Chapter 10

It Started by Eye Smile

~~~Mina's POV~~~

Luna, Alex, and I waved to Mark as he went to get his full body scan. We didn't go with Mark back to Seoul for a day because we had to go somewhere with Manager Kim to take care of MBLAQ's new wardrobe. Mark was going for one night and coming back tommorow at noon. He waved at us one last time before heading to the boarding area.


~~~~~Jikyung's POV~~~~~~

I kept to myself and only answered questions that I felt needed to be answered. My uncle was just as devastated as I was. He was my only family left. His wife and my cousins felt just as bad as us but they couldn't do anything for me.

I lingered across the soil, stepping over what used to be my house. A house filled with happy, beautiful, and unforgettable memories. I was not stopped by the police taking care of the aftermath. I picked up belongings that once belonged to my mom, dad, and my brother. I held onto them tightly and wiped off the debris before placing them in my knapsack. My mom's most cherished jewlery box and perfume. I also found her handwritten cookbook, just browned at the edges. My father's favorite watch and his stamp collection. I went to the area which used to be my brother's room. I collected his medals he earned from swimming. I found his baseball, and lastly, the picture frame of us together at the wharf. I looked around frantically until I found the two photo albums laying under some wood that used to be our bookshelf. I found my brother's camera and put that in my bag as well.

I walked out of the debree and thanked the police who let me take my time. They had pure sympathy in their eyes as they patted my shoulder. I bowed and without a word, I carried the two photoalbums in my arms and took one last look at our house.

I carried all of the things back to my apartment. I set the belongings one by one in a cardboard box and closed it behind a cabinet. I didn't want to be reminded of my family until I felt I was ready to bring them out again.

My uncle arranged the service on my part. He went with my decisions and did what I said. We would be having a small and simple service only for us family and friends. Uncle told me Mark would be coming, afterall he was Jihoo's and my bestest friend.

I had a huge headache these two days. It was a torture to look at myself in the mirror everyday. I was bruised and cut. My stomach was getting flatter and flatter. I often time lost my balance. I had migranes and I completely lost my appetite. My aunt comforted me in all ways she could, but I told her I would be fine. I was lying, I would not be fine. I would never see, feel, or hear my parents again. I would never hear my dad crack the lamest jokes. I would never hear my mom tell me about her latest creations in the kitchen. I would never hear my brother tell me the most interesting things and I would never hear him tell me how much he wanted to reach the olympics. We would never speak to or see one another ever again. They would never see me grow up, mature, and get married. I was on my own now. No more late-night phonecalls. No more specially prepared bento boxes sent to me. No more family bonding time. No one at all. Why did they go all at once.

"You guys are so cruel, do you know that?" I cried to myself. I hugged my knees and sat on my bed. My eyes watered but I did not cry with sound. I felt that the tears were uncontrollable. Even if I tried to stop, they would keep on flowing. I would see my family for the one last time tommorow. My time to say goodbye and send them off.

I saw them this morning. Their restless expressions, stoney and cold. The stiffness lied within them. The gray color of their skin. Makeup would not hide the tone of their skin. They were dressed in suits and a dress. A beautiful embroidered blanket covered each of them. I would never forget the moment I visited 3 caskets all at once. It was the most horrible feeling in the world.

I would be at the service tommorow at 8am. The service would start at 9 and so would the last sight I would ever have of them. I hugged my pillow to sleep and I fell into a restless sleep after being awake for two hours, unable to escape reality and into my dreams.


I washed up and kept my face clean of any makeup. I took off my earrings and placed them into my jewlery box. I changed into my back dress and wore my black flats with a little heel. I kept my hair out of my face and I covered my neck with a small scarf. What could not be hidden were the scars on my face. I looked horrible. My face was ghastly and my eyes forming dark circles. I sighed and looked at myself in the mirror.

"How hideous," I said before turning away to grab my clutch.

I locked the door and drove to the mortuary/cemetary.

My older cousins greeted me with half smiles and I returned the same. They patted my back and gave me a reassuring squeeze.

Slowly, car by car, our family friends arrived, some with more than sad expressions. They embraced me and cried to me instead. I took to patting them on the shoulder before taking my seat in the chapel. I sat with Mark and I appreciated his presence. Our other friends were in the back with their families. My uncle sat on the left side of the front row while we were on the right.

The lasts words were said and the cars came to pick up the caskets. We followed the cars up the hill where many other graves were. We choose three spaces next to each other. The spaces were located directly under a cherry blossom. We choose this spot because our family loved cherry blossoms and we once had a large tree in our front yard.

The caskets, one by one, lowered into the soil. We layed roses and soil onto the the caskets and brought our palms together. I did not shed any tears because I wanted them to leave peacefully, without worries. The workers covered the caskets with soil and it was over. The guests gave my uncle and me their sympathy and headed home. The stone and ledger were going to be finished by 6 months. Before then, little flags would mark the spots.

Mark gave me my space and I appreciated it. I drove back to my house and changed into casual clothes. I called up Mark.

"Yobosayo?" he answered.

"Hey, it's me," I said quietly.

"Oh, Jikyung. What's up?" he asked.

"I'm going back with you tommorow. I already booked a flight," I told him.

"Really? Manager Kim says you can take your time. There's no need to rush since you have us," he told me.

"I think it's better for me to busy myself. I can't linger and mope around. I need to leave Seoul," I said.

"Okay then. I'll pick you up at ten tommorow," he said.

"Alright, see you then," I said before hanging up.

I took out the dried laundry and folded my clothes. I took a shower and packed my toiletries back into my suitcase. After packing, I ate instant noodles because I was actually craving something to eat. I sat in front of the T.V. with my bowl of jajangmyun and a glass of ice water. I watched MBLAQ'S performance coincidentally by tuning into different channels.

I felt the exhaustion build up on me. I did the dishes, brushed my teeth, and fell alseep under my warm blanket.


Mark and I chatted a little. It felt nice that I had someone who understood me. I had the window seat in the plane.

"I'm sorry for scaring you the other day," I apologized.

"You remembered that?" he asked, surprised.

"Pabo. I have great memory but it was really scary for me. So many things happening at once. I was actually fine until you told me the news," I said to him.

"How's everyone by the way?" I asked curiously.

"Well, they feel that you should rest yourself and come back when you've settled. And one thing. Mina feels awful for asking you that favor. She said she'd rather be the one," he told me.

"How can it be her fault? I don't blame it on her. I don't blame anything on everyone. I'm okay so she shouldn't feel bad. What about the boys?" I asked again. The thing I wanted to hear was news about him.

"Well they're awfully quiet and they do things without being told, which is new. Mir and Joon are less talkative. G.O. is kind of the same. Cheondung barely speaks and Seungho, well, I don't know," he stopped.

"What?" I asked, clearly confused.

"We found out he got hurt the other night when Manager Kim patted his back. He cringed and I think he took the pain out on stage. I think he danced it off. G.O. told me he has a couple of bruises on his back but they applied ointment for him," Mark said.

"I feel bad and at the same time, so grateful for him," I paused.

"I want to thank him," I said after a while.

"We're here," Mark announced as we landed. We talked for more than two hours while eating the snacks the flight attendent provided. She took extra care of us and I believe she has a thing for Mark. Well afterall, he's not bad looking.

I fixed my scarf and Mark helped me walk. Not to mention, Minwoo stopped me from running away by twisting my right ankle. It hella hurts.

We grabbed our luggages and went out of the big exit. Alex was there waiting for us and he gave me a warm smile. I forced myself to do the same. I hope everyone didn't think I was crazy after how I acted the other day. Even I scared myself. I was an out of control freak. I felt loose and I enjoyed it, getting caught up in the moment without caring about what I said or did. No one would judge me. Instead, they would do the best to understand me.

"Let's go for lunch," Alex announced as we left the airport.

"What would you like Jikyung?" he asked.

"Up to you and Mark. I'll eat whatever you guys do," I replied.

"Alright then. What would you like Mark?" he asked.

"Up to you Alex," he said, also the same.

"Eeenie meenie.............sushi!" he said, lightening up the mood.

We pulled into the driveway and went to have sushi that traveled around on little boats.

After we could barely walk after eating so much, we went to get coffee.

The three of us chilled while the other coordis were on an errand with Manager Kim. The MBLAQ boys were ending practice/rehearsal soon.

We walked back to the hotel and I got a new room card and set my luggage into the room. Mina and Luna weren't back yet so I decided to hang out with the guys again. I knocked on their door and they were playing with a Wii console they brought.

"Seriously?" I asked as I looked at the two competetative guys battling it out with boxing.

I sat there shaking my head until I heard a knock on the door. I opened up the door and some guy started to speak immediately before looking at who he was talking to.

"Hey, Mark, I got you an autogr- whoa," jumped back Cheondung as he looked at me.

"You wanna come in?" I asked.

"Uh, sure," he said, caught off guard.

"I'll see you later," I said as I put my shoes on. He walked me to the door and I looked at him once more before heading back to my room.

I walked slowly to the elevator, occupied with my thoughts. I felt someone grab my shoulder and turn me around.

"There you are. I was looking for you," Seungho said while looking directly into my eyes.

"Seungho," I whispered.

He grabbed my hand and helped me into the elevator, noticing my limping.

"You okay?" he asked as he bent down to pull up my jean leg a little. He took at look at my wrapped ankle.

"Need me to carry you?" he asked as he offered to bend down.

"Aniyo. It's okay, really," I said while shaking my head.

"Come on. If you don't get on, I'm counting to 3. If you don't get on by then, I'm never getting up," he threatened, nicely. I didn't know how threatening and nice could go together. He was the only one that could do this.

"Hana....dul....s..." he started.

"Fine," I said quickly. He chuckled and turned his head back at me and winked. I gave him a small smile and got on him.

"You are so light. Have you been eating right?" he asked. I was a little suprised at how he could tell the difference.

I didn't reply and he nodded.

"I'll take that as a yes," he said.

"Jikyung. Why did you apologize to me the other day?" he asked, as he gave me a piggy back ride around the garden of the hotel. We were alone since it was starting to get dark, and everyone was inside the sauna.

"I'm not sure. I just felt like saying it. In case I wouldn't see you again. You saved me after how I treated you before we got to Japan," I replied, honestly.

"You are still dumb," he laughed.

"I saved you because I wanted to. As much as we fight, I don't take it seriously. Honestly, I thought you were kind of cute the first day I saw you. Seeing how you didn't swoon over me, I decided to mess with you until you would crack," he said to me. This time he set me down on the bench. He bent down in front of me. It was hard looking at him in the eye, but he seemed relaxed, something I rarely saw.

"Have I cracked yet?" I asked.

"Not yet. You're a tough cookie," he smiled. I noticed my loose shoelace and bent forward to tie it.

He was faster than I was and he tied it for me. I was slightly taken back by his action.

"Thanks," I said to him.

"It's nothing. No need to thank me," he said humbly.

"I'm not thanking you just for this," I said.

He looked at me curiously and titlted his head to the side. I took a breath and looked him directly in the eye.

"Seungho. Thank you for saving me that night. Thank you for knowing what to do. I wouldn't be here right now if it weren't for you," I said with a small smile.

He nodded and took a seat next to me. He leant forward and clasped his hands together. We stayed in this position for a while.

I stood up since it was a little chilly and I wanted to head back inside. He got up immediately and helped me stand still. I felt an adrenaline rush and I kissed him. Right when he wasn't looking, I pecked him on the cheek. After I realized what I had done, he started to turn to look at me. I looked forward and limped my way toward the door. After I made it back inside I almost face palmed myself.

What did you just do Jikyung?


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findhamarizka #1
Chapter 32: I really like your story!! so cutee and sweet ^^
such a cute story! >.<
kept smiling till the end! :))
awwwwwwwwwwww I smiled like a big dork while reading this story lol it was really sweet.
lmao!! only Seungho can be bold and erted at the same time. <33 him!!
AWESOME ending!!!!
I love Seung Ho!!! *giggles*
hellopanda23 #6
that was such a cute story... sorry i didn't get to follow it from the beginning until the end!!! but it was adorableeeee!! : ) yeahhh
So cute~ Great job ^^ loved it. XD
Seung Ho, you ! *giggles* Glad he's ok :)
Who? Who? Who's going after her? Tell me it' Seung Ho! *puppy eyes* UPDATE SOOOOOOONNNNNNNNN!!!