Chapter 6

It Started by Eye Smile

I was really surprised by how fluent the boys spoke in Japanese. It was not an easy language to learn. All I could speak was Korean and English.

All seven of us watched from the side, behind the cameras and everything. We made sure we weren't seen but we had a great view. No talking was allowed and we stuck to that rule. You should never mess with producers and such. We watched each of them get interviewed and as a group. By the end of the show, they were asked to show a special skill or talent.

"Okay! Before we end the show, I'd love all of you to show one special skill or talent," the lady host gleamed. I could tell she was a fangirl but she tried with all her might to hold it in.

"BUT, before we do that, let's talk about the type of girl you guys are interested," she said happily. I rolled my eyes and actually paid attention.

"Let's start with the youngest to the oldest shall we?" she asked while motioning to Mir.

"I think a very important factor is cleanliness. It reveals a lot about their daily habits," he answered while nodding.

"Thunder?" she motioned.

"I like a woman who seems cold and expressionless, but when she smiles, she's beautiful," he replied while giving a little smile. I heard giggles throughout the female audience.

"G.O.,?" she motioned.

"I like ladies with long and slender fingers haha," he chuckled as he said the last part.

"Seungho?" she motioned. He was the last one.

"I like a woman who is good in cooking, beautiful, and kind," he answered truthfully. HAH, I'm none of those...well..maybe kind...who am I to kid? I guess he likes the opposite of what he is.

The host nodded happily as if she were all of these things.

"How about we do some aeygo? Do you guys want to see that?" she asked the audience. The audience roared and it meant that they had to melt the hearts of women with their aeygo.

Seungho and G.O. groaned while Joon, Cheondung, and Mir were all okay with it. I personally think Mir and Joon were the most enthusiastic.

"Let's save Seungho and G.O. for last since they look so tortured!" the host clapped. The boys chuckled and shook their heads.

"Cheondung! You're up!" the host announced.

He did two peace signs and squinted his eyes. He got a good 'AHHHHHHHHHH!!!" from the noonas. As expected. I laughed to myself after seeing that.

"Mir!" the host motioned.

"Beeebooobaaaaboooobbeeebaabooo," he pouted. The audience broke into laughter and 'AWW's. I had to roll my eyes at that part.

"Lee Joon!" the host smiled.

He puffed his cheeks and widened his eyes and the part that killed me the most was:

"Nooooonaaaaaa," he pouted. Like seriously, that was the funniest thing ever. I think I almost saw the host faint. Even though, noona was Korean, the host still understood he was calling out to the older ladies.

"G.O.," she smiled secretly. I think she has a knack for him. Oooohlala.

He did little kitten paws and then buried his face from embarassment. That was some aeygo I have never seen from him.

Seungho was last and I was actually looking forward to that.

He just laugh and shook his head. The audience started chanting his name and he had no choice but to do it.

"Aingggg?" he tried. He immediately turned his swivel chair around and buried his head but then he immediately turned around and propped one elbow on his knee and his bottom lip ertedly. 

"Whoa," was what Mina and Luna whispered. Did they just blush. LMAO. Why would they fall for something like that? Puuhhlease.

"I think we have a winner!" she laughed as she pointed to Seungho. The audience actually did cheer the loudest for him.

"Before we go, a special talent please! Let's start from the middle!" she announced.

Lee Joon showed his abs and did a ballerino spin. G.O. sang a line to serenade the ladies. Cheondung immitated his sister's voice. Mir beatboxed. The last one again was Seungho. He was going to play the piano.

He took a seat and closed his eyes. The moment his fingers hit the keys, he played a piece by Chopin. I felt my jaws drop. That jerk was actually really talented. I guess that's why his manager puts up with him. He did not mess up once and he grinned right after he hit the last key. The audience and MBLAQ gave a standing ovation and he bowed. As he stood up, he noticed me clapping and he raised his brow. He seemed very satisfied with everyone's reaction.

"MBLAQ! Is there anything you guys would like to say to our audience and to your fans?" the host asked. They made Seungho speak on behalf of them.

"We are really estatic to be in Japan but unfortunately we will only be here for a month. MBLAQ and I have really worked hard on our Japanese version of our new album and we hope you guys will love it. In fact, everyone here today is going home with a free copy of our special edition Japanese album. I hope you guys look forward to our future performances and activities. Please show us your love and support! Thank you!" and all of them bowed.

The audience was even more hyped up than they were before. I was pretty impressed of his speaking skills. Even though he pissed me off a lot, he could be serious.

Before the host ended the show Mina motioned us to get ready in the dressing room.

"Good job MBLAQ!" the manager smiled as he led them back to the dressing room.

"Where's Seungho?" the manager wondered as he poked his head out of the door. The rest of MBLAQ seemed confused.

"I just saw him a while ago," Joon said while furrowing his brows.

Right when Joon finished his sentence, Seungho stormed in. He slammed the door shut, accidentally on someone's face. The members seemed alarmed and didn't want to make eye contact with him. We continued taking off the member's makeup.

I was very fast when it came to taking off makeup. I took a damp towel and cleaned Mir's face one last time. The only one left was Seungho. He seemed to notice that too. He looked so pissed and mad and upset. I was really scared to talk to him. His fists were clenched and his jaw was tight.

I quickly took off his makeup and right before I really cleaned his face with a damp towel, he stormed out of the room.

"Seung.......," I said softly. I wonder what happened to him and I really wanted to know. With that temper of his, I was too afraid to ask.

"Come on, let's pack up," whispered Mina as she patted my shoulder.

"They still have a performance later so we need to be there at 4:00pm," Alex told us.

The boys went to rehearsal and we went back to the hotel.

I slept for an hour or so before waking up. Everyone was on their laptop surfing the internet. It was 2:45pm and the boys were probably done with rehearsal. I rinsed my face and I decided to get some fresh air.

"I'll be back in a bit," I told Luna and Mina. They nodded and checked if I had my cellphone in case. I held it up and they told me to enjoy myself.

As I entered the elevator, some guy opened the door right when it was about to shut. I looked up and guess who it was.

He just looked at me and looked away. His eyes were a little red and I wondered if he was scolded.

"Are you alright?" I asked cautiously.

"It's none of your business," Seungho said directly.

After that, the ride to the lobby seemed to take forever. I felt kind of akward and useless. Akward because of the silence and useless because I couldn't get him to speak and I couldn't help him. Right when the elevator door opened, he paced out of the elevator. I didn't know what I was doing but I had to run to keep up with him.

"DO YOU MIND?" he growled as I followed him. I felt a little hurt but I shook it off. Finally, he allowed my company and we just walked on the street. We went into a convenience store and he looked for the beer section.

"Want one?" he asked. I shook my head and he grabbed it for himself. He ended up buying a couple and I followed him to a more quiet park.

We sat down on a bench and he opened the beer. He sighed and shook his head. After sitting in silence, he broke the silence.

"You know why I let you follow me?" he asked. I shook my head and looked at him.

"Because you want to know what's wrong. Sure my dongsaengs listen but I feel like I need different words unlike 'It'll work out hyung' and stuff. I actually appreciate your presence. Don't misunderstand though, I don't like you," he said bluntly. Those words pierced through me.

"Well it's not like I like you," I said, a moment later. He thought about that and drank more beer.

"Why were you so mad after the interview?" I asked, gathering my nerves.

"Can I trust you?" he asked, looking ahead. I nodded and he continued.

"Well. I'll put it in simple words. I saw a girl after the interview. She came to see the show with her boyfriend. After 6 years, she still hasn't changed. Right after I came eye to eye with her, I got a call from home. My grandfather has months to a year left. He's spending his last days at home," he said as he choked at the last sentence.

He finished his second can and went on for his third.

"Don't," I said as I grabbed the can away from him.

He glared at me and went for the fourth can.

"Stop it. You have a performance later," I reminded him. He threw the can on the ground and started to sob. I literally didn't know what to do. I patted his back and gave him the silence he needed. He buried his face into his hands and propped his elbows on his knees.

And I was like baby baby baby ohhhhh........

I picked up my phone immediately.

"Yobosayo?" I answered, "I'll be there". It was 3:45 and I got a small reminder from Mark.

I shut my phone and then I recieved another call.

"Hello? What? Shut up you as....," I looked to my left and saw an amused Seungho.

"I can't believe you. Didn't I tell you not to call me? Oh my gosh it's so important that you have a girlfriend?!" I fake an amused sound.

"Even if you wanna rub that in my face, it's not gonna work, you wanna know why? I have no relationship with a douchebag who cheats with my friend. One night-stand only? Only my...I don't give a damn. Don't you have something better to do? Why do you have my number?!," I was caught up with a fight with my ex.

"Don't ever talk to me again and stop trying to be nice to my family. I don't care if they like you. If you actually feel sorry and want to make it up to me. YOU CAN'T! I'm done with you and before I say anything that you'll regret hearing, I sugest you stop disturbing me. Sorry? Sorry ain't gonna make the cut. I'm overreacting?!..... Really...In your dreams you jerk. GOODBYE," I yelled into my phone before ending the call numerous times. I almost broke the 'End' button.

I huffed and puffed and Seungho was looking at me with a surprised look.

"Oh don't look at me like that. You're not the only one with problems," I said moodily. I grabbed the beer from his hand and started to walk back to the hotel. This time he was walking behind me and I tried my best to cool down. Once in a while I muttered to myself. One can and I was almost ready to collapse. Seungho bought me tea right after because he noticed my wobbly self. At the end, I was leaning on him and he led me into the hotel.

I slapped my face to wake up and thanks to the tea, I felt a bunch better.

"You have no tolerance," he said.

"It's a first," I replied bluntly.

"Wow. I'm honered to witness it," he laughed.

"SHhhh," I said with a finger in front of my lips. I went into the hotel room and closed the door on his face.


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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!