Who did this

Cold Hearted Jerk!

Baekhyun's P.O.V

"Bye Mom, Bye Dad!" Baekhyun said as he was going out of his mansion and entering the car.

*10 minutes later*

Baekhyun was staring outside with a smile pasted in his face. 

"Young Master seems to be in a good mood today" the driver commented.

"Really, I thought I was like this everyday" Baekhyun said. The driver keeped silence and shaked his head.

"Is there any special reason as to why Young Master is like this?" the driver (Mr. Kim) asked.

"Just excited to go to school" Baekhyun responded and that was the end of their conversation.

*Moments later*

"Goobye Young Master, have a great day at school" Mr. Kim shouted because of all the screamings of his fangirls. Baekhyun nodded and started to head to Exo's room as always with the sea of fangirls following him.

*Ring Ring*

The bell rang and students started to crowd inside the classroom including Exo and Baekhyun. This was actually the first time that Exo went to class. The teacher was surprised to see them today and for the first time in months Mrs. Jung checked their attendance. Well the reason behind this was because Baekhyun literally forced them to go out of the room. Baekhyun was standing outside Ah Ri's classrom waiting for her.

*Wait why am I waiting for Ah Ri?*

When Baekhyun as going to turn around and go back to his classroom his feet just couldn't move, a part of his body told thim to stay and Baekhyun obediently stayed. Minutes passed and Ah Ri still haven't showed up, by the information that he got from a teacher Song Ah Ri is never late. Baekhyun started to worry and went around the school searching for you. He passed the girl's bathroom and heard some sobbing, he was very curious because who would be crying at this time of the day.

"Sorry for entering" Baekhyun said and entered the girls bathroom. In the corner he saw a girl with her hand around her knees and her face was covered by her hair. Approching her slowly Baekhyun started to recognize the girl even if her hair was covering half of her face.

"Ah Ri?" Baekhyun asked carefully incase it wasn't her. The girl slowly lifted her head up and Baekhyun's prediction was correct but there was something different. Her face was full of scraches and now he saw that blood was coming up of her arm.

"Ah Ri ah! Are you okay? Who did this to you" Baekhyun said worried. Before you could even answer you fainted in the ground. Baekhyun carried you bridal style to the nursery.

*Just wait Ah Ri I would definetely find the person who did this to you*

Just around the corner Baekhyun saw someone and the person's eyes widened and escaped. 



O.O who is it 

I already have my D.O fanfic written, like the first part but it would take some time when I actually publish it because I really want to finish this fic before starting another one.

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Sandara05 #1
Chapter 40: That was a gr8t fanfic i liked it ^_^
Chapter 41: This story was so cute!! Ill really read more of your stories! ! Haha
novi_2221 #3
Chapter 41: what a good ending :)
Chapter 2: OMG YOSEOB FROM B2ST!!! HE IS LIKE MY FREAKING BIAS... but sad that she wont except Yoseob though
Chapter 41: wow! the ending was so sweet. i really like this story. good job :D
Omo I can't wait to read this story!
Chapter 39: Luhan????????????????what happened to him????seriously i really love this story but please explain what happened to luhanㅠㅠㅠ authornim i need an updateㅠㅠㅠㅠ
leodini #9
Chapter 40: Authornim.... what actually happen to luhan??