Chapter 22

It Started by Eye Smile

I sat in the bathtub with my head propped on a towel. I thought about all of the things that just happened.

"AISH, stop thinking about that Yang Seungho," I muttered as I shuddered at the idea of his lips just inches away from me. Last time it was all inside my head, but this time, it was real. I sighed and got out of the bathtub after rinsing. I dried myself off and put on my 'stay at home' clothes. I wore leggings that went below my knees with a white t-shirt and my cardigan. I dried my hair and plopped down on the sofa in my living room and the television.

As the hour went by, I felt uneasy. My head was burning and I felt a massive headache. I was sneezing nonstop and all I wanted to do was sleep sleep and sleep some more. I flipped off the television uneasily and hugged my blanket and pillow. In no time, I passed out.


Knock knock knock. Knock knock. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK.

"Aish. Who the heck is it?" I mumbled as I flipped onto my face. I did not feel good. AT ALL.

The knocking would not stop so I sat up. I rubbed my eyes and ran my fingers through my hair.

I stumbled to the door and I realized it was already the late afternoon by looking through the peep hole. I opened the door to just a crack.

I saw a guy standing on the steps. Right when I opened the door wider, he turned around.

"Noona," Cheondung smiled. I waved lazily at him.

I opened the door for him to come in and he did. He took off his shoes and stepped slowly into my house.

"How do you know where I live you stalker?" I mumbled as I walked to the kitchen and looked into the fridge for some beverage. The freezing air in the fridge ran a chill down my spine.

"I have my ways," he grinned as he followed me. I shook my head as I was reaching for a cup in the cabinet. Right when I reached for it my temple twitched causing me to cringe in pain.

The cup shattered into pieces and I was holding the side of my head in pain.

"Ugh," I muttered as I bent down to pick up the broken pieces.

"Don't," Cheondung stopped me before I could bend down. He carried me into my room after I pointed to the direction it was in. He pulled the covers aside and tucked me in.

"Stay here, don't move," he said before closing the door after leaving.

"Here, take this," he told me as he helped me sit up. He felt my forehead as he gave me a pill. I swallowed it hard and washed it down with a large cup of warm water.

"Say ah," he ordered.

"ah," I tried.

"Wider," he said again.

"AH," I said grumpily. He stuck a thermometer in and made me close my mouth. After it beeped, he checked the temperature and shook his head.

He went out again and came in this time with a large bowl and towel over his shoulder. He leveled my head up with a couple of pillows and dipped the towel into the bowl, waved it around a few times and ringed it out. He folded the towel really quickly and neatly before placing it onto my forehead. He looked at me and I looked at him. I broke his gaze and closed my eyes.

I heard him sigh. He tooked the towel off and repeated the process again and again. Soon enough, I drifted off into a deep sleep.


I woke up to my towel sliding off of my forehead. I noticed this fact after I felt something warm on my neck and it felt really uncomfortable.

I looked at my clock and it was almost 11 at night. I noticed my lamp was on. I sat up slowly to an aroma in my room. It smelled sweet, just like my umma's cooking. I sat back and stared blankly ahead.

"Noona......noona......Jikyung...." Cheondung murmured as he waved his hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked, suddenly snapping out of my thoughts.

He felt my forehead for the tenth million time.

"It's almost gone," he smiled. He took the towl off of my neck and placed it on the side of the bowl. He set the bowl down and took a tray off of my desk.

"Drink up," he said, handing me a bowl. Just as I was about to recieve it, he pulled back.

"Just kidding," he teased. He took a spoonful, blew on it, and placed it before my mouth.

"Ahhhh," he showed me.

"Ahhhh," I followed.

"Good girl," he winked.

"Whatever," I muttered as I finished the last spoonful.

He brought my bowl out and came back inside. He stood beside my bed and looked at his watch.

"I should,"

"You should...." we both said at the same time.


"Gomawo," we said at the same time. We both laughed a little at this.

"Thanks for taking care of me. It's late, you should get going. Everyone is going to wonder where you are," I said.

"No problem. And plus they won't notice, they're too busy taking care...." he stopped mid-sentence and paused to look at me. His eyebrows furrowed slowly. I shook his arm.

"Yah, are you okay?" I asked, worriedly.

"Yeah...I'm fine," he muttered. He smiled a little uneasily.

"See you later," he said before walking out.

"See yah..." I said to thin air. He had walked out really quickly.


A day later. Location: Mnet Countdown-dressing room.


I woke up feeling so much better today. Although it was the end of Winter and the beginning of Spring, the weather still had its ups and downs. It was pouring today. For some odd reason, I like the rainy season. Everyone thought I was a freak but I secretly thought that it had a cozy feeling.

"I'll be there in twenty minutes," Mina called me, reminding me that she would pick me up today. She needed me to help her load some heavy boxes of things onto her car at her house.

I quickly washed up. I rummaged through my closet, stumped on what to wear. Finally after trying this on and trying that on, I decided on this.



"We're here!" Mina called out as she knocked on the dressing room door with her elbow. The hallways were a total chaos since all of the bands were running in and out of the dressing rooms. All of the managers and staff were also minding their business and talking on their phones in frustrated tones.

I had a large box I had to carry. Just as I was about to go in, the door closed. I was a step away from making it. I had no free hand to open in door. I knocked with my elbow and the box almost fell. I knocked with the tip of my boot but that didn't help either. Right when I was going to try with my elbow, the box toppled over.

"Aish," I muttered as I was trying to put all of the things back. Right when I was reaching for a rolling bottle, someone stepped on my hand while they were charging off.

"Ouch," I almost cried. I snatched the bottle and examined my hand. I put all of the things back into the box and I got bumped into as I was standing up. I lost all balance and closed my eyes, hoping my fall wouldn't hurt too much. All of a sudden, I landed in someone's arms.

"MWOH?" I asked as I opened my eyes a little bit. Omo, it was a guy from a different band.

"Are you alright?" he smiled. I got out of his arms real fast, regaining my balance. I bowed at him.

"Mianhaeyo," I apologized.

"It's okay," he shrugged. He looked at the box and then back at me. I went to pick it up. Right when I was going to grab it, he got it for me with one arm and opened the door of the dressing room. Dumbfounded, I followed and he set it down on a table. Everyone was quiet and bowed at him. He greeted them and walked out.

"Kamsahamnida," I bowed after him. He flashed me a smile and nodded before walking off.

"Omo, he's really good looking in person," Luna whispered.

I heard someone sneeze. I turned to that direction. Seungho was sitting on the couch with his hoodie over his head sniffling. He caught my stare and looked at me a good two seconds before getting up and started to get changed.

Right when I was unpacking some things, some guy charged in and looked for manager Kim.

"Excuse me, Manager Kim here?" he asked me. I nodded and pointed to him. He was scolding Joon.

"Thanks," he said before charging over. Manager Kim greeted him and told Joon to go get changed. Joon saw me looking and stuck his tongue out at the manager and laughed. I shook my head at him and then I went back to unpacking.

"Jikyung! Mark!" Manager Kim called.

"Neh," we answered before walking to him.

"Go with him to U-Kiss. Two of their stylists is stuck in traffic. You guys will help them get ready since they go on before MBLAQ today," Manager Kim said.

"Jeongmal?" I asked. He nodded and I nodded in understanding.

"Thanks so much!" the guy said after patting Manager Kim's shoulder. We followed him out and into a different hallway.

"GUYS! WE HAVE YOUR SAVIORS HERE!" he called out. The guys looked up and the first one to catch my eye was the guy in the hallway. He was eating something. He looked up at me.


He looked confused. I bowed at all of them.

"Annyeonghasaeyo," Mark and I greeted.

"Annyeong!" Kevin greeted loudly. He was really jumpy.

"She's pretty," someone said. Then I heard a 'whack'.

"Aish, stop looking at her," Soohyun scolded Dongho.

Mark and I talked to the only stylist and we understood her plan. We got to work. For some reason, my hand really hurt. It was so numb. I looked at it and it was swollen. It was from the shoe of some girl that stepped on me. It was the first time applying makeup to a different group of guys. I was really shy and kind of akward.

Everyone was changing or doing something like looking at lyrics and I had no one to style yet. I opened my makeup box and looked through it, making sure I had everything.

"Ahem," someone coughed. I looked at the supposedly empty chair and there he was in the chair. He smiled at me.

"We meet again," he chuckled. I nodded and got started. Then I noticed, he was shirtless. Oh my god. I tried my best not too look there. I applied makeup to him and he smiled.

"You do it better than our real stylists," he whispered.

"Aniyo," I said, waving it off. Then he noticed my hand.

"What happened?" he asked, pointing to it.

"Someone stepped on it," I shrugged. He examined it closely. I pulled my hand away.

"I'll be fine," I told him before going to Soohyun because he called for help. The zipper on the back of his shirt was stuck.

"Thanks," he smiled. I nodded and helped him fix his jacket and got him his accessories. Then I helped Dongho spray his hair creating a red streak. My next task was to pen tattoo Eli.

I had to start from his chest. The place I really didn't want to look at. He was only dressed in black skinny jeans and his boots. His hair was fixed and his makeup done.

When my hand touched his chest, he jumped.

"Mianhe," I apologized.

"Are you cold?" he asked.

"Uh..I just have a cold," I muttered. He laughed at my reaction and talked to Kevin who was behind me.

"5 more minutes! Let's go to the stage," the manager called out.

"Thank you," Eli smiled while buttoning his vest.

"You're welcome," I responded.

"By the way, what's your name?" he asked.

"My name is Park Jikyung," I told him. He nodded.


"Eli," I finished for him. He nodded and grinned.

"See you around," he said before catching up to the rest of U-Kiss.


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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!