
I'm Not a Sasaeng Fan!

A/N: I will be changing to third person now. Kind of tired of second person OTL

Days passed and the only thing Aeri noticed was the distance between Luhan and Sehun. They interacted less and she had no idea why. 

"Luhan oppa.." She quietly entered his room. He smiled as he saw her inch her way towards  him. "Morning, Aeri." He happily greeted. Ignoring the greet, she asked, "Are you and Sehun okay?" His smile vanished. "You guys have been acting weird lately." She sat next to him, eyes fixated on him. "Yeah, we're fine." He lied. "Practice and all has made all of us stressed out."

"I'm going to go check up on Sehun, okay?" Aeri got up. Suddenly, Luhan pulled her back down into a hug.

"Can't you stay here?" He asked while his face was snugged in the crevasse of her neck. She giggled, "I'm not leaving. I'm just gonna check up on Sehun." Oblivious, she pulled away from the hug with a smile. His eyes sadden as he watched her leave the room. I want you to stay with me.

"Sehun." She interrupted. He pulled his head phones down to his neck. "What is it, sasaeng." He looked at her with fierce, cold eyes. Aeri took a seat at the edge of his bed. "You and Luhan oppa are fine, right?" Sehun ignored her question and put his headphones back on. "Yah, I'm talking to you." Aeri took them off.

"Yes. Does that answer your question?" He put them back on. 

On bad timing, Aeri's family had decided to go on a little mini vacation before school starts up again; leaving Aeri worried about the pair.

Luhan and Sehun still had that tension between them and all the members definitely noticed but no one asked. Practice came and it was time for Luhan and Sehun to do their dance lessons with each other. They glared each other. Both Luhan and Sehun had that fire in their eyes; they wanted to fight but didn't because the thought of Aeri always stopped them.

As practice went on, their tension grew larger. Everyone felt awkward and they could feel the anger in the air. 

"Yah... will they be okay?" Xiumin asked Chen.

"I don't know, man."


"Okay, so step forward and throw your hands  down." The choreographer instructed them. 

Everyone was in sync but Sehun, "Yah. Sehun-ah. What the hell?" The choreographer began to scold, "What's wrong with you? You're not following." Sehun didn't reply but only blankly stared at him. "Do it properly!"

Irritated, Sehun stormed out of the room as Luhan rolled his eyes watching him leave.

Entering the dorm, Sehun angrily threw his hat on the floor, "Aish!" He paced back and forth, forcing himself to try to forget the one thing on his mind- Aeri. He couldn't help but feel angry at her. If it wasn't for him and his fellow members to catch her that one fateful night, none of this would be happening. "AGH, STUPID SASAENG." 

Interrupting his thoughts, the door to his room opened. 

"You sure you want to stay?" Tao asked.

"Yeah, I want to practice some more. You guys head back to the dorm." Luhan shot his friends with a reassuring smile. He wanted to distract himself.  

Everyone but one member left, "You good?" Lay rested his back against the mirror, watching Luhan dance.

"I said to head back to the dorm." 

"Yes, but I want to stay." Annoyed by Lay, Luhan ignored him and went on with his practice. "Hyung..."

Luhan ignored.

"You're like this because of Aeri, huh?" 

No reply.

"And so is Sehun."

Irritated, he turned up the music.

"We're having a comeback soon, hyung. You need to forget about her-" Angry, Luhan picked him up by the collar and shoved him against the mirror. 

"I am not like this because of her. I am not anything, okay?!" Luhan swiftly removed his hands from Lay. "Just... leave, please." He said more relaxed.



"Luhan..." A voice interrupted. 

Interrupting his thoughts, the door to his room opened. "Oh, geez. You scared me!" 

"What the hell are you doing here?" 

"I forgot my phone here, have you seen it?" Aeri felt embarrassed asking.

Ignoring the question, Sehun slowly walked towards her. He suddenly felt relaxed. "Aren't you supposed to be on a trip?" 

"Yes, but I came back because I forgot my phone. Hellloooooo." Aeri felt his hand wrapped around her wrist, leading her into his bedroom. Sehun pointed under his bed. "There it is!" She jumped in joy.

Sehun then unintentionally smiled. Everything about her made him smile. 

"Where is everyone?" She asked, her eyes glued to the screen of her phone. 

"Huh? Oh, they should be coming up now." 

On time, a sudden rush of noise came through door, "There they are." Sehun said disappointingly.

Aeri ran out of the room, wanting to greet the rest of the members. Surprised by the sudden return, they all stood confused. 

"Aren't you supposed to be on vacation." D.O. asked. She showed them her phone and received an "Ah~" Sehun walked out the room, startling everyone even more.

"Huh?" Aeri stood on her tippy toes, trying to look above the members' heads, "Where's Luhan oppa?" Hearing his name roll off her tongue made Sehun angry. 

Everyone noticed the sudden change of attitude Sehun had- a long face turned into anger.

"Um, he's still practicing." Chanyeol hesitated to reply, afraid to get a cold glare from the maknae- which he did.

"Oh, well I have to go. I'll be leaving after I say bye to Luhan oppa!" She smiled, "Bye everyone! See you guys soon!" Everyone's head followed Aeri as she skipped out of the room, then onto Sehun once she left.

"You're not supposed to be here..." Luhan and Lay stepped back in unison, surprised to see the person in front of them.

"Why not?" She pouted. 

"Hyung, I'm going to leave..." Lay quickly paced out the door. The tension in the room became more awkward.

"I saw the news articles. It's everywhere." She stepped forward, only to have Luhan to step back. "Is she prettier?" 

"How did you even get inside here? Why are you even here? You stopped talking to me after your surprise move to Canada."

"Would you believe me if I said I missed you?"

"Sooyung, I need you to leave." He gestured towards the door. She shook her head with a smirk plastered on her face. 

Running with a smile on her face, she stopped at the frame of the door, "Luhan!" Aeri's smiling face faded to a straight one. 

Luhan pulled away from the kiss, "Aeri?! I thought you were on vacation!" 

As her heart sank, she smiled to him, pretending not to have seen anything. "I was just about to leave." Aeri tried her hardest to keep in the tears that were urging to fall from her face. "I wanted to say good bye first."

"Sooyung is back!" Lay ran into the dorm.

"What?" They all said in unison. 

Trying to catch his breath, Lay pointed towards the direction  to the practice room, "Soo... yung... is here..." He panted out. Jumping out of their seats, they all ran to see the girl Lay mention, including Sehun. 

Turning her back to leave the room, Aeri felt Luhan grab her by the wrist, "Well, say goodbye." Luhan told her. Aeri didn't want to look back; she didn't want Luhan to see her wet face. 

"Oppa." Sooyung interrupted behind them, "We were in the middle of something?"

"We weren't in the middle of anything." His voice was aggressive, something that Aeri has never heard before. Eleven boys rushed to the practice room as Aeri quickly tried to dry her face. 

"Wah... she really is here." Kai said in disbelief. 

Sooyung smiled, "I see you all missed me." 

Holy crap it's been awhile. 
As you can tell, I've been stuck on this chapter for quite some time.
But I have an idea on what's going to happen next!
I apologize for the such long wait on this chapter,
I want to thank those who waited so patiently! :D
Being so busy, I will try my best to update as much as possible as I am working on two different stories that will be published soon.
So please continue on being patient! I promise I have a lot instore for you all! 

xoxo, see you subbies soon!




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VivianH0723 #1
Chapter 1: Ok don't get me wrong liked where story is going but 1. You would let a sasaeng in your dorm and 2 taxis but I mean I understand you must somehow get the story going
amyrazamani #2
Chapter 37: OMG!!! I really ship her with our maknae sehunnnn!! Love that couple so much!
LiveLoveDream #3
Chapter 37: Plzzzzzzz update!!!! !!!!
Pls update.....
Chapter 37: OMG! ASDFGHJKL! Please pick Sehun. The two would make a pretty cute couple and always sends the excited jitters at my spine....
Pls update soon....
_Lillian_ #6
Chapter 30: Omg I hope she picks Sehun ! I ship her with Sehun the most , they are such a cute couple ~
Chapter 37: The real story begins now..omg i can`t wait to see who she will pick and i hope you will surprise me like you did on the plot twist and hoping also Aeri will not doing stupid thing..i hate the kind of girl like that..always get confuse..
Chapter 37: oh may UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM
JannaMin_ #9
Chapter 37: wow too much tension a fight scene is coming up
Chapter 37: wow! tension everywhere ....
Go, Sehunnie o/