Chapter 23

It Started by Eye Smile

Damn. When is that girl coming back? Is she helping U-KISS?! She can't.....Ugh. I can't believe I'm having this conversation with myself, in MY head. This is so annoying. I must find a way to get her away from those guys and their wrath.

"Hyung," Mir snapped, breaking my argument in my head.

"Huh, what?" I wondered.

"Let's go!" he shook me.

"Where?" I asked, slowly snapping back into reality.

"WE'RE PERFORMING NEXT. HYUNG. HYUNG! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Mir asked, feeling my head. 

"OMO! YOU'RE SO WARM! I see sweat!" he cried.

"Shuddup," I said while pushing his head lightly with my index finger. 

"Owww," he whined as he rubbed his head. 

I really wish I could see Jikyung before I would go onstage. Wait. Why would I? Aish. I don't know anymore. 



"You guys worked hard!"


We bowed towards all of the backstage crew as we went back into the backstage area. Just I walked past the vending machines, I spotted Eli and Jikyung. 

"What is she doing with HIM?!" I said under my breath. He was shirtless and he had a towel around his neck. He was talking to Jikyung ever so casually. This was not happening. I was going to confront them. Just as I was going to walk over to him, she waved to him and started walking to the direction of our dressing room.

"Oh my god," I gasped. I started panicking. Thank goodness she was looking at her phone. WAIT. Did she and him just. Oh hell no.


Ring ring ring.

"Yobosayo?" I answered. I turned around.

Eli waved at me and I just laughed and waved back.

"Just checking," he winked. I shut my phone and he did the same.

"See you soon," he waved. I nodded and waved. I turned and started to the direction of MBLAQ's dressing room. Just as walked past the restroom door, I sensed movement. 

"Mwoh?" I wondered, since I didn't see anyone running through the halls. As I kept walking, I heard footsteps. I stopped in my tracks and turned around. 

Something was off. For some reason, it felt as if someone or something was watching me from behind. I turned left and started walking. There was something behind the plant. I took a few steps and stopped. A few steps and stopped. It would be really akward it there was no one but I decided to look anyway. 


"AHH!" I clutched my chest at a smirking Seungho. 

"I scared you," he teased while crossing his arms at me, raising his brow. 

"NOT FUNNY," I said through my gritted teeth as I shot him a glare. 

"Achoo!" he sneezed.

"Karma," I said before stomping off. 

"Wait!!!" he called before running after me.

"What do you want?" I asked, impaciently. For some reason, I couldn't look him in the eye. 

"You're always gonna be our coordinator right?" he asked between sniffs. He seemed...sick.

"Assisstant," I corrected, ignoring his sniffing. 

"You get my point," he said anyway.

"Yeah...why do you ask that?" I asked cautiously.

"Good," he said and walked off. He was whistling with his hands stuffed into his pockets. 

"Pabo," I muttered before walking back into the dressing room. 


"If hyung is sick and didn't go home....wait a minute...isn't Jikyung sick too? That one night. No way,"

"Yah, you okay?" Joon nudged me.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, half-heartedly. 

"Good job Cheondung. You've improved a lot," Manager Kim smiled as he pat my back. I thanked him before he walked off to take a phone call.

I sighed to myself. Just then, a smiling Seungho walked in, followed by a confused Jikyung. Something must've happened. Seungho was playing with his phone while Jikyung was talking to Mina and Luna. 

"Omo, look at her body," Luna admired while talking to Mina. They spun her in circles. 

"I always thought your baby fat was cute but look at you now, oh my," Mina admired as well.

Jikyung was hiding her shy smile. She looked adorable. 

"Do you wanna go shop with us later?" Luna asked.

"Yeah, it'll be the three of us," Mina added.

"Well, I'd love to but I have to meet up with my trainer today. I'm going to the gym," she explained.

"Yeah, that seems like a good idea!" Luna smiled brightly.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Mina grinned.

"We should start working out! We're almost 30!" Luna gasped.

"Shhhh," Mina hushed. Jikyung was smiling at the two. 

"Great day everyone!" Manager Kim clapped. It was time to leave. 

Everyone headed for the door. 

"Home we go!" an exited Mir clapped. I rolled my eyes at his sqeaky voice.

"Annyeong!" he greeted the noonas.

"Annyeong," they waved. He has seen them all day and yet he still acts like he hasn't seen them in a hundred years. 

I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door. I was walking with G.O. and although he was talking to me, or himself, my attention was fixed to Jikyung who was chatting with Mina and Luna. 

"OOhh! It's U-KISS!" Mir said aloud.

We greeted each other again and Kevin and Eli seemed to be what's the word? FLIRTING. With her.

I decided to interrupt, nicely. Just as I approached them, so did Seungho. He looked at me weirdly and then he turned his attention back to the guys. 

"Annyeong!" Kevin greeted. Eli waved nicely at us. He then continued talking to Jikyung.

"Seriously? I go there too. And I have the same trainer," he said. They both laughed and high-fived. 

"You guys were great!" Kevin said to Seungho and I. Eli nodded along but he was quiet. 

"Thank you," I replied. Seungho did the same. Just then, he and Eli exchanged glances. I sensed something weird, but I couldn't quite understand it. 

"Well, we'll get going now! See you later!" Kevin said. 

"See you," Eli followed. They were soon out of sight. 

"What are you guys doing? We're gonna leave without you guys!" Manager Kim threatened while talking on his phone. Seungho looked at Jikyung and quickly caught up to Manager Kim. Jikyung watched him from behind, I could tell. 

I could not lose to Seungho. I sensed that if I didn't do anything sooner or later, I was never going to have a chance. 

"Hey noona. Do you want to go out for dinner or late night snack later?" I asked. 

"Well I'm going to work out soon so..." she started.

"It's okay, I'll wait until after you're done," I urged.

"Well...." she said slowly.

"See you at seven!" I said before running off. 

"Wait, where?" she called after me.

"You'll know soon enough," was my reply before reaching the parking lot. 


"Ooooh, someone likes you!" Luna and Mina giggled.

"No, he doesn't he's just a brother," I replied.

"Do you like him? Eh? Eh?" Mina nudged me. 

"Never did. Well at least, like that kind of like," I stressed.

"Wait, doesn't Seun-" Luna said before was muffled by Mina. 

"What did you say?" I asked, a little louder than usual. It sent my stomach into flip-flops.

"See you at the gym!" they chimed before running off. 

I reached my car and right before I got in, I recieved a text. As I checked to see who it was. I almost collapsed. It couldn't be Seungho.

I flipped my phone open and it read:


Cafe shop around the college @7.

I'll be there until I see you.




"What is this? What should I do? Tell Cheondung I can't make it? Or tell Seungho I can't make it," I sighed to myself. My heart and my mind were not the same.

My mind told me it was wrong to leave Cheondung like that but my heart told me one thing, and it was clear enough. I wanted to see Seungho. It was as simple as that. 

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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!