
I'm Not a Sasaeng Fan!

Everyone was worrying about Sehun. No one knew where he went. He left no sign of where he was going. "He wasn't in the practice room." Baekhyun stated. "No sign of him anywhere near the bubble tea place either." Kris added. Sehun was no where to be found in or out of the company. Everyone checked all the places he would be at, but no luck. 

"Luhan, I told you you were too harsh on him." You scolded. Luhan's heart dropped with the sudden seriousness and his name rolling off your tongue. "He was acting stupid. I had too." He replied back.

Hours passed and the sun was going to set soon. "You guys head back to the dorm, I'm gonna keep looking for him." Luhan gestured. "I'll go with you." You offered but got quickly shut down by Luhan. You listened and went back to the dorm with a worried heart.

"Where the hell could he be.." Luhan questioned as he looked left and right with both hands resting on his waist. Luhan checked all the places where the two of them had memorable times; no luck. Luhan grunted in fustration. "God dammit Sehun!" He ran his fingers through his hair. Then, he had a good feeling of where he might be.

There he was: sitting on top of the monkey bars of the old abandoned play ground. He was drinking and staring off into the night sky. "Sehun.." Luhan sounded relieved. "Yah!" He shouted towards him. Sehun looked back, sipping beer out of the green bottle. He stared for a bit and then shot his head back towards the moon. "Are you ignoring me?" Luhan asked, no answer. "Yahh!" Again, no answer. 

Luhan marched angrily towards the alcohol-stenched idol. "The hell are you doing?!" Sehun ignored by drinking more. Luhan grabbed Sehun's legs and pulled him straight down. Luckily, Sehun didn't hurt himself and landed on both his feet. "What?! What, HYUNG?!" Sehun shouted. "I came here to be alone." He calmed a bit.

"Why the hell are you out here alone in the first place?!" Luhan's fist clenched and veins were beginning to become visible on his neck. "Everyone is worried- especially Aeri!" Sehun stopped drinking and threw the bottle away. Aeri.. He thought. "You wanna know why I came here?" Sehun glared at Luhan, walking closer to him. Luhan stepped back, "Why?"

"Because of you." Luhan's eyes widened. "W-Why me?" Sehun scoffed and turned away for a second. "You've been on my nerves since the party." Sehun admitted. "I wanted to get away from you." Luhan's head started spinning out of confusion. Why him? Why now?

"Why?" Luhan asked. "What did I do to make you mad? Huh? Why, Sehun. WHY?" Suddenly, Luhan was pinned against the pole. Sehun had a tight grip on Luhan's collar and shot a dark glare. "Because you're taking away the thing I care about most!" Water was forming at the corners of Sehun's eyes. "What the hell are you talking about?!" Luhan shouted back. With that, Sehun pushed Luhan harder against the pole. "A-Aeri? Are you talking about Aeri?" The sound of your name loosened up Sehun's grip. 

"Just know that you're not the only one falling for her. There is no way in hell I'm going to lose to you." Sehun's sudden confession made Luhan angier. "You told me that you had no feelings for her. You were the one who told me to go for her!" "I was confused about my feelings! But after finding out that you kissed her, I was sure about it. I'm in love with her."

"Sounds like a challenge." Luhan smirked. "It's not, hyung."

Back at the dorm, your body was filled with worrisome. "They'll be back soon." Chen comforted. "Yeah, they're really close so I'm pretty sure Luhan found him by now." Xiumin added with a bright smile. You smiled back. Suddenly the door opened and the biggest smile was smeared on your face. "Sehun!" You ran towards him and hugged him tightly. He hugged you back with his chin resting on your head. Luhan was following from behind and saw. "You stink." You bluntly told Sehun. You walked around behind him and started pushing towards the bathroom. "Go shower!" 

Luhan couldn't keep his eyes off you. "Oppa!" His thoughts were suddenly interuppted. He felt your arms around his waist. "I'm glad the two of you are okay." You smiled into his chest. "We sure are.." 

"Suho oppa made you guys food. You should go eat." You told him. Luhan smiled, "I'll go eat." You smiled softly as you watched Luhan walk towards the kitchen. Your heavy heart became lighter and all the negitive thoughts finally left your head. 

Though it was late, everyone was at the table eating dinner. You did notice something odd though. You noticed that Luhan and Sehun weren't sitting next to each other like they normally do and they shot glares at each other once in a while. You wanted to ask but you didn't want to get stuck in the middle of it. But you are. You're in the middle of all of it but you were totally oblivious to the fact that

You were the only thing on their minds.

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Expect an update soon!


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VivianH0723 #1
Chapter 1: Ok don't get me wrong liked where story is going but 1. You would let a sasaeng in your dorm and 2 taxis but I mean I understand you must somehow get the story going
amyrazamani #2
Chapter 37: OMG!!! I really ship her with our maknae sehunnnn!! Love that couple so much!
LiveLoveDream #3
Chapter 37: Plzzzzzzz update!!!! !!!!
Pls update.....
Chapter 37: OMG! ASDFGHJKL! Please pick Sehun. The two would make a pretty cute couple and always sends the excited jitters at my spine....
Pls update soon....
_Lillian_ #6
Chapter 30: Omg I hope she picks Sehun ! I ship her with Sehun the most , they are such a cute couple ~
Chapter 37: The real story begins now..omg i can`t wait to see who she will pick and i hope you will surprise me like you did on the plot twist and hoping also Aeri will not doing stupid thing..i hate the kind of girl like that..always get confuse..
Chapter 37: oh may UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM
JannaMin_ #9
Chapter 37: wow too much tension a fight scene is coming up
Chapter 37: wow! tension everywhere ....
Go, Sehunnie o/