Chapter 24

It Started by Eye Smile

I looked at my phone unsure of what to do. I was sitting on my bed, still in my gym clothes. 

"Eotteoke? What do I do?" I asked myself. 

I layed down on my bed and stared hard at the ceiling. It was 6:45 PM.

"Whatever. I'll just get dressed first," I decided. I opened my closet looking through it. The first thing I saw were the clothes Seungho bought for me. I touched the outfit admiring his sense of taste. It fit me perfectly. 

"I can't....I can't do this," I mumbled. Quickly, I grabbed some clothes and dressed. 


My phone rang right when I finished dressing.

"Yobosayo?" I answered. 

"Noona!" Cheondung greeted.

"Annyeong," I greeted.

"I'm at your house. Are you ready?" he asked.

"I'll be out in a minute," I answered. 

"Okay. See you soon," he said. He sounded...cheerful.

I wasn't really in the mood to go out. I was troubled knowing that Seungho would be waiting out in the cold. 

I shook my head before heading out. Cheondung was waiting by his car and right when he saw me, he waved. I gave him a small smile. He was dressed rather nicely and he opened the door for me. 


The drive to a nearby restaurant was rather quiet. He was putting in more effort into the conversation than I was. 

"What do you want to have tonight?" he asked me, looking away from the road for a second.

"It's up to you," I said, trying to sound nice and not in a 'I don't care' tone.

"Alright then," he said before pulling into a parking lot. We were going to have Italian food. So much for working out today. 

Before I could open the door to get out, Cheondung beat me to it. He opened the door for me. 

"Thanks," I muttered. He smiled cheekily at me. We walked to the restaurant and again, like a gentleman, he opened the door for me. 

The wonderful aroma of Italian food filled the air, making my mouth water. 

"Annyeonghasaeyo," the front desk lady bowed. I knew she knew that this was Thunder from MBLAQ from the gleam in her eyes.

"Seats for two please," Cheondung said. 

"Yeh," she nodded, a little disappointed that it was just Cheondung and me.

"This way please," she said while leading the way. We were lead to a corner of the room, far enough from a lot of the customers in the large restaurant. 

The place was like this.


We were seated and the lady handed us our menus. I couldn't but help think about what time it was as I flipped through the menu half-heartedly. 

Yang Seungho. Don't wait for me. I'm not worth it. 

I sighed and without noticing that I did it a little too loudly.

"Gwenchanayo?" Cheondung asked, concern filling his eyes.

"Neh," I smiled at him. He seemed to shrug it off. I was glad he didn't think too much about it. 

"May I take your orders?" a waiter asked.

"Are you ready to order?" Cheondung asked. I nodded.

After ordering, the attention turned back to me. I was unusually shy.

"You're so quiet," Cheondung smiled at me. 

"Jinjja?" I asked, rubbing my arms. 

"How's life?" he asked me. He seemed interested in what I had to say. His gaze didn't leave mine or anytime soon. 

"Well.." I started. I took a sip of water.

"Same old same old. You know how it is. I'm getting used all of the changes," I explained. He nodded at me seeming like he knew exactly what I was talking about. I was learning to live on my own, without my parents and brother to call whenever I felt upset or needed help or when I simply missed talking to them. 

"How about you? How's life," I asked, wanting to listen more than talking. 

"Same like you. Our comeback has been quite tiring lately, but I'm adjusting to having a lot of schedules again. I'd rather be busy than have too much free time because then I won't have time to be able to second think myself," he explained. I nodded as he spoke. 

"I think you're doing great after so much you've been through," he said, placing his hand on mine. I was shocked at his sudden skinship. His eyes were sending me some kind of message. Before I pull out of his hands, the waiter came with our salads, soups, and breadsticks. 

"Let's eat," he smiled while rubbing his hands together. It was a cute action to me. It really reminded me of my brother. They were too alike in too many ways. The way they smiled, their laugh, their personality, it was just too similar. I shook this thought out of my head before continuing my salad. As I was eating, my phone vibrated. I paused. Cheondung didn't seem to notice. I pulled my phone out slyly and looked at the ID. It was him. I stuffed my phone back into my bag and continued eating. 

As dinner proceeded, we enjoyed our dishes and Cheondung didn't fret to feed me his food, only I wasn't comfortable doing the same.

We had dishes like this.



My belly was satisfied however a part of me wasn't. Something was missing and I ignored my feelings. I knew what was missing but I was too scared to admit it.  
"Would you two like to try our new line of deserts?" the waiter asked us. 
"Of course," Cheondung agreed. 
After deciding between this and that, Cheondung and I ate this.
"Kamsahamnida! Please come again," the ladies thanked us as we exited the restaurant. While Cheondung was paying earlier, I took a chance to look at the time. It was 9ish. I wondered if Seungho was still waiting for me. I prayed that he would not. 
I faked a yawn indicating that I was tired. I really wanted to go home. Right when we were on our way home, Cheondung suddenly stopped his car and got out. Confused, I got out when he opened the door for me. We were in a park, near my apartment. 
I followed him until we reached a bench. We sat down next to each other. The next thing I knew, he was on one knee. There he was looking serious yet gentle. 
"Jikyung," he said, totally ignoring the noona part. 
"Ye-yeh..." I stuttered. 
"I've felt this way for a while now. You're different Park Jikyung. Your personality, the way you put others before yourself. Your clumsiness, your gestures, your smile.." he said slowly. My mouth hung a little open. He chuckled a bit.
"Jikyung. Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked, reaching for my hands. 
"Ne-eeeeh?" I asked, confused. He smiled and waited patiently for my answer.
"I......" started but broke off by the sight of a familiar figure. It walked a few steps and stopped. Only I could see him. What was written over his face, I could not read. I gulped and looked Cheondung in the eyes but I looked away, unable to speak. He released my hands slowly but he didn't get up. 
He turned around and I looked up at the sound of footsteps. His facial expression became clear as he walked into the streetlight. It wasn't a pleasant sight and I wished I could crawl under a rock and never come out. 
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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!