Chapter 32 (Final)

It Started by Eye Smile

It has come to the end of this story unfortunately. Thank you for supporting me and giving me strength throughout our journey together~ Also, thank you for enjoying this story that was created less than a year ago. I hope to see you all reading my stories in the future! Give me ideas on what to write or what you want to see? (: I'm actually creating an oneshot collection soon. Tell me if I should take requests, I really have no idearrrr! Excuse me there, haha. Well, I apologize ahead of time for the last chapter if you don't like it, but I'll try my best! Aja aja hwaiting! And once again, kamsahamnida! *bows 90 degrees*. 

P.S. Please support my other stories and look forward to my oneshot collection and other projects! Thank you! ^0^

~Who would you like to see in my upcoming oneshot collection? Leave it in the comment box below! Thank you! (: 



zZZZz zZZZz, my phone vibrated. I wiped my hands on a towel and took off my apron. I checked my phone and smiled at what it read.



I'll be there in 4.5 minutes!

How is my love doing? I miss you TT.TT and I can't wait to see you! Did you prepare any yummy stuff tonight? Heu heu~ Alrighty! I shouldn't be texting while driving so don't reply when you see this! I'll be there soon! 

Your handsome oppa <3 


"He talks like a girl," I laughed to myself. I set the food on the table and adjusted the lighting so that it wouldn't be too bright. I rushed to a mirror and fixed my hair and re-applied chapstick and some lip gloss. I smiled at the mirror and gave myself a thumbs-up. 

It had been 3 months since we were dating and I must admit, seeing him every time gave me butterflies in my stomach. The feeling never faded away and it  only grew stronger. I was proud to be his girlfriend but there was one thing that was a little regretful. I no longer worked as a coordinator for MBLAQ. Although I was offered my job back, I rejected because I felt like I was too limited. I wanted to explore. Although I could see Seungho almost every day effortlessly, I wanted to make my life even more colorful, so I enrolled in a cosmotology and fashion academy. It was really tough but I enjoyed it. There, I could work with many experts and professors that were so unique and special. I decided I was going to open my own line of stage clothes. It was a little wild, but it was my dream. Perhaps I could even start my own line of makeup if I was successful. I was in for the challenge.

Right as I was deep in thought, there was a knock on the door. I smiled to myself and walked swiftly to it. 

I came face to face with a bouqet of flowers. I chuckled and accepted the them.

"Annyeong," he winked. 

"Annyeong," I replied. I made way for him to enter. 

"Smells good," he complimented as he took off his jacket.

"Of course," I said as I put the flowers into a vase. As I was fixing the flowers, I felt a pair of arms wrapping themselves around my waist. I became a little giddy but I was more caught off-guard. The familiar smell of his cologne made me melt. He rested his chin on the top of my head. 

"I can't do anything with you like this," I complained.

"Don't act like you don't like it babe," he cooed. I smiled to myself before doning on a pokerface, turning around to face him. He was unmoved and only leaned in closer to me. I was trapped between his arms, with my back on the edge of the counter.

"Come on, let's go eat," I told him, trying to escape. His mischievous smile played on his lips and he leaned closer and closer until our noses touched.

"You wore lip gloss for me? Awww," he said, his lips brushing mine as he spoke. His minty fresh breath did not help my situation. 

"Seungho. Why are you doing that to me?" I asked, mine brushing his in return.

"Not Seungho Jikyung..." he said.

"Well that's your name," I protested.

"I'm your oppa. O.P.P.A," he spelled out. I giggled. He rolled his eyes, gave me a peck on the lips and brushed his nose with mine. Then he got off of me and acted like nothing happened.

"Behgopah," he suggested. I led him to the dinner table and he pulled out the chair for me.

"Gomawo," I thanked him.

"Mhm," he replied. He spooned out rice for me and added some vegetables and meat in my bowl. I observed him. I didn't know he could be such a gentleman and so I discovered that being his girlfriend was wonderful. I felt loved and it made me happy. 

"Am I that handsome?" he joked, while handing me my bowl. I only rolled my eyes and accepted the bowl but he wouldn't give it to me. He raised a brow.

"Yes. You are very handsome. I'm hungry. Gomawo," I said quickly, taking the bowl from him. He just chuckled and shook his head, while getting food for himself. 

As we ate, we caught up on MBLAQ's latest activities and he asked me how I was doing in school. 

"Since I'm not working tomorrow, can I stay here tonight?" he asked. I choked on my rice.

"Mwoh? Here? Omo," I coughed. He handed me a glass of water, clearly amused.

"Is it not okay with you?" he asked.

"No, it's just that.."

"Are you seeing someone?" 

"ANDWAE! Why would you think that?"

"Then why are you acting so suspicious? If it's not okay with you.."

"Ani, it's just that I'm a girl and yeah," I said, softly. He nodded with a smirk on his face. He set his utensil down and propped his elbows on the table. 

"Ah, I see what you're saying," he said, supressing his laughter. I scowled. I was really embarassed and I felt my face heat up. 

"Did you think we were going to do something?" he claimed. 

"'s just that," I started. I was trying to search for the correct phrases. 

"So you wouldn't want to do that something with me?" he inquired, doning on his famous pokerface. I set my utensil down and sat back in my chair. I felt like I was being interrogated and I was having a hard time answering. I blew my hair out of my face. Now I was trying to use my hands to make a point.

"You know..I'm not that kind of girl. Traditional if you will. Aish, I don't know anymore," I cried out loud, running to the couch and planting my face down into a pillow. I needed to hide my distress. I heard him walk over to me. Without trying, he flipped me onto my back and he got on top of me. 


He remained calm and hushed me up with a kiss. 

"YAH! Get your body off of me!" I shouted. 

"You sound like you're losing your energy. You're so easy baby," he grinned. 


"You wouldn't," he smirked. 

"I know," I scowled. He chuckled at my response. 

"OPPA," I whined, "get off of me. I'm scared," I pouted. He thought it was an invitation apparently, so he leaned in closer to my face. He wasn't exactly on me but over me in a way that I wouldn't get crushed my him. I was not used to this position. 

"Do you think I'm that kind of person Jikyung?" he questioned, with a serious expression on his face. 

"You're not?" I asked. He seemed unsatisfied and a little frustrated.

"Did you think your boyfriend would be a beast and take advantage of you?" he asked again. I was silent as he continued.

"I would never do anything to you and even if you asked me to, I still wouldn't. You know why?" he asked, seriously. I shook my head no. 

"Because I'm traditional too," he smirked, "so you have no need to be scared that I would force you into something that you wouldn't be comfortable doing." He got off of me and cleared the dishes off the table. I sat up and watched him wash the dishes from behind. I was thinking about this seriously. Had I upset him, thinking that he was a erted and pushy boyfriend? I never thought about him that way, it was just that I was raised with the idea that I was to never do that with a guy casually. 

He finished the dishes and wiped the table. When he was done, he came back into the living room and put on his jacket. He looked at me with a light expression. He didn't seem mad or upset but I just couldn't let it go. He walked over to me and brushed my hair out of my face and tucked it behind my ear.

"Thanks for dinner. I should be going now," he told me. He turned to leave and I caught his hand. He turned around to face me. I shook my head 'no'. He smiled down at me, waiting for me to speak. I got up and wrapped my arms around him, my head resting on his chest. 

"Oppa, mianhe," I apologized.

"For what?" he asked, gently, my hair. 

"For misunderstanding you. I'm sorry for ruining your dinner," I muttered. 

"I understand you completely. I was just messing with you, you idiot. And you didn't ruin dinner for me, I enjoyed every bit of it," he reassured me. 

"Really?" I asked.

"Would I lie about that?" he asked.

"No," I answered.

"Exactly," he stressed. He gave me a pat on the head before walking toward the door. 

"Don't leave. I want you to stay," I told him, in a small voice.

"I know," he replied. 

"Huh?" I asked.

"Of course I'm not leaving, I'm just going to go get my stuff in the car," he told me, while slipping on his shoes.

"You came prepared?" I asked, bewildered. He didn't answer me as he went to his car and pulled out a duffle bag. He came back inside walking past me with his stuff while I closed the door, stupefied. 

"Babe!" Seungho called. It sounded like he was calling from the bathroom.

"Yes?" I asked, helplessly.

"Wait for me in bed. Don't sleep without me," he ordered.

"Yah! I need to shower and brush my teeth too!" I called back.

"Then come here and save water with me!" he suggested. Alarmed, I shuddered and charged to the bathroom to yell in his face.

"You came," he smiled, as he was shirtless and taking off his belt. I covered my eyes with one hand. 

"You are such a ert. I'm showering first," I said, as I pushed him out of the bathroom. He was surprised. I closed the door on him. Then I remembered something. 

"Seungho," I called. No response. I sighed to myself and tried again.

"Oppa," I tried.

"Yes?" he answered. It sounded as if he were ready to come in any time. I knew he was right outside the bathroom door. 

"I need my clothes," I admitted.

"I knew you would say that. Open up, I have it right here," he told me. 

"Oh but I only have a towel around me right now," I said, helplessly.

"Even better. Now open up," he demanded.

I covered myself up even more and opened the door to a crack. He was standing there with his arms crossed with a hand out with my clothes on it.

"You're the best," I smiled, recieving the clothes. He wouldn't let go. I flashed him a confused look. He leaned in closer to the crack and whispered. 

"You see this?" he asked, showing his shirtless upper body. I gulped.

"Yes," I replied.

"It'll be yours in the future," he smirked. I gasped and yanked the clothes out of his hands and closed the door on him and locked it immediately.

"I'll be waiting for you," he sang, as he walked away. I heard him turn on the television. I looked at myself in the mirror. Seungho was the only guy who could do this to me. To make me love him and make me hate him even more. I don't know how he did it, but he succeeded. As the mirror fogged up, it indicated that the water was ready. I got in the shower and let the warm water embrace me.


"Chagiya," Seungho whispered, as he pulled himself closer to me.

"Hmm?" I asked.

He didn't say anything but hugged me tighter. He tucked my head under his chin and said softly,

"Saranghaeyo my only love." I smiled to myself. It was the first time he ever said that. I had never said that to him before. 

"I can't hear you. Repeat yourself please," I teased.

"I love you Park Jikyung," he repeated, a little differently this time. 

I smiled and didn't say anything. I knew he wanted to hear it from me so I remained quiet just to urge him a little. I felt him shift a little uncomfortably. 

"I know what you're doing," he sighed. I giggled. 

"Do you..." he started, a little awkwardly.

"Of course I love you. You're the only one for me," I smiled, while confessing to him. 

"Good," he replied, I could sense him smiling. 

"Goodnight chagiya," he said.

"Goodnight oppa," I replied. I hugged him tightly as he planted a kiss on my forehead. Together, we would be off to dreamland in each others embraces.





The End

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!