Costume Party

Where My Heart Takes Me

*Narrator's POV*

The EXO mansion was full of excitement on Saturday night. The boys were getting into their costumes and so was the girl. This particular girl was looking at herself in the mirror with a worried face. She was wearing a red velvet dress that hugs her waist and bust tightly and shows off her lean arms. Her dark brown hair was in pretty curls and was adorned with a black lacey hair clip on the lower left side of her hair. Her long hair draped her right shoulder. Her eyes were lined with thick liner and you can detect a tiny blush that decorate her pretty little face. Overall, she looks very elegant and beautiful.

"MiMi! Are you ready?" Sehun called out from Downstairs.

"Y-Yeah. I'm coming!" Sunmi was not ready to go outside and meet the boys. She was afraid that they'd make fun of her. She slowly made her way downstairs while one hand clutching the dress so she won't trip. Kai was the first one that saw her. He unvoluntarily held his breath at the beautiful sight. Then there was Kris, who broke out in a big smile when he saw Sunmi. He was happy that this beautiful girl was his! Well for tonight anyways. Everyone was stopped talking as they stared at Sunmi with hanging mouths.

"Um...guys, Do I look wierd? yeah.I'll just go change." Sunmi said and turned to walked up the stairs.

"NO!" Everyone shouted. Kris, Kai, and Luhan were the loudest.

"You look beautiful, Sunmi." Luhan took Sunmi's hand and kissed it.

"t-thank you." She replied with blushing face. Her heart skipped a beat when Luhan's lips touched her hand. It sent shivers all over her body. Meanwhile, Kris was fuming with anger inside when Luhan kissed her hand. He walked over to Sunmi and held out his hand. Now It was Sunmi's turn to be struck with handsomeness in her face. Kris was wearing a black tuxedo with red tie that matched her dress. His hair was slicked back like Leo Dicaprio and his overall frame was flaming with Hotness. Sunmi shyly took Kris' hand and bit her lip. Little did she know that her little gesture made Kris' heart went wild.

"Sunmi-ah hold on a moment." Kai took out a beautiful necklace from his pocket. He was a more relaxed version of Kris. He wasn't wearing a tux, but he was wearing a fitted button down with black suspender and a red bow tie that somehow matched her dress. He left his hair messy just the way she likes it. Kai was oozing with Charisma.

"t-thanks, Kai." She shivered when Kai's hand touched the back of her neck.

"wahhh Mimi you're so pretty." Sehun complemented and others nodded their head in agreement.

"and she's my date." Kris smugly interjected and took Sunmi's hand. Sunmi's heart fluttered at Kris' claim.

* In the floating vehicle on their way to the Party *

Sunmi had been trying figure out what everyone was. Baekyun and Chanyeol were the easiest to guess. They were both wearing long wigs with head band on their head and they wearing tie dye shirts. They are obviously Hippies. Make that flipping handsome hippies. Next was Xuimin, Chen, and Lay. They were all weaing white and if you get closer to them you can see wings attached to their sneakers. One word ANGELS. They look so precious. Then there was Tao and Sehun. They were both in animal costumes: Tao was dressed as a panda while Sehunnie was a bunny. They were both so cute. Sunmi pinched their cheeks for the fourth time. Then she shifted her attention on D.O. He was dressed in medieval clothing with a hat that has a feather attached to it.

"Um D.Oppa what are you???" Sunmi asked while tilting her head.

"I'm Robin Hood, silly." He smiled at Sunmi.

"OHHH now that makes sense."

"Can you guess what I am Sunmi?" Luhan asked her. Sunmi looked at Luhan timidly. She faced him and quickly looked down. Luhan was practically . The only clothing he had on was the little piece of clothing that barely covered his delicious .


"I'm supposed to be Tarzan, mimi" Luhan pouted.

"hehe sorry Lulu." Sunmi couldn't help but pinched his cheeks. Then she blushed when she remembered that Luhan had on almost nothing.

"Look Mimi! We are here!" Sehun pointed to the big mansion out the window.

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huhuhu ); Next chappie will be the epilogue. I'm sad to end this fic. Thank you so much for the support guys. It really mean alot to me. Saranghe~


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Chapter 37: *screams*
*screams* *fangirls* *flip all the tables*
Chapter 35: *drum rolls*
Chapter 32: hehehehehehe~
He's so Hot.
*nose bleeds*
My nose is bleeding.
Well,This is better than fainting. *wipes the red liquid*
Chapter 28: The Truth Has Been Spoken!
*insert The goat*
Chapter 23: Ugh.
This cannot be happening.
I know Daehyun is cute as but I prefer Exo.
WARNING: The next thing you'll be reading in this comment is full of drama.(cause: Because I watch to much dramas)Read at your own risk.

Daehyun: Don't you love me? TT.TT
uhm...I don't know..?
Daehyun: *running away while crying*
Wait!!----Come back!!---I didn't mean to!!--Hey! *dramatically runs after him*
Chapter 21: *stumble*
*talks to myself*
You can do this.
You can't faint right now.
*deep breaths*
Chapter 20: I think it's Kai,Sehun and Luhan~
Chapter 19: Psssst~
*nudge* *nudge*
It's good to see Luhan dressed up like Tarzan,right??
*smiles creepily*
Chapter 15: Oooh~I smell something fishy~