Chapter 17

It Started by Eye Smile

"Push push push," my trainer urged. I was laying on my back pushing dumbbells upward and I was sweating like a pig. Beautiful comes with a price. This was the second day of the week that I had training. The past hour I was running and jumping rope. Now I had weight training and later I would have cardio. I felt my stomach burn as I was doing sit-ups. My goal was to flatten my stomach and make my thighs thinner. I also wanted a smaller face. For this, I would have to work out a lot.

I don't know exactly how I was so pumped up to beautify myself by working out and going to the dermatologist. My moles were zapped off and I got an ointment for pimples. My moles had fallen off ever since the last visit and now the spots were healing pretty quickly. To add to that, my pimples were just a small dot now and they were no longer swollen. The color was returning to my face and I felt great.

Now, it was time for cardio.

Along with many other men, women and trainers, we were going to do a thirty minute cardio routine and I was pretty excited although I would be out of breath.

We did so many different excercises I was sweating all over. My tank top was starting to stick to me and my sweats made it worse. My hair was starting to fall a little. At last, the music ended and we thanked the directors/trainers.

"Annyeong!" I waved to my trainer as I grabbed my duffle bag. I wrapped my towel around my neck and got a drink of water. I fixed my hair and headed out to my car.

The weather was warmer now and many people walking on the streets wore their dresses and shorts with a thin jacket. I drove back to my house and showered.


Only two weeks from now would I be going back to work. I smiled to myself now that I realized I was kind of giving myself a makeover. Boy would everyone be suprised. I wanted everyone to see a healthy and happy Jikyung and I was willing to work toward that. No more living in the past and that meant I would wake up with a smile in the morning and go to sleep with a smile planted on my face.

After my shower, I dressed in rolled up jeans and a clean white v-neck. My hair was naturally wavy and a little frizzy. I rolled my eyes at trying to tame my hair. As I looked in the mirror, I made up mind and I was going to go to the salon.

I tied my hair in a messy bun, grabbed my shades and brown leather bag and put on my sandals. I played some soothing music in my car and drove East to where a famous salon was.


"I'd like to change the style of my hair, color, and texture," I told the stylist, who was a guy.

"Let's start with style. What would you want?" he asked.

"I like the length of my hair but it seems a little heavy and thick," I said.

"Well. I think I should give you a minimal amount of layers. I will keep the length of your hair the same but the hair on both sides of your face with be shoulder length or a little longer. I also feel that your face is suitable for fringes like the celebrity Park Bom," he explained.

"Bangs?" I asked, interested. My side bangs were flat and overgrown.

"Neh. Your bangs will have more volume if we choose to cut fringes," he told me.

"Alright. I have no problem with that," I agreed. He nodded and brought out a small booklet.

"Now for the color. Would you like your hair color light, medium, or dark?" he asked.

I was troubled by this decision since I had a small idea of what to choose.

"If you don't mind, I suggest something medium or dark. I think chocolate brown or even auburn looks great with your skin tone," he started. I nodded and flipped through the booklet.

I pointed to the picture and asked,

"Does this color suit me?" I asked.

"Brown?" he asked. He tilted his head to the side.

"I think what you need if you want brown is another hint of color. What if we do a brown with caramel blonde. Does that seem okay to you?" he asked, a little exitedly.

"No problem. Something I don't like is how my hair is so thick, wavy, and frizzy. I'd like to fix that," I said.

"We can either give you a smooth beachy wave perm or a straight perm. I personally think a straight perm looks good on you," he stated.

"I thought so too," I smiled.

"Alright then. Let's begin," he clapped as he got off the counter. He wrapped a black cloth around my neck to cover my clothes from my hair. I watched him prepare the colors and I felt delighted. I loved new things and secretly, deep down, I couldn't wait for someone to see my change.

After the stylist washed off the hair dye, he went straight to cutting my hair. All around me, my hair flew in various directions. I immediately felt my head become lighter and I felt relieved. My hair was no longer heavy and weighed down. Suddenly, I was turned around.

"No peeking before I'm done. I want you to be surprised," he grinned.

I smiled at his excitement and sat patiently, watching other customers talk to their stylists. I noticed many impatient customers who seemed to be wealthy just by the look of their clothing and accessories. I was amused at how the stylists were trying the best to hold in their frustration.

As I watched them, my stylist dried my hair and combed it. I felt heat against my scalp and he was rubbing something into my hair.

"It's for the straigh-perm," he told me. I nodded and he resumed.

He worked his way around my head carefully, straightening everything. At last, he finished my bangs and a look of satisfaction rushed across his face.

He set down his tools and he called a fellow co-worker to him.

"What do you think?" he asked, happily.

The guy looked from me to my hair and back and forth.

"Now I know why everyone wants you to be their stylist. Yet, it's another masterpiece of yours. Looking good," he smiled at me before walking back to a waiting client. Soon another stylist approached.

"Omo! So preettttyy! I'M JEALOUS!" she spazzed. I held in my laughter with all my might, but my lips formed into a wide smile.

"What do you think noona?" the stylist asked.

"Amazing! Nice job done!" she high-fived him. She gave me a pat and went to welcome a client waiting by the door. This place was pretty crowed for a salon.

My stylist gave me two thumbs up and slowly, he turned my chair around. I closed my eyes and when I felt the twirling stop, I opened my eyes.

I let out a gasp and my stylist was proud.

I was out of words. I looked so elegant but at the same time, I had this cutesy/dangerous look. I don't know how those would fit together but this guy here, made it happen. My hair was long and straight which gave off a elegant and y look. My bangs took care of the cute part and my hair color yelled out "BOLD!". I was so happy I was jumping in my seat.

I gave my stylist a hug and a handshake. He was glad and he seemed very proud and happy.

I tipped him well and I think he was even more jumpy after I payed at the counter.

"Kamsahamnida!" I thanked him before exiting out the door.

The moment I stepped out, I recieved some looks from these two girls heading into the salon. I heard small murmurs and I smiled to myself.

It was almost four in the afternoon and I felt like going shopping. The last time I went shopping was just window shopping.

"No! You cannot Jikyung," I said to myself as I drove. First, I would go home and clean out all of my old clothes first and see what I would need. This was the best way to not spend on things that I didn't need.

I entered my house and dashed into the bathroom. I danced in front of my mirror and squealed with delight. I was so happy to see my new self. Now for the clothes.

As I walked to my room, my phone rang.

"Yobosayo?" asked a guy.

"Yobosayo? Who is this?" I asked, slowly.

"Park Jikyung," the familiar voice spoke. I felt chills down my back.

"How do you know my name?" I stuttered.

"Girl with the puckered lips, of course I know your name!" the voice said impatiently.

"Who's this?" I said quickly with trembled lips.

"Are you for real? It's Seungho for goodness sake," he almost growled.

"MWOYA?!" I almost yelled.

"Don't be too excited okay? I know you like my voice but please. STOP YELLING," he stressed. I laughed at his words. Then, I froze.


"Please, I got your number by looking at your phone when you fell asleep in the-"

"DON'T REMIND ME OF THAT EMBARASSING MOMENT!" I cried. I had a embarassing incident many people tease me till this day.

"Jikyung fell asleep"


"in the"




"and woke up"


"with change in front of her,"

"UGHHHHHH" I growled.


"No reason," he laughed.

"Leave me alone," I said, grumpily.

"Awwww someone's mad," he teased.

"That's right," I hmped.

"Baaaabbbeeee! dont be madd at oppppaaaa," he whined. It sent my heart thumping. I looked at where my heart was supposedly located and patted at it.

"Are you hitting something?" Seungho suddenly asked.

"Uh. No. Why do you ask?" I covered immediately.

"Okay then. Listen. I gotta go practice. Love to chat but I gots to go. See yah," he said.

"Bye," I said.

"That's all?" he asked, amused.

"What else do you want me to say?" I growled.

"Sheesh attitude. Well a kiss would be a good idea," he suggested.

"In your dreams!" I yelled into the phone before hanging up on him. I plumped down onto the floor and layed against my dresser. I hugged my phone to my chest, looked at it, and repeated the proccess over and over again until I realized that I actually talked to him! I wiggled around and layed on the ground, staring up at the ceiling.

"What is this feeling?" I wondered as I placed my palm over my chest.

"Why do I always feel this way when I think about him?" I muttered as I closed my eyes.

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!