The Truth

Where My Heart Takes Me

Luhan walked out of Sunmi's room with a sad expression on his face and headed towards the kitchen where the boys were having lunch.

" Oh Luhannie Hyung's here! Hyung Hyung here! sit next to me." the cute maknae of the group chirped.

Luhan plopped himself down next to Sehun and let out a sigh.

" What's wrong Hyung? What's with the sigh?" Sehun asked.

" nothing. It's just hard for me to keep on lying to Sunmi."

Sehun suddenly stopped eating and looked at Luhan with guilt in his eyes. " I know Hyung.Same here. In fact,that's how all of us feel"

" Luhan ge,did Sunmi say anything to you?" the ever-so-handsome unicorn asked worriedly.

" Yeah..she asked me if she can go back home. oh yea Lay btw,you said you made dumpling. What the SHnap is this lump of noodles?!"

" ahh aha sorry ge. D.O. cooked instead-" Lay was cut off my a shriecking voice that belongs to none other than the umma of Exo, D.O.

" BWOH?! LUMP?!!!!! This is my specialty,Kimchi spagetti. Thank you very much." D.O went berserk on Luhan.

" tch. spagetti my ." Kai scoffed.

" I heard that! Yah, Kim Jongin, consider yourself lucky you are sitting at the opposite end the table"

" ANYWAY, guys I don't think I can keep decieving her anymore." Luhan announced to his brothers

. " But,remember what father said Luhan" Duizhang reminded Luahan and the others.

* Flash BAck *

" Father please! Don't leave us. especially not now!" Suho pleaded while holding his father's right hand.

" Lay Hyung! DO SOMETHING. Why can't you heal him!?" Kai shook Lay's deflated shoulders. The 12 princes were surrounding their father's death bed. They all know that soon they will lose him forever.

" listen, my sons. YOu need to do something for me." The sick King said with a shaky voice.

" Neh, Abba mama. Anything. WE WILL DO IT." Kris squeezed his father's left hand.

" On earth.. Find a child.. a child that will replace my place as the tree of life and save EXO. Use this black pearl, it will summon the child to EXo..." The Old King coughed out blood vigorously. Nevertheless, he continued. " When the child gets here, make sure to keep the child safe. The child's power source for tree of life will be activated on the eighteenth birthday." All the princes were weeping while listening to the King. The dying King took out a tiny leather book from the pillow with shakey fingers. " Give this to the child on the eighteenth birthday." Then, the old man collapsed on the bed after he took his last breath. 

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO." Screams and cries filled the air. Tao broke a vase with his wushu stick and Kris had to hug Tao to calm him down. Kai teleported to his hideout. Chen and Xuimin held onto each other for support. Suho was trying console the crying maknae and the pretty boy prince Luhan. D.O looked liked a scary monster with his big blood shot eyes. Baekyun was wrapped up in Chanyeol's arms crying his eyes out. And Lay just stood in the middle of it all. He's not crying like the others. He just stood there, frozen in spot.

* End of Flash BAck *

" Sunmi will surely hate us if she knows that we were the ones who took her away from her family." Baekhyun said while resting his head on Chanyeol's arm.

" And if she hates us, she will never agreed to help us." Chen said dejectedly.

" Oh come on, guys. Sunmi isn't like that. She will still agree." Tao objected and resume eating his lump of spagetti.

" Tao,Think about it. She loves her family very much. She will hate us for doing this to her." Tao's favorite Dragon said.

" Kris is right, Panda. We have no other choice but to keep lying to her. She will try to leave if we told her." Lay said.

" So, we must never tell Sunmi the truth Arraseo?" Xuimin said to Tao.

" Tell me what??"

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huhuhu ); Next chappie will be the epilogue. I'm sad to end this fic. Thank you so much for the support guys. It really mean alot to me. Saranghe~


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Chapter 37: *screams*
*screams* *fangirls* *flip all the tables*
Chapter 35: *drum rolls*
Chapter 32: hehehehehehe~
He's so Hot.
*nose bleeds*
My nose is bleeding.
Well,This is better than fainting. *wipes the red liquid*
Chapter 28: The Truth Has Been Spoken!
*insert The goat*
Chapter 23: Ugh.
This cannot be happening.
I know Daehyun is cute as but I prefer Exo.
WARNING: The next thing you'll be reading in this comment is full of drama.(cause: Because I watch to much dramas)Read at your own risk.

Daehyun: Don't you love me? TT.TT
uhm...I don't know..?
Daehyun: *running away while crying*
Wait!!----Come back!!---I didn't mean to!!--Hey! *dramatically runs after him*
Chapter 21: *stumble*
*talks to myself*
You can do this.
You can't faint right now.
*deep breaths*
Chapter 20: I think it's Kai,Sehun and Luhan~
Chapter 19: Psssst~
*nudge* *nudge*
It's good to see Luhan dressed up like Tarzan,right??
*smiles creepily*
Chapter 15: Oooh~I smell something fishy~