Chapter 28

It Started by Eye Smile

Author's note:

Before I begin, thank you to all of my viewers, subscribers, supporters! I am really really grateful for you guys and thanks again for enjoying my story! Kamsahamnida ^0^

Also, I apologize for my long hiatus but now that I'm back, enjoy!



Today at 6:30 PM would be Cheondung's Welcome Back party. Before then, I only had so much time. 

I booked an online flight to Japan. It was booked for 8 PM. That would give me enough time to take a look at everyone. I booked my hotel as well. If loving Seungho meant hurting Cheondung, then I had no strength left in me to love. 

I wrote my resignation letter and sealed it up in an envelope. It was one in the afternoon and I started to pack. Jeans, shirts, jackets, shoes, I packed them all. Because I didn't know what it was I had to bring, I brought everything all except for a couple of things. They were the clothes Seungho bought for me the day after we had been stuck in the middle of nowhere. He had bought us new clothes after we were drenched by the pouring rain. Right then, I heard faint droplets of rain come in contact with my window pane. I walked to the window and placed my palm on it. I sighed as I thought about what I would be leaving behind. 

"Japan must be far enough right? If I had more money I would've traveled to the States. For now, I'll have to go there," I said to myself before resuming. 

By the time I finished packing my beauty supplies, laptop, important items, and whatnot, I ended up with two luggages. One by one, I tugged them out to my car and I placed it into my trunk. 



I turned around to see two lovely children who happened to be my next door neighbors.

"Annyeong," I smiled as I bent down, eye-level with them.

"Are you leaving to somewhere far away?" they asked curiously.

"Neh," I answered them. The girl started to tear up.

"Please don't cry," I pleaded while placing my palm on her small shoulder.

"Don't go," the boy whined. He started to cry as well. I pulled them into a hug.

"Don't worry, I'll won't be gone too long. When I return, I'll promise to bring you guys something," I whispered.

"Really?" the girl asked as she sniffled.

"Pinky promise," the boy urged as he stuck out his pinky. The three of us pinky promised.

"So until them, promise me you two won't be too bothersome to your umma and appa okay?" I asked of them.

"Neh!" they answered. 

"Good," I smiled.

"Jikyung-sshi! What are you guys doing out there in the rain?" my neighbor, their mom, asked.

"Come on, you guys should go inside," I pushed them lightly to get them started. 

"Jikyung unni is leaving. I saw her luggages. She had two of them," the girl said to her mother. She ran into her mom and started to cry. The boy did the same. Their mom stood there with her palms on the back of their backs. She looked at me worriedly. 

"Come on in for some hot tea first will you? Then you can tell me what is going on," she told me. I nodded and followed her inside. 


I explained to her, well, made up a small lie. I said I was traveling with MBLAQ again. When she asked me why I brought so many clothes I just explained that I needed two luggages for new things I would be buying. I'm pretty sure I made it seem believable, but because she was a mother, she probably had a strong radar when her children were acting suspicious. Anyway, I eventually told her I had to get going and she let me leave. 

I took a look around my house. I probably wouldn't be back here for a good amount of time. I would have to keep my keys somewhere right? I couldn't trust myself to not lose them. Before I could find a place for them, I showered and changed into more appropriate clothes for the party. Something not too casual but okay for a plane flight. 


I took one last look around my apartment.

"Until then," I whispered. I turned off the lights and locked the door on my way out.

I knocked on my neighbor's door and the children's mother opened the door.

"Jikyung-sshi," she smiled warmly.

"I have a favor to ask of you," I told her.

"What is it?" she asked.

"Can you hold these for me?" I asked, handing her an envelope. She looked at me before looking inside. 

"Your house key? I thought you weren't going for a long time," she asked, concerned. 

"Will you be able to hold it for me? It's okay if you can't,"  I started.

"Aniyo, it's just that," she replied.

"Kamsahamnida! I need to get going, see you soon!" I said, giving her a hug. I waved and ran off before she could say anything more. 


I arrived to the location of Cheondung's Welcome Back party. I got our of my car and walked to the location of the building. I had prepared a small gift for him. I would deliver it to him and leave. I would have tonight to have a last glimpse of him. 


I walked in and a security guard checked my name off his guest list. I took a look around. Everything around me was really beautiful. Before I could take five more steps, my name was called. 

"Jikyung!" a familiar voice called. I turned around to see Mir waving at me. I waved back but what caught my attention was that Cheondung was staring at me. We stared at each other for a while before he smiled at he. This pulled at my heart. I had hurt him so much but he had the strength in him to smile at me. I was touched. We walked slowly toward each other without losing eye contact. Was my heart thumping for him? Perhaps seeing him in general made me feel relieved. We met in the middle and smiled at each other.

I could see it. He was hurt. I wanted to cry but this was a celebration right? I could not let anyone see my tears. 

Before I could speak, he stuck out his hand. 

"Friends?" he asked, smiling. 

"Forever," I replied. I shook his hand. Instead of releasing it, he pulled me in for a hug. I could not take it anymore. He heard my sniffle. 

"Gwenchana?" he asked, not breaking apart. I nodded into his chest.

He pulled back slowly and gave a reassuring pat on my head. Why did he have to be so nice? How could I leave to Japan if he was like this? I really didn't know. I was doubting myself but I had already gone this far. Why not get away from here? I needed a vacation. Yes, that was exactly what I needed. 

"Jikyung!" a couple of voices called. I looked back to see a couple of U-KISS members coming toward us. 

"Where's Eli?" Cheondung asked. 

"He is probably at the airport now. He has a CF in Japan," Kevin and Soohyun replied. I sensed a bit of jealously from them. Japan? No, there was no way I would be seeing him. I had to stop scaring myself.

After chatting with them for a couple of minutes, I excused myself saying that I needed to use the restroom. My real reason was to catch a glimpse of Seungho. When I was walking around, I got pulled out by my fellow makeup artists, or that was what I would call them after I resign. Speaking of which, I would have to leave early to turn my letter in. 

"How are you?" they asked me. 

I smiled and replied and asked them the same. We talked about the latest fashion and they shared new makeup stories. Soon, they had to go find someone so I was left alone. I really wanted to find him but I didn't know where he was. I looked at my watch. I would be leaving in 5 minutes to turn my letter in. Sighing, I turned around. To my suprise, he was waiting for me. If he hadn't taken a step back, I would've bumped straight into him. 

"Clumsy," he said with a mischievous look. 

I didn't know how to react. He looked as if he forgot that last night he had confessed to me, through a letter. 

"Is there something on my face?" he scowled.

"Yes," I replied.

"What?" he asked, touching his face. 

Unsatisfaction. It was written all over his face. 

"Excuse me," I said, before walking off. He moved on, I knew it. He was back to normal. No heartwarming eye smiles. He only wanted to have fun but I didn't give it to him. He didn't like me, he just thought I was an easy target. That bastard. Before I could walk far enough from him, he held my elbow back.

"I didn't forget what happened last night so you don't have a reason to be mad," he said in a low voice, as if he had read my mind. 

I shrugged him off. 

"Why should I be mad?" I started. I took a deep breath and stared straight ahead.

"Then why are you walking away from me?" he asked.

There was complete silence as he waited for me to speak. I wanted to say everything I wanted to say to him. I wanted to tell him I liked him. I wanted to tell him exactly how I felt however something was holding me back. It wouldn't be hard for him to know what it was. 

"He isn't going to be mad," he said after a while. I started to walk away but he grabbed my arm again. He had a strong grasp on me now. 

"It's not him I'm concerned about," I replied. I lied, it was completely him. 

"Even if you're going to reject me, I won't give up," he said, confidently. 

"You don't need me," I replied.

"You don't know how I feel do you?" he asked. He seemed a little dejected. 

"Let me go," I said bitterly, I was holding back tears. I could not give in. 

"What if I don't want to? What if you're going to leave me?" he asked. This struck me. Why was it when he spoke, he always got me so well. Perhaps it was one of the many reasons I fell in love with him. It's not that I wanted the conversation between us to be like this but it was because I was confused. What was right and what was wrong, I didn't know. I had one option now. I knew he would let me go.

"I'm going to the restroom so let me go," I said. Although this was a lame excuse to me and to him as well, he listened. After about 6 seconds he sighed and let me go. I walked quickly away as possible. 

When I made sure I was out of his sight, I hurried up and ran to my car. I got in and started the engine. I drove off to the main building trying not to look back. I propped my left elbow near the window, ran my fingers through my hair shakily and cried to myself. 


I waited. I looked at my watch and it had been a little over 10 minutes. I could understand that she could be doing touch-ups but she was already so beautiful. To be honest, I thought she looked better without makeup. It suited her. 

All of a sudden, I realized something I should have realized earlier. The direction she went was not the direction of the restroom. How could I be so stupid? I looked at my phone. Of course she would not pick up if I called her. Before going into a panic-mode, I started to ask around for her. 


"Of course he would not call me. He must be talking to other people. There's no way he could know that I had left," I said to myself. I laughed at how ridiculous I sounded. Did I expect him to come after me? Within a mile I would reach the building and I would turn my letter in and I would be on my way to the airport. I my radio and a ballad by 2AM came on. It was just what I needed. I turned off my phone and threw it back into my bag.


I knew it. I was in the parking lot. Her car was no where to be found.  How could she do this? I got into my car and started the engine. I backed out of the parking lot and rested my elbow near the window. I bit my lip. I rarely ever cried but this time, my tears dropped endlessly. Where would I find her? Would she be alright? I did not know. 

I would try for the heck of it although I knew she definitely would not be picking up. I tried and just as I had thought, she did not pick up her phone. I gripped my phone in my hand and decided where to go. Before I could change lanes, my phone rang. 

"Yobosayo?" It was from home. My brother called me. 

"Hyung..." he sobbed.

I pulled out of the lane I was driving in and parked on emergency. 

"What happened?" I asked. My brother never called me sounding like this.

"Harabeoji he......" 

"It's okay. Calm down and tell me,"

"He didn't make it tonight,"


My heart dropped ten more times that night. Miserable and bitter, I drove back home, to my parent's house. 

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!