
I'm Not a Sasaeng Fan!

You and Min Ah had a short argument about you liking Sehun or not. You won, you convinced her you didn't; though you didn't know yourself. 

The next day, Exo-M had to perform and you were there watching them. You stayed back stage so no one could see you and Min Ah. You were still able to see their performance still, so it wasn't that bad. Their angelic voices took your breath away, especially Luhan's. 

"You guys were great!" You and Min Ah both praised. Their manager was happy to here that. He knew about you and Min Ah trying to get the album, but as the nice person he is he let it slide. That's how you were able to go to China with them. After countless begging from the members. 

You arrived to Exo-M's dorm. "Today was a long day." Xiumin threw himself on the bed. You could tell how tired and exhausted they were. You kind of felt bad. "I have an idea to make everyone feel better." You suddenly suggested. "What?" Everyone said in unison. "Let's celebrate!"

At that moment, everyone was confused on what you meant. "I'll buy some cake so we can celebrate the amazing performance you guys gave!" You said with a smile. Your kindness got to them so of course they couldn't say no. Especially to cake. 

Luhan insisted on going with you but you didn't argue with it. Your hair was down while you were wearing a face mask, only revealing your eyes. The manager told you and Luhan told you guys to wear them for privacy reasons. You understood perfectly. 

"So why the sudden offer?" Luhan's voice muffled through the mask as the two of you stepped on the sidewalk. "I don't know." You shrugged. "You guys are hard working and it's nice to celebrate that." 

Almost half way to the store, you and Luhan were suddenly gathered around a bunch of people with cameras and microphones. They recognized Luhan. They were asking him a bunch of questions in Chinese and he was replying back. You understood a little bit since you took a Chinese foreign class back home. 

He kept saying, "Please step back." Or "No. I'm sorry." In Chinese. You didn't know what the reporters were asking though. Fan girls were everywhere begging for pictures of Luhan. "See. These are sasaeng fans. Do you act like them?" He whispered to you. You smiled behind your mask and shook your head.

Luhan successfully dragged you out of the crowd and luckly lost them. You eventually arrived to the store. "That was crazy!" You let out. "What did they want anyways?"

"They kept asking me stuff about my private life and what not. It's always like that." You nodded your head in understandment. You bought a cake and took the long way home back to the hotel.

Upon arriving, Xiumin practically attacked you. "Cake!" He shouted. You laughed and handed it to him. He immidiately opened it and took a slice. "It's nice of you to get some cake." Kris rested a hand on your shoulder. You smiled back.

Everyone passed out after eating and talking. They were extremely tired. You were the last one to fall asleep. 

You slowly opened your eyes, a blurred out figure was beside you. You fell asleep on the counter so your head was resting on the table and you were sitting down. As your vision came back, Luhan's face was right next to yours. You blushed and stood up. You didn't even know you the two of you ended up so closely. 

Today was the day. It was time for you and Min Ah to go home. It's been a week and school was about to start up soon. "Luhan oppa." You shook him. "Oppa..." You shook again, rubbing your eyes. His hands began to snake around your waist and eventually pulled you closer. "Um.. oppa..." You tried waking him up. Your face was red as ever and your heart was about to explode.

You were struggling to get out of his hands but couldn't. "Oppa.." You said again and shook him even harder. His eyes slowly opened. His eyes shot open and immidiately let go of you. "Mi-Mianhae... I didn't mean to..." He apologized. "It's okay. Um.. It's been a week. Me and Min Ah need to go back to Korea." You informed.

"Oh yeah. I'll wake up the others." He walked away and you went to wake up Min Ah. She fell asleep on the couch with her head on Tao's. You cooed over how cute they looked. "Min Ah~" You lightly shook. "It's time for us to go." 

It was around 9 o'clock in the morning and you needed time to pack since your flight was leaving at 1.

"Do we have to leave???" Min Ah said with a sad tone while packing. You were sad aswell. You were having a great time with them and you couldn't believe you were already leaving.

After what took forever of packing, Exo-M escorted you and Min Ah to the airport. The atmosphere felt sad even though you were all going to see eachother again within a week. 

"We'll see you guys soon?" Chen hugged you. You nodded in his chest. You gave everyone a hug and left. The feeling you had felt the same when you left Exo-K a week ago. The plane ride was long and tiring. You were sleeping through the most of it and Min Ah kept on talking about her time with Tao. 

After a long flight, you finally arrived to Korea. You stepped outside the airport to feel the cool breeze of Korea. You took a deep breath and let it out. "Ah~ The smell of Seoul." You smiled. "I'll call a taxi." Min Ah insisted. "Ready to see Sehun?" She smirked as she dialled. 

"What are you saying?" You snapped. "Nothing." She said nonchalantly as she held up the phone. "Tch. Liar." You whispered. 

The taxi finally arrived and the first thing you wanted to do was go visit them. Min Ah wanted to go home because she was tired and she'll meet up with them tomorrow. You stopped by your house to drop of the luggage then to the dorm. 

The taxi driver stopped a few blocks far from the dorm so he didn't know you were going to see them. You walked to the back door and knocked. Baekhyun opened the door and greeted you. "Aeri!" He shouted and gave you a hug. 

You felt happy to see them again, but there was just one question playing in your head. Where was Sehun? After Baekhyun let go, he gave you a weird look which made you feel uncomfortable. "Baekhyun oppa, you alright?" He didn't answer and walked away. Just a second ago he was happy to see you now he's being all weird. What's going on?

You walked into the living room and you found everyone gathered around Suho. They were all looking at something he was holding. "Um. Hi guys." You put a hand up. They looked at you giving you the same expression like what Baekhyun just did. Sehun was there and you were kind of happy to see him, though he had the same facial expression as everyone else.

"What's going on?" You asked them. Suho handed you something. A newspaper. You read what they were reading and your eyes grew larger. It was a picture of Luhan and you wearing your mask. You read out the article title, "LUHAN AND HIS GIRLFRIEND?!?!?!" 



Kinda felt this chapter was rushed, but oh well.

Hope this makes up for the terrible chapter.

Next one will have a bit more drama

about the article (;

I'll see you lovely subbies later!! <3

I apologize if there are any mistakes lol I didn't read it over cos I'm too lazy :P

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Expect an update soon!


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VivianH0723 #1
Chapter 1: Ok don't get me wrong liked where story is going but 1. You would let a sasaeng in your dorm and 2 taxis but I mean I understand you must somehow get the story going
amyrazamani #2
Chapter 37: OMG!!! I really ship her with our maknae sehunnnn!! Love that couple so much!
LiveLoveDream #3
Chapter 37: Plzzzzzzz update!!!! !!!!
Pls update.....
Chapter 37: OMG! ASDFGHJKL! Please pick Sehun. The two would make a pretty cute couple and always sends the excited jitters at my spine....
Pls update soon....
_Lillian_ #6
Chapter 30: Omg I hope she picks Sehun ! I ship her with Sehun the most , they are such a cute couple ~
Chapter 37: The real story begins now..omg i can`t wait to see who she will pick and i hope you will surprise me like you did on the plot twist and hoping also Aeri will not doing stupid thing..i hate the kind of girl like that..always get confuse..
Chapter 37: oh may UPDATE SOON AUTHOR NIM
JannaMin_ #9
Chapter 37: wow too much tension a fight scene is coming up
Chapter 37: wow! tension everywhere ....
Go, Sehunnie o/