Winning is all that matters

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Woohyun sighed.

10 minutes.

20 minutes.

30 minutes.

Yet, the person he was waiting for couldn't be seen. He strolled around the room with hands inside his pocket.

"Hyung what are you doing here?" Sungjong suddenly popped into the room.

Woohyun looked startled but answered him anyways,"Ah... Nothing... Just waiting for my next class,"

It's not true to say that Sungjong believed him but the younger nodded his head and took his music book above the piano before leaving.

Woohyun sat back on the couch and played with his phone. Suddenly, the door opened and Woohyun immediately stood up.

"Hyung!" He called with a grin.

"What do you want to talk about Woo?" Sunggyu asked him before closing the door behind him.

"Uh... This!" He gave Sunggyu a piece of paper with notes.

Sunggyu looked at it with furrowed eyebrows.

"I was actually thinking of doing a duet for the annual concert with you," he said softly, afraid that Sunggyu would reject his idea.

"But we're doing a remix with our band right?"

Woohyun nodded. "Yes and we're still doing that. I'm just thinking like we'll do two performances, we can do our duet for the encore maybe?"

"Are you out of your mind? One performance is enough to make me crazy Woohyun,"

"Come on hyung! I know you want to do this,"

"I want to. I do really want to. Having a duet stage with you would be really awesome, but we can't. It's just.... Too much pressure in me. I've got my exams next week and I still need to go for practice,"

Woohyun looked down in disappointment although he was actually expecting this kind of reaction from the leader.

"Hyung..." Sunggyu looked at him and sighed.

"I'm... Sorry Woo... I just had a quite rough day," he said softly and dropped himself on the couch.

Woohyun nodded.

"I promise you we'll do a duet some other time,"

Hoya smiled happily while resting his feet above the bench in front of him.

"Dongwoo-ah!" He called out. Dongwoo took his eyes from the laptop.


"Our 20 000 dollars arrived yesterday,"


"I'm planning to have a holiday,"

Dongwoo furrowed his eyebrows.

"Yes Jang Dongwoo. I'll give you your 7000 dollars and I'll spend the rest on a holiday to the states," Hoya said with grin.

Dongwoo had never saw once in his life Hoya acting like this. His boss always had a serious expression in his face, not even a tiny bit of smile.

"So what should I do while you're gone?"

Hoya shrugged his sho

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ayucshan #1
Chapter 39: hoaah~the ending so short T.T can you make a sequel or side story for dongwoo and yejin? kkk thanks for the great story :D
hys_spirit #2
Chapter 39: i totally love ur fanfic omg! good job ♡♡♡
Chapter 1: Not even gonna lie, I wish I had Woohyun as a brother. :) Is that Eunyoung of Two X in the poster?