Taekwoon.


"You i-"


"Yah, what did I say?"

Hakyeon spoke in his ahjumma voice, staring at the both of them.


Taekwoon then wrapped an arm over Jaehwan's waist and leaned his head on Jaehwan's.


"You can't blame us either, Hakyeon hyung. We find it normal for both of us to argue with each other. Maybe that's one of our ways of affection."

He said, softly chuckling as he planted feather-like kisses on Jaehwan's head. Jaehwan then softly giggled from the ticklish feeling he felt on his head, resting his head on Taekwoon's shoulder.


They both then halted their actions and turned to look at Hakyeon, who haven't spoken a word.


"Whatever, lovebirds."

Hakyeon finally said, rolling his eyes and softly chuckling at how cute they both were together. 


He had to admit, he was alittle shocked at how affectionate Taekwoon was towards Jaehwan. Taekwoon always told Hakyeon how much he hated skinship and how he felt that it was disgusting.


But it seems like Jaehwan had changed his point of view on skinship. And maybe love too.


"Taekwoon ah, I'm really suprised by the big changes."

He folded his arms and chuckled at Taekwoon, who didn't really seem to understand what he meant.


"'I will never kiss my lover like that' 'I will never date a man' 'Holding hands and kissing is just so disgusting'"

Hakyeon imitated those words Taekwoon said to him last time. He then chuckled afterwards, gaining a death glare from Taekwoon.


Taekwoon then turned his head, expression immediately changing as he pulled Jaehwan closer and buried his face on Jaehwan's neck, inhaling the sweet scent of him.


"But now I understand why couples love to show affection to each other."

He replied Hakyeon, gently planting a kiss on Jaehwan's neck that sent shivers down Jaehwan's spine.


"Oh, go get a room."

Hakyeon complained, smiling afterwards.


If only he could act that way with Wonshik. But sadly, he couldn't. He could only just imagine, but couldn't bring them to reality.


He then shifted himself, body now sinking into the soft mattress as he covered his body with the blanket.


"Do whatever you want. I want to sleep. Wake me up at 6.30."

He yawned and closed his eyes, soon drifting to his dreamland.


Taekwoon and Jaehwan then looked at Hakyeon for awhile before checking the time on the clock.




"15 minutes...What are we going to do?"

Taekwoon asked, wrapping his arms tightly around Jaehwan's waist.


Jaehwan then turned to face Taekwoon, hands resting on his chest since he was unsure of where to put them.


"I'm worried."

He softly spoke, eyes facing down as he didn't want any eye contact with Taekwoon.


"Don't worry. Hongbin said that he will take care of Hakyeon. I know he won't lie."

Taekwoon pulled Jaehwan closer, resting their foreheads against each other, nose lightly touching.


Jaehwan finally got himself to look at Taekwoon, eyes meeting each other's immediately. He then let out a slight smile, realising that he was the only who can make Taekwoon turn all cheesy and sweet.


There was a moment of silence, where they both just looked into each other's eyes, not speaking a single word. They actually enjoyed this moment, but they didn't exactly know why either.


Taekwoon liked how he had to slightly looked down, since Jaehwan was just alittle bit shorter than him. He liked how small and cute Jaehwan looked. He liked the way Jaehwan smiles or laughs. To explain it in a simpler way, he liked everything about Jaehwan.


"You're so adorable. Even when you're mad."

He softly whispered, smiling.


"I know."

Jaehwan replied, giggling. He then felt the arms around his waist growing tighter.


"Yah, are you trying to kill me?"

He lightly snacked Taekwoon's chest and chuckled.


"No. But if I hold you too loosely, you'll slip away from me."

Taekwoon slightly tilted his head, pulling them closer until their lips gently touched.


Jaehwan's eyes widened, even though he had probably expected this to happen. He soon got used to the feeling, eyes closing without realising it himself. When pulled closer for a deeper kiss, he could feel the sides of Taekwoon's lips curling up to a smile.


He didn't exactly know how long the kiss lasted, but when they both pulled away, he was gasping for air.


He then sweetly smiled, fingers tracing shapes on Taekwoon's chest.


"I didn't know you were so good at this, Taekwoon hyung."

He softly whispered, giggling.


"But I have to cut this moment. This isn't the time for the mood."

He pulled Taekwoon's hands away and smiled, walking towards the chairs and settling down on one..


"We're together now. You can cut the hyung away next time."

Taekwoon said, sitting beside Jaehwan.


"Okay, Taekwoonie."

Jaehwan playfully stuck out his tongue.


He then leaned closer and pecked Taekwoon's cheek, incase he was angry.


"I like it."

Taekwoon looked at him, sweetly smiling.


"You guys are just...urgh."

They both turned their heads.


"H-Hyung! I thought you were asleep..."

Jaehwan said, cheeks flushing red immediately.


"How can I sleep when you guys are being so noisy?"

Hakyeon spoke, smirking at them.


"Oh well, I'll pretend I saw nothing."

He softly chuckled and closed his eyes.


Taekwoon and Jaehwan then turned to look at each other again, somehow finding themselves giggling for no apparent reason.




"Hyung hyung!"

Hakyeon opened his eyes to see Jaehwan jumping around, most likely calling for him to wake up.


"Hyung hyu-"


"Alright already. I'm awake now."

He replied, slightly annoyed.


"They aren't back yet."

Taekwoon softly said, Hakyeon immediately understanding who he was referring to.


Hakyeon sat up from the bed and faked a smile.


"It's a long trip to get there. But I know they'll come back. It's still early, right?"

He looked at Taekwoon and Jaehwan, who didn't have a smile on their face like earlier on.


"...It's already 7, hyung."


"Yah, didn't I-"


"I know...We know. But we just wanted to let you sleep for awhile. Sorry."

He sighed and leaned back on the soft pillow.


"Nevermind. We'll wait. I know they'll be back."



Hi guys! Sorry for not posting for a month.

I hope it's long enough for you guys! heheh

All I can tell guys is...I'm busy ^^"

I'm currently working on four or maybe five stories now so...yeah

I'm taking a bloody hell long time to edit this ony my laptop because it's lagging idek why tho my internet is working fine and my other tabs aren't even lagging -_-




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Chapter 57: Ahhh ~ I was expecting for a "YAH WHY ARE YOU CRYING?!" Hakyeon. Too bad it really ended w Hakyeon passing away. Anyway, I love the story! Daebak author-nim!
Chapter 22: I feel like this fan fiction is going in the direction of 'and then they made a boy band with ghost hongbin and lived happily ever after. And that is the story of why hongbins so flawless'
JhoyWu #3
Chapter 12: Leo is jealous omg my feelssssss!
Minwoo95 #4
Chapter 57: Im crying so hard
Chapter 57: Authornim. How could you do this to meeeee. Ilove Hakyeon a lot yet you made him dead huaaaa. Poor Hakyeon. He was the one who had to suffer this too much whereas it was Taekwoon's fault in the first place... btw good job authornim! I really love your story!!! Fighting for yor new story in the future!!!!
Kpopfanfan_elf #6
Chapter 57: A sequel would be grate where hakyeon is back as a ghost like kong !!
Kpopfanfan_elf #7
Chapter 57: Omg *crying* the ending is so sad
Chapter 22: To answer your Ques : If you were to date a member from VIXX, who would it be and why will you choose him? KEN because altho he is cute an funny, I think I see him as a serious type, a gentalman.. And I think it would be romantic
anel1234 #9
Chapter 57: ohh my good this is amazing i really felt like crying!!
but i cant cuz im at the school (∩_∩) but fightingg!!! amazingg fanfic!!!
JongBinShipper #10
Chapter 57: I miss this already :( I imagined this as a real drama and now I really want it to become one. If you were in my Creative Writing class, you might win a contest with this story while I'll just be on the side fangirling. I WANT A SEQUAL :')