Miracles in December Part 1

I'm Not a Sasaeng Fan!

The smell of gingerbread and hotcoco were filled in the air. Today was the last day until winter break, and to be honest, you and Min Ah were most definitely excited. Why? Because you get to spend those few weeks with EXO. Unfortunely, they were going to be a lot busy. They just promoted a new Christmas album, which you downloaded, and they were going to be performing a lot and be on talk shows.  Of course, they were going to be on break before and after Christmas so at least you and Min Ah can have a full few days with them.

Suho had invited you and Min Ah to come over to help set up and decorate the tree. The Christmas spirit this year fealt so alive, and it was mostly because of EXO. "YES!!" You shouted in joy as you exited the school buildings. You sighed happily, seeing your breath in the cold air. "I can't wait to see, Tao!" Min Ah hugged herself trying to keep her warm. 

"You don't have to wait." Tao s his arms around Min Ah's waist. You and Min Ah jumped by the sneaky Tao. He giggled, "Did I scare you?" "Yes!" The two of you responded. Tao was wearing a hat a scarf that hid him so no one could recognize him. "C'mon. Kyungsoo hyung is waiting for us in the car." Tao grabbed hold of Min Ah's hand and walked towards the car. You sighed, "Here I am. Third wheeling and stuff." 

Upon arriving the dorm, it had that nice and warm cozy feeling. You noticed a few of the boys were trying to open the box with the Christmas tree inside. Kyungsoo went to go cook along with Baekhyun, Luhan was trying to find the ornaments, Sehun, Kris, and Chanyeol were trying to open the box, and Kai was just sitting on the couch watching. The rest were trying to find more decor and get more food. 

"You need help, Kyungsoo oppa?" You asked generously. "No, I'm fine. Thanks for asking though." He smiled happily. You asked everyone in the dorm if they need help with anything and they all replied with the same thing, "No, we're fine." You were bummed out because you wanted to help. Fortunetly, everyone had to participate decorating the tree.

With a frown on your face, you plopped yourself down on the couch besides Kai. He was drinking milk and you looked at his side profile. "Oppa, why aren't you helping?" He on his straw before answering, "Nothing to do." He simply replied. You sat there with him for about a good 10 minutes until finally an idea popped in your head.

Getting all excited, you grabbed Kai's hand and left the door, leaving everyone wondering where the two had just went. Kai stopped in the middle of the hallway, forcing you to stop as well. "Where are we going?" He asked sternly. "We're missing a few things." "Like what." "Secreettt." You teased. "At least give me a hint." Kai pouted. "Okay, fine. Food and decor. All the hints I'll give you, now lets go!" You grabbed his hand and dragged him to the store, desguised of course.

You finally got the two items you needed to get and were definitely satisfied. "What's in the bag?" Kai tried peeking. "Yah!" You slapped his hand away. "It's a secret, okay? You'll find out soon when we get back." You continued to walk back to the dorm and Kai followed like a lost puppy.

As expected, everyone kept asking what was inside the bag. You ignored them and went straight into the kitchen. You set the bag down on the table and placed your hands on your hips, turning around looking at everyone with their curious eyes. You sighed, "Guys, what I bought isn't a big deal to be honest. It's something small to complete that Christmas spirit." "Are you going to open it or what?" Chanyeol anxiously whined. You turned back around and opened the bag, you first pulled out the box and showed it to everyone. "Jaaan!" You smiled. "We're all going to have a gingerbread house building contest!" Everyone laughed, seeming excited. "And the second thing a got..." You stuck your hand inside the box and pulled out a few more items. "Mistletoes!!!" Everyone's jaw dropped, no one expected that. 

"How is that going to work..." Kris asked in disbelief. "What do you mean?" "Well... there's 12 boys and only 2 girls. One of those girls is taken already..." You frowned, "Oh yeah, huh. I should return these then." You placed them inside the bag. "No, it's okay. Keep them here." Suho smiled. "Hyung." Chen nudged, "What if it's two of the members that accidently walks underneath it?" "Looks like everyone's gonna have to be very caustious then, am I right? Plus, this is going to be very intersting!" Suho evily grinned.



Missed me?

I sure missed you guys c:

So I'm finally back with this super short chapter ):

But it's split into parts!

And in honor of their promotion and the upcoming holidays,

I have decided to make this! :D

The scandal will continue after this part so don't worry!

I haven't forgotten (:

And sorry for the long wait, I have been busy.

I'll be updating soon

either today or tomorrow.

No promises though!


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Expect an update soon!


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VivianH0723 #1
Chapter 1: Ok don't get me wrong liked where story is going but 1. You would let a sasaeng in your dorm and 2 taxis but I mean I understand you must somehow get the story going
amyrazamani #2
Chapter 37: OMG!!! I really ship her with our maknae sehunnnn!! Love that couple so much!
LiveLoveDream #3
Chapter 37: Plzzzzzzz update!!!! !!!!
Pls update.....
Chapter 37: OMG! ASDFGHJKL! Please pick Sehun. The two would make a pretty cute couple and always sends the excited jitters at my spine....
Pls update soon....
_Lillian_ #6
Chapter 30: Omg I hope she picks Sehun ! I ship her with Sehun the most , they are such a cute couple ~
Chapter 37: The real story begins now..omg i can`t wait to see who she will pick and i hope you will surprise me like you did on the plot twist chap.lol and hoping also Aeri will not doing stupid thing..i hate the kind of girl like that..always get confuse..
Chapter 37: oh may UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM
JannaMin_ #9
Chapter 37: wow too much tension a fight scene is coming up
Chapter 37: wow! tension everywhere ....
Go, Sehunnie o/