got real

Twisted Revelation
Himchan, Bang, and Daehyun run over to you as soon as they hear the explosion and saw what happened to you car. "What the ." Bang said as he made it over to you and got a closer look at your car. You slowly spoke "Tell me I didn't just.....I know somebody didn't just....." Everyone immediately looked at you, scared of your reaction. You slowly turned around and started walking to Bang's car. Bang immediately followed you as the others waited behind. "Evelyn, please don't get angry right now" Bang said as you both made it to the side of his car. "Bang, what if me, Zelo, and Youngjae were in that car." You silently said, looking away from Bang. "You weren't, and that's all that matters." Bang said looking directly at you. "Bang, this is past serious. Someone is obviously out to kill us and is on a serious streak if we haven't caught them by now." You said leaning against the car. "We obviously have to take higher safely precautions now, since people wanna blow up cars and " Bang said. "Yeah like the rock wasn't warning enough." You said sarcastically. "We need to go get you another Hummer" Bang said. You slowly spoke back to Bang "Bang, you don't have to-" "No Evelyn, we are getting you another car, no excuses" Bang said as he looked down at you, trying to cheer you up. You didn't say anything as you pulled Bang into a hug. That's all he needed to know that his plan of trying to cheer you up succeeded. Bang waved the other boys down letting them know it was ok to come to the car now. "Is noona ok now?" Zelo asked Bang. "For the most part" Bang said smiling. "We're going Hummer shopping." Bang continued. "Ahhh " Daehyun said, sounding a little too excited. "Everyone, hop in the car" Bang said as he hopped in the driver's seat. Everyone immediately hopped in. On the way there, Bang kept comforting you and making sure you were ok. "I think I'm falling in love with I can't be, we're just friends" you thought to yourself looking at Bang. "I think you are noona" Zelo crept up to the back of your seat and whispered in your ear. "OMG ZELO GO AWAY!" you yelled laughing at Zelo's creeper motives. Zelo laughed with you as Bang announced you guys made it to the Hummer dealership. Everyone hopped out the car at once. "Hello, how may I help you" a representative said walking up to everyone. "Were looking for a new Hummer for my friend Evelyn" Bang said smiling, looking towards you. "Did you have a hummer before?" The representative asked you. "Yeah, but it's a long story....I'd rather not explain" you said looking away. "It's ok" the representative said as she escorted everyone to the expansive Hummer lot. "We have everything from H1, all the way to H3." The representative said, pointing in different directions. "I'm Ebony by the way" "Thanks Ebony" Bang said as he walked with you over to the H2's. "They have an ice blue one like the one you used to have" Bang said with a smile on his face. "I don't wanna get that color again, it will bring back too many memories" you told Bang, looking at another Hummer. "Noona, how about this one?" Zelo said, pointing to a blue H1. "I don't like the H1 series....they make me think we are in another world war" you said to Zelo laughing a bit. Zelo started laughing too and made his way to the H2 series. You and Bang continued to walk through the lot when a very distinctive Hummer caught your eye. "Bang, this is the one" you said touching the lime green Hummer. "You sure?" Bang asked, surprised at the distinctiveness of the Hummer. "Yes, I'm sure" you said right before you called the rest of the boys over. "What do you guys think?" You said pointing at the Hummer you picked. "I think it fits you well" Himchan said, nodding his head. "It's very intricate" Youngjae said, observing the Hummer. "You made a good choice" Daehyun said, giving you thumbs up. "It's beautiful noona!" Zelo said as he opened the door and saw the matching black and green interior. "Well, this is the one" you said waving down Ebony. "Please come inside so we can get you all set up" Ebony said walking inside the dealership. Everyone soon followed. After Ebony was nearly done with all of the paperwork, she suddenly looked a little dazed, then she refocused on what she was doing, finishing up the final paper. Ebony looked up smiling "That'll be $500" "what the ?" You said, quickly putting a hand over your mouth, realizing where you were. "Repeat that please" Bang said, leaning a little closer. "That will be $500" Ebony said again. Bang swiped his visa card, looking a little dumb founded, and took the papers when Ebony handed them to him. Everyone stood up and started to walk out of the dealership. "Enjoy your new car" Ebony said as the door continued to close. "Whaaaat" you said as you hopped into your new Hummer. Bang handed you the papers, then walked off to his car. Zelo, Youngjae, and Daehyun got in after you, then you started the car to follow Bang. "Ok, how the hell did this y Hummer only cost $500. There's no way" you said turning out of the dealership lot. "Let's just say my power is controlling minds" Youngjae said smirking at you. "WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY YOUNGJAE??" You said screaming behind the wheel. "Everyone needs a little break sometimes right?" Youngjae said laughing. "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS YOUNGJAE!" You yelled back. "Noona, that Hummer was supposed to cost $50,000" Zelo said, showing you the amount on the paper. You shook your head. "I can't wait to tell Bang this" you said speeding up. "noona, don't kill us before we get there" Zelo said laughing. "You'll be ok" you said as you pulled into the parking spot next to Bang, immediately jumping out the car. "BANG, LOOK AT THIS " you said showing him the papers. "Aww hell na" Bang said looking at the papers again. "But how?" Bang said looking confused. "Youngjae's knows how to control minds and didn't tell anybody!" You said laughing. "Well according to my knowledge, you never asked" Youngjae said matter of factly. "Shut up smart " you said to Youngjae laughing. "I'm really happy now, thank you guys so much" you said, pulling everyone into a hug. "Let's go upstairs and chillax for a bit" you said as everyone made it inside, going to the elevator. Everyone went inside, and you pressed the 64th floor. "We are going to watch the Saw movie Zelo wanted to watch, have some popcorn, candy, and sweets." You continued as you walked out of the elevator to the front door of the apartment, unlocking the door as everyone continued to listen to you talking. "Then , after that we will-" you stopped mid sentence when you opened the door and saw the repair man on the ground bloody and the whole inside of your apartment completely destroyed.
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Nata97 #1
Chapter 28: Good job :) the Endung killer my feelzzz *-*
Chapter 28: this is the best story i have read to far omg! i wish you could make this a book i would so buy it!!
that_asiandork #3
Chapter 28: Awwwww that ending though... ugh my feels!!!!!! Great job authornim I can't wait to see your future work. Maybe a little sequel to 'Twisted Revelation"? Haha I think I've officially become a fangirl of your story, hehe. GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love, Kelzbelz98
Chapter 28: i love you too bang. lol..
that was cute at the end. awwww i finally finished my story. that was so cute
that_asiandork #5
Chapter 27: Yay everyone's together again!!!!! I can't believe Evelyn lost her powers though, well at least they can all be power-less together haha! Awesome update, are you going to continue to update from here? I hope so cause I love your story and I'd love to know more of what happens!!!!!!! Keep up the great work. \(^_^)/
that_asiandork #6
Chapter 26: Woooooooo!!! That's what I'm talking about!!! Great update!!!!!!
Chapter 26: OH DANG BROKEN WRIST AND SHE STILL HANGING ON. I LOVE HER!! let's just hope she gets reunited with bang. and the rest of the crew
that_asiandork #8
Chapter 25: EVELYN'S EX?! What! OMG he did all this just to get revenge on her? Can someone say 'Phsyco'? Ugh and he tried to kill Yong Guk! Ahhhhh, come on Evelyn you can take him out girl!!!! Great job with the update can't wait for the next one! Yay for updates!!!
that_asiandork #9
Chapter 24: OHHH fake Zelo you're gonna get IT!! I'm so sad though that all the boys lost their powers (^~^). I hope Evelyn kicks the fake Zelo's ! Who is he anyway though? I hope everyone gets reunited after this big upcoming battle. Love the update, so keep'em coming!!!! Great job authornim!!!!!!!!!! \(^_^)/