Chapter 5

It Started by Eye Smile

"He is so weird,"

"Something is wrong with him perhaps,"

Cheondung and I laughed about Seungho on the way back. We totally noticed him and how could we not when we were so used to dodging nosy reporters and crazy fangirls. We had a sense someone was following us. This was basically a sixth sense everyone would develop after working for idols.

"Night Cheondung," I gleamed.

"Good night noona," he said as he smiled his wide smile. I gave him a pat on his arm and went inside my room.

"She's back!" Mina announced as I took off my shoes.

"Oh unnis', have you two eaten yet?" I asked as I set my bag down.

"We ordered room service since we really were too lazy to go down. It's what happens when you almost hit thirty. You become lazier and lazier," Luna answered.

"But thirty is young!" I protested.

"That's what we all think now," Mina laughed. I jumped onto my bed and Luna flicked the channel.






We laughed like hyennas at the screen. I totally got a kick out of it since I was pretty much there when it happened.

"Ooooh, gonna be busted," Luna chuckled.

"Nawh, it's not the first time," Mina said as she shook her head.

We took turns showering and by the time I was finished, I passed out on my bed after texting my friends back home.

"Okay girls, we have to be up before 7 tommorow. We will be heading to a set where they will be interviewed in front of a live audience. We will have to get there before the boys do so we can set up everything, araso?" Mina told us.

"Have you told the others?" Luna asked.

"Alex probably told them already," Mina answered.

"Okay then," Luna and I answered.

I set my alarm for 6am and right now it was almost 11:30pm. Eh seven or so hours will be enough to function. I'll just take naps when they're not busy.

"Goodnight!" I said to Luna and Mina as I turned off the light.


"Sweet dreams,"

I drifted off to sleep in no time thanks to the songs I listened to on my ipod. I had earphones on and I was actually listening to MBLAQ songs even though I watched them live so many times. I guess the songs and MVs gave us an inspiration for their makeup. Manager Kim gave us permission to explore with makeup on the guys since he trusted us very much.




Beep Beep Beep my alarm on my phone went off.

I shut the alarm off and pulled off my covers. I sat up in bed and ran my fingers through my hair. I made my way to the bathroom and took a 8 minute shower to wake up. All I did was wash my hair really quick and rinsed my face and body. I would take a longer shower at night.

I stepped out of the shower and dried myself. I put on my skinny jeans and my tank top. I brushed my teeth and applied lotion to my face, neck, arms, and feet. I dried my hair and curled it at the ends a little bit to create a wavy effect. By the time I finished all this, Mina was the 2nd to wake up.

"Oh you're up early," Mina said as she closed the bathroom door.

Luna woke up and she changed while waiting for Mina.

"Morning sweetie," she greeted.

"Goodmorning," I smiled. I checked my phone and we still had 25 minutes left.

I pulled on my thin hoodie and a leather jacket. I put on my socks and I fixed my bangs. I applied eyeliner on the top lid and curled my lashes. I didn't feel like putting any mascara today. I organized my bag and made myself some coffee. When Mina was done, I thought she looked pretty cute.

Mina wore a tunic with a long sleeve inside, leggings, and a peacoat. She had on a small scarf and she wore her leather boots. Luna was dressed comfortably. She did her hair in a messy bun. She wore skinny jeans, a graphic t-shirt and a solid cardigan. She had a large scarf and she was also going to wear her boots.

"Ready girls?" Mina asked. I tied my shoelaces and grabbed a makeup box. We each had a large makeup box we worked with. All of the things were identical so the makeup on the guys would match better. We reached the lobby and met the guys. I walked with Mark and he told me about his adventure yesterday with the Alex, Kevin, and Jake. We set our things in the trunk and Alex drove us to the set.

We checked with the director of the dressing room and we were to go to room 7. We saw 'MBLAQ' printed onto a paper taped on the door and we entered the room.

I arranged the chairs so that there was space to walk. We moved furniture around and adjusted the lighting. Kevin hung up all of the clothes and ironed the pants and jackets. He made sure no buttons were missing and no zippers were stuck. Jake fixed the clip-on mics and tested each and every one of them. Mina was making a list of supplies she needed to re-stock on. Luna was sharpening the eyeliner and cleaning the powdering brushes. I smoothed out the lipstick and threw away the bad brushes and brought out new ones. By the time we did a final check-off, the boys started to pour into the room.

They looked as tired as ever and we had two hours to do their makeup.  Cheondung and Mir collapsed onto the couches. G.O. and Joon were sitting on the armrest and Seungho and Manager Kim were giving a meeting. Us makeup artists/coordis gathered.

"Okay, so here's the plan. Luna, you do Mir's makeup. Alex will do Joon's and G.O's makeup. Jikyung will do Cheondung and Seungho's makeup. I will be re-stocking and writing our plans for the week. Any questions?" she asked. Luna and Alex gleamed at me since I had Seungho to practice on.

"Next. Kevin, you will dress whoever is finished first and Jake will immediately clip on the mic. We will have colored mics with whatever clothes the boys are wearing. Any questions?" she asked again. No one had a question so she proceded.

"After the interview is done, we will immediately take off their makeup. Mark and Jikyung, you guys know what to do," she said looking at us. This meant we had to fix their brows and stuff like that. YAY. We would do this once in a while so that it would look more natural instead of us constantly fixing ther eyebrows. It would create a bad effect if we had to fix them all the time.

We put our hands together and did a 'hwaiting'. MBLAQ was looking at us in our meeting. They seemed pretty impressed that we had a schedule to stick to. It wasn't like they were the only ones that knew what had to happen.

"Wait. One more thing. Remember to keep the makeup neutral and as natural as possible. Layoff the lipstick. After you guys apply chapstick, smudge a little off so it won't shine as much. Araso?" she explained. We nodded and motioned for our guys to come to the chair.

"Seungho, go get changed first," I said as I motioned for Cheondung to come first. He had a confused look and he finally got it after how long?

"Okay," he responded. I was shocked at how obedient he was. Wait a minute. Does he know that I saw him yesterday? MUAHAHA.

Cheondung was as sleepy as ever so he didn't talk much. He tends to mumble when he's tired.

"Cheondung-ah, keep your eyes open and look up please," I said as I pushed his chin upward. I covered tiny blemishes and applied the smallest amount of powder. I brought out his features and made his face look more 3D by applying a small bit of white eyeshadow at the the opposite ends of his eyes, nose, and under his nose. It was barely noticeable, but it made him look more angular. Lastly, I applied chapstick and stuck a napkin between his lips.

"Smack," I instructed.

He closed his lips on the napkin and smacked his lips. It helped take away the shine of the chapstick.

"All set," I smiled as I admired my work. He smiled a small smile and went to Kevin who was busy sorting out accessories. 

"Next-aaaaa," I said as I came face to face with Seungho. He seemed to be his normal-self but he was more quiet and cooled down. He gave me a wink with two eyes at the same time just like how TOP from Big Bang did. I laughed and I shook my head.

"What's gotten into you?" I asked lightly.

"Nothinnn, just got a good sleep. I was extra tired yesterday," he answered without hiding anything.

"I guess being chased after fans and tripping over sidewalks are a good exersice huh?" I smiled.

His eyes bulged out and he looked away. His ears even turned a light pink.

"Chill, I just think it's funny how you followed us," I chuckled. He didn't respond and I shrugged. I continued with the makeup.

"Mianhe Jikyung. I just got carried away," he apologized after a while.

"No need to-wait....are you apologizing?" I said with my eyebrows raised. I laughed like crazy and I had to cool myself down. He had a pout on his face.

"Take it or leave it. It's not like I apologize to just anyone," he scowled.

"I'll take it! And we're done," I clapped as I admired his makeup.

"Chapstick Jikyung chapstick," he reminded me as he poked the box.

"OH, right," I laughed.

I was in a pretty good mood since he was being so adorable when he was actually being shy. When he was the opposite, boy did I want to kick him in the shin.

"Smack," I said a I stuck a napkin between his lips. He was looking directly at me and I pretended not to mind. His eyes were stern but it looked like they were smiling. What do I do? I was starting to get nervous.

He smacked his lips and it let out a 'bap' sound. It actually made my heart flutter. I slipped the napkin out of his lips and I couldn't take my eyes off of his lips. They seemed...kissable....


He hopped off his chair and came close to me.

'Bap' he teased as he leaned in my ear. He brushed lint off of my shoulder and winked. He walked casually to Kevin who immediately brought out the clothes he was going to wear.

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!