Chapter 30

It Started by Eye Smile

I had little success with booking a flight so I had to settle for standby which was so unaceptable because I needed to see Seungho, I needed to be by his side.

Here I was, sitting in the airport and checking with the lady behind the desk, asking if there were any available spots. Annoyed, she started to ignore me. Seeing that she had a lousy attitude, I sat back down. 

How could Seungho do that to himself?! How could he possibly do that to himself. I had to ask MBLAQ myself. I had to know the truth. He could not die because of me. I had to know. Tears dropped as I thought about what I had done. I killed him. I was guilty. 

"Yobosayo?" Joon picked up.

"Joon-ah, how are you guys?" I asked.

"Great, how are you?" he answered.

"Great? He's lying in a coffin. HOW COULD YOU BE GREAT!" I barked at him. 

"Who is lying in a coffin?" he asked me.

"OMO, You must be shocked by this too. Poor Joon-ah, give the phone to G.O. will you. Our Yang leader...excuse me for a moment," I told him, as I needed time to clear my throat. People around me were giving me weird looks but I didn't give a damn. I was too sad. 

"Yobosayo?" G.O. answered, picking up the phone.

"Joon must be taking this badly isn't he. How could he do that to us?" I asked. G.O. stuttered for a moment.

"If we say his names three time, perhaps he will wake up." he said sadly.

"I would say it 10 billion times for him to wake up. Seungho, Seungho, Seungho, Seungho," I cried.

"Ahhh," I heard him say, very sadly.

"Don't tire yourself out Jikyung-sshi, I'm sure he will hear you," he told me, trying to comfort me.

"Ani! He can't die like this! I haven't told him..." I choked.

"Told him?" he asked, rushed.

"That I love him," I finished.

"You need to tell him that in person. You can do it. I believe in you," he encouraged.

"Yes, that is why I'm coming back G.O.! I need to do this. I can't hold back anymore," I nodded while speaking. Click. I checked my phone.

"Eh? Why isn't he speaking. Mwoh? G.O. you hung up on me..." I cried, again. I guess he didn't want to cry with me. I understood that he needed to cry on his own, afterall, Seungho was their leader. People were sending me looks of disgust or sympathy. Everyone edged away from me too and the lady behind the counter told me even if I was going to use this method, I wasn't going to get a flight any time soon. 


"Yobosayo?" I answered.

"HYUNGNIM!!!" Mir shouted. I had to hold the phone away from me. Aish, this boy.

"Uhuh, what is it?" I answered, a little tired. 

"WHEREAREYOUHYUNG?" he asked, in a super fast speed.

"Mwoh? Slower," I told him. Seriously, he was becoming Joon, speaking gibberish all the time. 

"Where AWARU?" he repeated.

"Mwoh? Aish, I'm hanging up if you can't speak correctly!" I grumbled.


"Give the phone to Cheondung or G.O.," I ordered.

"I was so clear too," he growled. I was told by the flight attendent to turn off my phone. I nodded at her in understanding.

"I'm going to take off now, goodbye," I said before hanging up.

"HYUNG STOP! She's on her way back! Don't go anywhere. YOU ARE DEAD!!!! YOU HAVE GOT TO GET OFF THAT PLANE THIS INSTANT!" Cheondung shouted at me. I had no idea who they were talking about me. I stood up as a habit when I was frustrated and confused. 

"We'll be taking off this instant, please take your seat, kamsahamnida," the flight attendent told me as she closed the compartment where my bag was in. Then she made sure I was sitting. She pointed at my phone with a gentle smile. 

"What do you mean I'm dead?" I asked, confused.

"She thinks you're dead so pretend you're dead!" he replied, loudly.

"MWOH? Aish, jinjja. I'm dead? What?" 

"I think she thinks you're dead"

"I caught that"

"Well, I don't know. Well. Come back!" 

"I can't I'm already..." I started but got cut off. The flight attendent sent me a shivering glare.

"Talk to you later," I said quickly.

"Wait. Jikyung. Japan. Airport. air-"

I froze as a result of cutting Joon off when he had something useful to say. I rubbed my temples and soon enough, the plane took off. 

Throughout the plane ride, I tried my best to piece all of this information together. 

1. She was on her way back.

2. I was dead.

3. I had to come back.

4. I had to pretend I was dead.

5. She was referring to Jikyung.

6. Japan.

7. Airport

8. Air-

I sat here looking at the piece of paper and the things I jotted down. What the heck was this? After sitting for about 10 minutes, it hit me.

Jikyung was on her way back from Japan and she was in the airport. The three other things I was confused on were air- and that I was dead and that I was to pretend I was dead? Were they out of their minds? Why should and why would I pretend I was dead? I had to sleep on it but I was so bothered that I couldn't sleep. Why would I be dead? I shook my head in disbelief.


Now my tears became sniffles but I still caught people looking at me and gossipping. I ducked my head down and wiped away my tears like a child. The person who sat next to me left and I saw that the person left a newspaper where he was sitting. Looking at it from the corner of my eyes, I reached out slowly for it. It was an article about Seungho. Not understanding a thing, the picture spoke for itself. It was true that he was dead. My sniffles became louder and I was crying again. Hot tears stained my face. I didn't bother wiping them away this time. I clutched the newspaper to my chest and cried. I felt my pocket vibrate. I looked at it and it was G.O. calling me. I cleared my throat and answered the phone.

"Yobosayo?" I answered, my voice cracking.

"Jikyung, where are you?" G.O. asked me.

"I'm sitting her-here wai-waiting f-for a stand-by flight," I sniffled. 

"Aaah, uljima, don't cry. You'll be fine soon," he told me.

"Wha-what d-do you me-ean?" I asked, choking a bit.

"Don't worry about it. Don't you think it's hard to get a flight back at this time?" he asked me. I got heated.

"DON'T TELL ME I CAN'T GET A FLIGHT BACK YOU BASTARD!" I screamed into the phone, while looking at it. I slammed my phone shut and grabbed my stuff, going toward the restroom. 


"We will be landing in 10 minutes. Please stay seated. Thank you," the pilot announced. Biting my lip, I looked out the window. I had to call one of the guys to resolve my confusion. 

"Excuse me, can I get a sign from you?" someone asked. I turned around to see a group of teenage girls looking at me, batting their eyelashes. I nodded slowly and reached out to sign. All of a sudden, they all lunged for my hand and started to touch me. Alerted, I pulled back quickly but they didn't seem so bothered. They snapped shots of me and shuffled quickly, squealing in delight. I was bawfled and taken aback.




I was so pissed off about what just happened to me, but not enough to forget what was bothering me the most, Jikyung. 

In no time, the plane landed and I was on my way off the plane and on the ramp toward the entrance into the airport. I put on my sunglasses and put my hood over my head. I got my duffle bag and reached for my phone in my pocket. It wasn't there. Alarmed, I dropped my duffle bag and patted all of my pockets. I released a breath, it was in my sweater pocket. I shut my eyes and regained myself. Right when I was to call one of the guys, I recieved a call from G.O.

"Yobosayo?" I answered. I was getting ready to ask him questions I had mentally prepared. 

"Seungho. Listen. Don't talk until I finish," he said to me. I didn't even get a chance to ask why and as I was listening, I couldn't help but think that that girl was a complete idiot. I shook my head and I listened. And as I was listening, I started to look around the airport, seeing if she would be around the area that G.O. described to me. 

"Good luck. Don't blow your chance," he told me.

"I know," I answered, before hanging up. As I walked pass a closing elevator, I heard a muffled scream. 

"SHUT UP YOU !" I heard. My ears perked up. I took a step back to face what I had seen before. My hands froze and I dropped whatever I was holding in my hand. I charged toward the door and pried it open. The man looked up and grabbed something out of his pocket. The door closed behind me. There were three people in this elevator. I took a deep breath and took a step toward him. He held the pocket knife to . 

"DON'T YOU COME NEAR ME, YOU HEAR THAT? HUH?!" he shouted. I held my hands up with a bored expression on my face. I studied him. He had a dirty appearance, typical of a untidy and lazy man. Not to mention, he released a horrid and rancid odor. I wrinkled my nose in disgust. 

"Don't look at me like that!" he shouted, a little unsure. I put my hands down slowly. 

"So tell me, why are you attacking this young woman?" I asked, supressing my urge to kill him, afterall, he had the love of my life in his arms, with a knife at . 

"WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO KNOW?" he huffed and puffed. 

"Money? Lust? Satisfaction?" I asked him, in a distant tone of voice.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I DON'T KNOW?! LEAVE ME ALONE!" he screamed like a mad man. He threw her aside, hitting the side of the elevator with a thump. My heart dropped and I felt a sharp pain in my side. He lunged for my left side and his eyes opened when he saw what he did. 

"I'M I-I'M I KILLED YOU? I KILLED YOU!" he screamed and shouted. He fell to the floor and he grabbed his head and yelled in agony. I looked at the panel. Why was the elevator moving so slowly? I squinted my eyes in pain. In one swift motion, I pulled the knife out of my side and threw it aside. My shirt was damp with warm blood. I looked at the girl. She seemed cold, distant, shivering, the same as the last time she was attacked. I bent down toward her, not losing sight of the man. I held my hand to reach for her face and she kicked me off my balance. My back hit the other side of the elevator and a gust of air-conditioned air welcomed us. I heard murmurs and invoked tones of panic. In no time, security was dragging the man out and helping the two of us out. I wasn't sure what was going on but I knew for sure that I was resting in a moving car. I heard mumurs and hushed talking. As if my mind spoke aloud for what I needed the most, a warm hand embraced mine. It felt nice.

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!