Chapter 5

Love and Revenge

There was a palm-size paper on the pillow. I reached my hand on it and it was a map that written by a red pen and there was a cross-red on the upper side of the paper and telephone number on the lower side. First, I thought it was just my house address that Luhan brought it with him but when I looked at it closer, it wasn’t my house number and there was no description about my house either.

I looked at Luhan and he already closed his eyes.

“Lulu!” I shook his body.

“Hmm?” He slowly opened his eyes.

“Does this map belong to you?” I showed him the paper.

“-O-” It seems like he have never seen this paper.

“Yes or No?” I questioned him to make sure.

“No!!!” He shook his head.

“Eh??” I looked at that strange paper again then looked at the pillow. How could this thing lying on my pillow. It’s fine if it belongs to Luhan but it wasn’t and it wasn’t mine either. I closed my eyes trying to remember if this paper was here when we entered but i still didn’t figure it out.

“Is something wrong, Noona?” He got up and sat on the bed with a worry face.



“Did you see this when you entered the room?”

“Uh when I entered –O-


“I didn’t notice anything.”

“And when you hopped on the bed?”

“That time uh—

“Did you see it?”

“(---)(---)(---) I didn’t remember.” He said and shook his head.


“When you took away your bra from me, I just jumped in the bed and I didn’t notice anything.”


“Yes, is something wrong with this freaking paper?”

“I’ve never seen this paper and if it wasn’t belong to you, how did it end up on my pillow?”

“Eh? Can I see it?”

I gave that paper to him as he looked at it with a frown wearing on his forehead.

“What kind of map is this? No names of the roads or buildings, it’s weird.” He said and gave it back to me.

“Yes that’s why I asked you.”

“But there’s a phone numbers.”


“Are you sure you didn’t draw them yourself?”

“This weren’t my handwriting.”

“Should we call this number, Noona?”

“I’ll take care of it.” I said and placed that paper on one of the book on the table next to my bed. It’s good that it was just a paper not a thief.

“Where should I sleep?” He asked.

“At our parents’ room, maybe.” I shrugged my shoulder.

“Hell Nooooooooo”


“It’s scary.”

“But we already checked it and there wasn’t anything here, was it?”

“You just welcomed me with this oh so frighten moment, who dare to sleep alone?”

“Then where do you want to sleep huh?”

“With Noona <3” He beamed at me.

“What?? NO, you can’t!”

“Why? Why? Why? Noona please!” Puppy mode was T.T

“No is a No.”

“But we always slept together before I went to China and after I left, you own this bed all by yourself for over ten years. And now I came back, why can’t I sleep on my bed?”

Right, we shared this bed when we were kids and now why can’t we? I have the stupid idea all by myself -.-

“Ok ok fine!”

“Yes! Wo ai Ni, Jie Jie <3” He was about to hug me but I escaped and he ended up hugging atmosphere.

“But before you sleep---


“You have to take a bath first.”

“But I’m so tired; I’ve travelled the whole day.”

“After you shower, you’ll feel more relax. Hurry and go or else, I won’t let you sleep here.”

“Geez, why need to take shower? It’s not like we’re going to make love here.”

“What??” Ma—makes loovvveeee??? How could this kid say it so easily? But he’s all grown up and if looking through his body, it could makes you feel---Nah

“Noona, are you ok?” His questioned snapped me back to reality.

“What? I’m fine.”

“Ok then. I’m going to shower now.”

“Do you know where the bathroom is?”

“Of course, we already checked everywhere in the house.”

After that, he pulled a towel from his back and left the room.

I went to my parents’ room and brought pillows and blanket for Luhan. During he was showering, I have nothing to do so i took out the map and studied it again. There were roads, underground, big and small blogs like other normal map. And there were a picture of a duck, fire, apple, grass, UFO and red-cross. It looks like a treasure map but suddenly I felt a bit surprise. I felt like I used to hold this map in my dream. I really did!!!





Yay finally i've been able to update! And i just highlighted the conversation so it's easy for you guys to know who responsible for which sentences.

How do you guys like it so far? Sub and comment please, and upvote if you don't mind. And i'd be really glad if you guys could make me poster with this story.

Thanks for waiting for my update. Love you guys *bear hug* ^^

Btw, tomorrow is Baekhyun's Day <3
So let's end this chapter with some cute pics of hime.



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Chapter 54: This story is so underrated. I'm glad I found this! It is an amazing story. Semin, kai and luhan are my favourite characters. Well, it is true that what they did to mei lin are too much. But it is her who started the fire. Having with your bestfriend boyfriend, like seriously! But then again, I think kai should probably get some revenge because he is the one who starts everything with mei lin. However, I also respect him for being with rainy until Luhan's comeback. Well. I upvoted this and I hope this story will gain some attention. Maybe you should promote it a bit (;
hahiho96 #2
Chapter 54: Huawaa... finally happy ending. Hahah but you have smart idea authornim, i never thought that lulu is the culprit behind those scene.. huhuhu i love itttt
Saimai #3
Chapter 54: YAHHHHH i finally finished this amazing story, i really love it.
At first i was so scared to read it but i ended up enjoying it!!
ponlok #4
Chapter 5: U did an amazing job!!! @Littledeer ;)love the story..... *♡*
Chapter 54: wow!! good job, author-nim!! you made go like hah?? a lot.. lol.. still.. i felt bad to mei lin.. hope that she will feel better!! thumbs up to you!! =D
kevinswife4ever #6
Chapter 54: awesome story finished in one day XD
cheesecakelover2000 #7
Chapter 54: FINISH!!!! Woah...your ending was unexpected. 0.0 but I curious about Mei lin and Rainy relationship. ..and even the truth was already revealed, I'm still feel ...scared.
Btw Good Job!^^
cheesecakelover2000 #8
Chapter 13: Ahhh! Your story was so scary. I want to stop read it but.... I can't. Now wherever I go, I'm being too paranoid. I started imagined things like ghost and stuff.I even need a company to go to Every where.
Ps:your story Is so awesome. You have talents in making scary story...
SyasyaD #9

ok. you did a good job ! :D
rudelysweetk21 #10
Chapter 54: Oh 0.0 does the kid knows who is his real papa..he calls both jong and han papa?? But wow liked the names summer wind.rainy.sunset :DD