
I'm Not a Sasaeng Fan!

You went upstairs into your bedroom, planning out everything for tomorrow. Since it was saturday tomorrow, it was perfect. You called Luhan. "Yoboseyo?"

"Hm? AeRi?"


"What's up?"

"I called to tell you my idea." You spoke with a smile on your face. The two of you talked on the phone for awhile.

"Thats a good idea, Aeri! I'll be sure to tell others!"

"Thank you Luhan. I'll see you tomorrow." The both of you hung up the phone, you couldn't stop smiling cause you know tomorrow was going to be the best day. You finished up your plans and went straight to bed. 

"You are sooo gonna love me for this"




Your alarm went off at 8:30. You looked at the clock. Perfect. You got up and went straight to the shower. You couldn't wait for later today. You got out and put on the prettiest thing you can find.

You went down stairs and opened the door. As usual, Min Ah was standing there with a smile on her face.

"Min Ah!" You jumped on her gave her a hug. She laughed "Hi Aeri."

"You're on time!" You pull away from the hug and gave her a warm smile. She tilted her head in confusion. "C'mon!" You closed the door behind you, after you made sure you had everything, and dragged Min Ah with you to a mall thats walking distance from house. You were at the mall for hours but Min Ah kept noticing you were glued onto your phone for most of the time. She stopped and looked at you.

"Aeri? Is everything alright?"

"Hm? O-Oh, yeah. Oooh! Let's go in there!" You dragged her into an accessories shop Whew, that was a close one. After countless hours of shopping, the two of you head back to your house.




"Min Ah, before we get inside, I need to tell you something." You looked at her with serious eyes.

"What?" She sounded worried. Is she sick? She thought to herself. You took a deep breath and let out "Remember when I told you I walked home after y'know.."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I actually bumped into EXO and they forced me to be their maid. It was either that or they call the police." Min Ah let out a huge laughter. She laughed so much, tears were coming out of her eyes.

"You've ahahaha got to be ahahaha kidding me ahaha!!" Just the reaction I suspected. You grinned and opened the door to your house.

"SUPRISE!!!!!" EXO jumped out and yelled to Min Ah. She stopped laughing and just stood there, shocked. Her jaw was on the ground. After staring at the people infront of her, she began fangirling.

"TH-THATS EX-EXO!!!!!!!" She was jumping up and down and she squeezed you into an hug.

"Let's go inside before we disturb the neighbors." You smiled at her and she nodded. 

"Guys, this is my bestfriend, Min Ah. Min Ah, EXO!" She couldn't stop jumping around, her face was full of excitement. She actually met EXO. She looked at you "Wait, is it true?"


"That you're their maid?" Tao, Min Ah's ultimate bias, stepped infront of the two of you. "Yes its true." He gave a nice big smile to Min Ah. Gosh, her heart melted. She looked back at you and she was jumping up and down.

"Is this why you've been MIA?" You giggled and nodded. "Why didn't you tell me!" She hit you on the arm.

"I thought you'd be mad.."

"Me. Mad. Really. You know I barely get mad!" You just looked at her and smiled. Everything turned out perfectly as you planned it would be.

"Min Ah."


"Happy 17th Birthday." You smiled and you pulled her into a hug.

"Yah, you're 17?" Tao walked up to Min Ah.

"Y-Yeah." You nudged her elbow and you walked to Luhan.

"Thank you." You gave him a smile.

"No problem. She looks happy." 

"Yupp. She sure does." You looked back at her, talking to the other members of EXO. Just then, Suho walked to you.

"You're a great friend, you know that Aeri?" You smiled "I know."

"So is she going to help you?" Luhan asked.

"Help?" Tao and Min Ah said at the same time as they walked towards you, Luhan and Suho.

"Min Ah. Do you want to help me clean their dorms?" She looked at you and with no hesitation, she jumped on you, telling you its a yes.

"Don't tell anyone ok?"

"Promise." The two of you did your secret promise hand shake.

They really are close. Luhan smiled at the thought.

"Where's Sehun?" You whispered to yourself.


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Expect an update soon!


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VivianH0723 #1
Chapter 1: Ok don't get me wrong liked where story is going but 1. You would let a sasaeng in your dorm and 2 taxis but I mean I understand you must somehow get the story going
amyrazamani #2
Chapter 37: OMG!!! I really ship her with our maknae sehunnnn!! Love that couple so much!
LiveLoveDream #3
Chapter 37: Plzzzzzzz update!!!! !!!!
Pls update.....
Chapter 37: OMG! ASDFGHJKL! Please pick Sehun. The two would make a pretty cute couple and always sends the excited jitters at my spine....
Pls update soon....
_Lillian_ #6
Chapter 30: Omg I hope she picks Sehun ! I ship her with Sehun the most , they are such a cute couple ~
Chapter 37: The real story begins now..omg i can`t wait to see who she will pick and i hope you will surprise me like you did on the plot twist and hoping also Aeri will not doing stupid thing..i hate the kind of girl like that..always get confuse..
Chapter 37: oh may UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM
JannaMin_ #9
Chapter 37: wow too much tension a fight scene is coming up
Chapter 37: wow! tension everywhere ....
Go, Sehunnie o/