Chapter 25

It Started by Eye Smile

We both turned at the sound of footsteps. As the figure progressed into the light, Cheondung was already off of his knee and I was not able to make a sound. I was terrified.

"YAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" the man yelled as he crashed the bottle towards Cheondung's head. The man huffed and puffed. His eyes will filled with sorrow yet he looked crazed. Realizing what he had done, he drop the remains of his bottle and stumbled his way out of the park. Cheondung cringed in pain. 

"Aish," he cringed. 

"Cheondung-sshi! Cheondung? OMO," I panicked as I took a look at him. 

He collapsed onto the bench but he was conscious or at least I thought he was. 

"Cheondung, Cheondung, look at me," my voice cracked, holding back tears. 

"TALK TO ME," I said as I shook his vigorously. Slowly, he opened his eyes. In a flash, he was the one in control. He had his hands on the bench so that I was sitting and he was leaning towards me, while standing. 

"CHEONDUNG!" I gasped. 

"Is that a yes?" he smiled.


"Will you?" 

"This isn't the time to talk about this! YOU'RE HURT!"

"I don't care, as long as you answer me..."

"I CARE. You have to get treated, come one, let's go!" 

"ANSWER ME. Please...." he choked. I looked at him as if he was crazy. Why did he have to do this? I felt so guilty but I had no idea why. I looked away.

"Look at me," he ordered. Now it was his turn to be firm. 

After he waiting, he didn't give in. He turned my face around so that I looked him straight in the eyes. I was close to crying.

"Answer me truthfully. Look at me while you speak. Do you like me or him?" he asked. 

"Who-oo?" I stuttered, attempting to look away.

"Jikyung look at me!" he pleaded. I looked at him. 

"Let me ask you one more time. Who do you like? Me or him," he dragged. 

"I...I...." I started but didn't know how to finish. He didn't seem like he wanted an honest answer by the way he was acting. Slowly, he leaned in. 

"If you want me to stop, say so," were his words before leaning in. His lips touched mine. He started the kiss but I wouldn't budge. I sat there like a rock. I didn't move a bit. Within 30 seconds he got no response and stopped. 

"That's what I thought," he chuckled as he got off of me. He faked a laugh but I could tell he was hurting badly. 

"Today will be the last day I will ever shed tears for you, Park Jikyung. It seems I have never touched your heart. Thank you for not pushing me away when I needed you the most. I wish you the best Jikyung. Thank you for everything. If possible, I'll forget about you," he laughed at his sentence. I could only stare at him. I was at a lost for words. 

"It seems to me, he won. I hope you see what's beside you before it's too late," he said, his eyes hard, holding back tears. With that, he walked off heading to get a taxi. Before I could call him back, the driver drove off into the night. 

My body went limp and allowed my back to be supported by the bench. I was on the ground, crying. 

I was perhaps terrified to the point where tears have dropped so suddenly. I knew I wasn't crying about Cheondung. I have never liked him like that. I was too blind to see that he liked me for I was unintentionally leading him on. I felt like a rotten person. That was what I was crying about. After a while, I gathered myself up and headed home in a taxi. To tired to care about anything else, I collapsed onto my bed, shielding myself under my covers. 


I tossed and turned throughout the whole night. I just could not find a comforting position to fall alseep in. It was about 3 in the morning and I was here sitting up in bed staring hard ahead, reflecting on all that has happened. 

Cheondung. His smile only to be broken by rejection. Seungho waiting until he would see me. I never appeared. 

"Shoot," I jumped up from my bed. I pulled on a hoodie, grabbed my keys and phone, pulled on my boots and ran out the door in the middle of the night. I ran and ran until I reached the college. As I turned the corner, I held my breath. No one, not a soul in sight. My heart dropped. I shook my head. I deserved this, for not appearing, no explanation. I deserved this and Seungho deserved an explanation. I quickly dialed his number. I held my breath and had my hand on the picket fence surrounding the perimeters of the coffee shop, bracing myself for a let down.

"Yobosayo?" Seungho answered.

"It'" I spoke in a low voice. 

"What do you want?" he asked, his voice colder than ice. 

"I can explain. I...I was.." I stuttered, scared by his tone of voice.

"I don't need your explanation. What's in front of MBLAQ right now is enough," he said, leaving me confused. 

"What do you mean? I don't understand..." I asked, cautiously and worriedly.

"Then I suggest you check your computer. Don't call me again," he stated before hanging up. 

If it weren't for the picket fence, I would have collapsed. The warm Seungho who constantly teased me was completely gone now replaced by what I had believed to be Yang Seungho on my first day as an assisstant. I had no time to stay hurt. I had to find out what he was talking about. 

As fast as I ran to the coffee shop, I dashed home, not minding my surroundings as my mind was set on one thing, and that was to find out what he was talking about.

I threw everything upon the countertop and rushed to my room. After what seemed like ten minutes booting up my laptop, I immediately went online. As if I needed to be struck again, MBLAQ, no, Cheondung was on the internet. I was at a loss for words at what was presented to me, written in large headlines. 



Just last night, MBLAQ'S very own Cheondung was found unconscious in the backseat of a taxi. The driver, Mr. Cho, has said to us, 


"Just when I asked him where he was headed to, I saw him laying on his side, blood trickling down on the side of his head. I was frightened but I knew that I had to call for medical attention right away."

As more sources popped up, suspicion has also risen within fans, and s. 

"If I hadn't been seeing things, I believed he was at the restaurant I was at with my boyfriend. I noticed he was in a bright mood and not to mention, he wasn't alone. In fact, he was accompanied by a girl. To what I could tell, they were enjoying themselves," anonymous.

What will happen to Cheondung? All MBLAQ activities have been halted. It is said that the boys feel that it will be neccessary to stay by their member's side at all times. How will Cheondung come clear of this mysterious girl? How will the future of MBLAQ turn out to be? 


I dropped to this news. Was this what Seungho was talking about? Did he know that Cheondung was with me? I had to explain to them. Not just him, MBLAQ, their manager. I had to let this out. I couldn't hold this in. I was guilty and I knew it. 

How would I find the hospital? I could not call Seungho. I would try everyone's so I dialed G.O.'s first.

No answer. I tried Joons,

His line was busy. Crossing my fingers, I called Mir. 

"Yobosayo?" the tired-sounding maknae answered.

"Cheol-yong, it's me," I said. 

"Jikyung noona," he answered, unsure of how to react to my voice. 

"How is he? Can you give me the address of the hospital? I need to visit him," I said quickly.

"I thought I warned you about calling, Jikyung," Seungho said, taking over the phone. I heard Mir's worried voice. 

"You're not needed here," he snapped before hanging up on me again. I wanted to let them know what was going on. I NEEDED to tell someone. Why was he so furious with me? I wonder if he knew.

Just as I sat on the edge of my bed thinking about what to do, I recieved a text. It was from Mir. 



Here's the address. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Please erase this text after you read it. Since Seungho hyung went out to get a drink of water, I was able to sneak a text. Seungho hyung cannot be suspicious of me so don't breathe a word, please. 

See you soon,



Grateful for his text, I showered, changed into my clothes, and drove to the hospital to see what I dreaded the most. His unconcious body and his glares.

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!