
Where My Heart Takes Me

*Narrator's POV*

It was almost lunch time when they finished swimming. Luhan has bribed Sehun with life time supply of bubble tea to let him have a day with Sunmi alone. Sehun was definitely conflicted at first. His love for Bubble tea is almost as strong as his love for Sunmi. But after seeing Luhan's pleading eyes, he knew he couldn't refuse Luhan.

"Sunmi-ah!" Luhan caught up to her as she was walking ahead of them.

"Oh lulu. Where's Sehun going?" Sunmi looked at Sehun who was walking the opposite direction with slumped shoulders.

"He's um getting some bubble tea..yeah haha bubble tea." Luhan fidgeted on the spot.

"aish, that brat. He didn't even invite me." Sunmi looked at Sehun's fading figure with a scrunched up face.

"Aigooo. How Ke ai." Luhan pinched her soft cheeks.

"Ke Ai? What's that?" She asked.

"It means cute in Chinese, Baobei." Luhan smiled at her with loving eyes.

"Ohhhhh..wait, what's Baobei?" Sunmi asked again. She was slightly annoyed that Luhan kept talking in a language that she doesn't understand, but she felt giddy that Luhan called her cute.

"Baobei means precious or treasure. You are my Baobei, Sunmi-ah." Luhan looked at Sunmi with his adoring doe eyes that could melt any living females on earth. And Sunmi was no exception. She could feel the heat spread across her face.

"uh-um thank y-you?" Sunmi stuttered like a cute little school girl with a crush.

"Ke ai. Come Baobei, let me take you out for lunch." Luhan offered his hand and Sunmi took it shyly.


"waaaahhhh this place looks so cool!" Sunmi exclaimed when they reached their destination. t's a big giant green house filled with many exotic flowers and plants of all kinds. You can hear water trickling down from the fountains and tropical birds singing their melodious tunes as if welcoming her to their paradise.

"You like it? This is my special place. I always come here alone whenever I need to think." Luhan beamed proudly at the sight before him.

"Like it? More like LOVe it! Omg Luhan, This place is beautiful. I can see why this is your special place." Sunmi was looking around the green house with a huge smile on her face. Luhan couldn't ask for a more beautiful sight as he gazed at her.

"Come here, beautiful. Now, Let's go eat lunch." Luhan reached for Sunmi's petite hand and led her further into the green house. After a few minutes of walking, they saw lushcious green canopies hanging over the flower vines making it took like a little tent made of leaves and flowers. Underneath that tent was a banquet of food awaiting the two of them.

"oh myy....Luhan, did you do this?" Sunmi was awestruck. 

"yeah...hahah w-what do you think of it?" Luhan was nervous that Sunmi might not like it. He had spent all night building the tent with his telekenisis power without anyone's help because he believes that he should give his all for Sunmi.

"What do I think? Are you kidding me? This is the most beautiful thing anyone has ever done for me. Thank you, Luhan. It's breathtakingly awesome." Sunmi gave Luhan a hug. She felt overwhelmed with emotions. She felt like the luckiest person alive.

"I'm glad you liked it. oh by the way, I never really apoligized for agressively kissing you before. I'm sorry, Sunmi-ah. I was so upset when you started dating Kris. I felt like a sore loser when you slapped me. I-" Luhan was about continue but he was interrupted when Sunmi gave him a peck on the lips.

"Shhh. You talk too much. And I forgave you long time ago. I was only avoiding you because I was confused about my feelings. I didn't understand at the time what I felt." Sunmi explained.

"Do you understand it now?" Before Sunmi could reply, Luhan kissed her gently unlike the last time. All his feelings were present in his kiss. The apology. The patience. The perserverance. The love.

When they finally pulled away, Sunmi put her forehead against his and whispered softly, " Yeah, I think I do."

And they smiled as they looked into each other's eyes.

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huhuhu ); Next chappie will be the epilogue. I'm sad to end this fic. Thank you so much for the support guys. It really mean alot to me. Saranghe~


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Chapter 37: *screams*
*screams* *fangirls* *flip all the tables*
Chapter 35: *drum rolls*
Chapter 32: hehehehehehe~
He's so Hot.
*nose bleeds*
My nose is bleeding.
Well,This is better than fainting. *wipes the red liquid*
Chapter 28: The Truth Has Been Spoken!
*insert The goat*
Chapter 23: Ugh.
This cannot be happening.
I know Daehyun is cute as but I prefer Exo.
WARNING: The next thing you'll be reading in this comment is full of drama.(cause: Because I watch to much dramas)Read at your own risk.

Daehyun: Don't you love me? TT.TT
uhm...I don't know..?
Daehyun: *running away while crying*
Wait!!----Come back!!---I didn't mean to!!--Hey! *dramatically runs after him*
Chapter 21: *stumble*
*talks to myself*
You can do this.
You can't faint right now.
*deep breaths*
Chapter 20: I think it's Kai,Sehun and Luhan~
Chapter 19: Psssst~
*nudge* *nudge*
It's good to see Luhan dressed up like Tarzan,right??
*smiles creepily*
Chapter 15: Oooh~I smell something fishy~