Chapter 37

Love and Revenge


“Are you insane? If you wanted to die, go find another way. Don’t get me involve with your suicide, bastard!!” Jongin yelled and pointed his finger at Luhan who was standing in front of his car. Luhan didn’t say anything but kept looking at me with the eyes that could wake up every cell in my body.

“Where did you go?” Luhan directed the question at me then shook my shoulder trying to get the answer.


“Tell me, where did you go?”

“Luhan, it hurts!”

His grip on my shoulder was really strong like he wanted to break my bones. Needless to say, he was really angry.

“Yah, take your hand off of her.” Jongin pulled his body and that moment Luhan threw a punch on his face.


“Where the hell did you bring my noona to?”

“It’s none of your ing business.”

They kept yelling and throwing punches toward each other non-stop.

“STOP!!” I ran to stand between them and tried to separated Jongin and Luhan.

“Shamless thief!!” Luhan hissed.

“Shamless what??” Jongin hissed back.

“Brought someone’s girl out in the middle of the night, it was a thief for sure.”

“Someone’s girl???”

“My noona is my girl!”

“Mind your word, you’re just her brother. She’s not your possession!!”

“ENOUGH!!” I yelled

“No!!!” Luhan yelled back at me.

“Luhan, go inside the house!”

“Why did you tell me to leave? Or you think this jerk is better than me?”

“Stop it Luhan, are you insane?”


I really didn’t know how to deal with Luhan right now, he really was out of his mind. Then I should talk to Jongin.

“Jongin, go home!”

“I won’t go anywhere.”

“Kim Jongin!”

“I don’t trust your brother. I won’t let you stay alone with him.”

“Luhan is my brother, he has to stay with me. But you have your own house, go now.”

Jongin pressed his lips in a thin line and wore an unpleasant face then began the staring war with Luhan.

“Fine, I’ll go home.”

“Ok drive carefully!” I sighed in relief. Finally!!!!


“Go inside!” I told Luhan before opened the door and let him in but when we arrived at the bed room, he started the bull again.

“Where the heck did you go, Rainy?”

I quickly turned to face him because I was shock with what he just called me.

“What did you call me?”


“What? I’m your sister..your older sister! You need to pay respect.”

“Rainy, Rainy, Rainy, Rainy!!!”


“I wanted to call you so, you have problem?”

“What the hell is wrong with you, Luhan?”

“Start from now, I won’t call you Noona anymore. I’ll call you by name coz’ you’re my girl.” He pulled me into his embrace while I was still dazed out.

“Luhan, take your hand off of me.” I pushed him away. Even if it made me feel good and warm, but I must stop it.

“What? Did that give you pleasure enough that you don’t need me anymore?”


I slapped him! He really looked down at me. I felt like he just called me a . Went outside in the middle of the night just to get pleasure from my ex???? Was it what he saw in me? His words really burnt the inside of me but when I was the fingerprint on his face, I felt guilty.

“Luhan…………..” I wanted to touch his face but……..

“Don’t touch me!” He harshly pushed my hand away.

“Luhan, I’m sorry……………”

“Since the first second I arrived on the earth…..i’ve never hurt this much before.”  A single tear fell down on his cheek.


I got what he meant and I totally understood it. He didn’t refer to the pain I gave on his cheek but something inside his heart.

“I’m sorry Noona, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called like that, I was such an .” He said and slapped his face from left to right.

Pufff Pufffff Puufffff

I really couldn’t stand it when I saw him hurt like this. I stopped his hand as the tears flowing like a river on my cheek.


“I’m the worst person in the world, aren’t I Noona?”

“It’s ok, Luhan It’s ok. I knew you didn’t mean it!” This time I was the one who hugged him tight in hope that I could decrease the painful in him.

“Can’t we love each other, Noona?” He hugged me back and his voice was filled with sorrow.


“I hate God! Why did he create this rule? Why can’t we be together when we already in love with each other?”

“It’s wrong…Luhan…It’s wrong!”

“Noona, I’m hurt!”

“Me too!”

“Can’t we just go to somewhere that no one could recognize us? So that we can live happily together, can we Noona?”

“No we can’t! We can escape from people but we can’t deny the fact that we are sibling, we share blood.!!!!”

We hugged each other and cried. That night I slept in Luhan’s arm..not as a brother but as a man who I love whole heartedly. At least, let me feel the happiness..even if it’s just in a short time.

It’s weird that I slept really well and I didn’t dream of anything. It was so peacefully until the bell rang woke me up in the morning.

Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong

Who came to our house in this early morning?? I opened my eyes and Luhan’s arm was around my waist while I slept on his chest. Did we sleep in this position for a whole night? I put his hand away slowly not wanting him to wake up. I stared at his sleeping baby face and he was like a kid and that made me lost my mind again until the bell rang for the countless time.

Ping Pong Ping Pong Ping Pong

Oh God, who the hell was that? I got up from the bed, went downstair and opened the door.

It was a teenage boy with a big suitcase.

“Are you deaf? I rang the bell for the tenth time already and now my fingers hurt! Can’t you just open the door earlier than this?”

“Who are you???”

I studied the boy in front of me from head to toe and I didn’t really feel familiar or maybe it was because of his black sunglasses and his cap. Wear it in the early morning, seriously?? And it seems like he could read my mind so he took his glasses off.

“Can’t you recognize me?”

“(--)(----)(----)”I shook my head as an answer.

“Hfffffffff” He sighed in frustrate and annoying. I studied him again and this I felt a little bit familiar just not sure where I used to see him.

“I don’t think we know each other.” I said.

“You’re really such a stupid.”

Did…did he just call me stupid??

“Yah wasn’t it too much? Rang someone’s housebell in the early morning then called the landlord stupid, who the heck are you??”

What I said made him laughed sarcastically and he even covered his nose with his hand.

“Your morning breath smelled extremely awful.”

“I just woke up, was you expecting me to smell like perfume from Paris?”

“Get out of the way, I’m going inside.”

“What?? You didn’t even tell me who you are and now you wanted to get inside? I’ll call the police.”

“And why can’t I go inside?”

“You don’t have right?”

“But I’m this house’s owner’s son.”



Liar!! Did he really want to commit a crime in this early morning?

“Excuse me…..


“But this house’s owner has only two children and it’s me and my brother, Youngmin.”

“Hahahahahhha!” He didn’t even move but still laugh at me.

“Why did you laugh?”

“Because you’re funny.”

“When you laugh, your face looked like sea squid.”

“I don’t care! Did you just say you and Youngmin?”


“It’s me! I’m Kwang Youngmin, your brother. Hey Noona!!”

His words made me feel like I just fell down from the clift.


“If you got what I mean, that get out of the way. Spent so many times on the plane, I’m so tired. I need to rest.”


“Stop being like a cow, it’s me Youngmin. Did you still not recognize me???”


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Chapter 54: This story is so underrated. I'm glad I found this! It is an amazing story. Semin, kai and luhan are my favourite characters. Well, it is true that what they did to mei lin are too much. But it is her who started the fire. Having with your bestfriend boyfriend, like seriously! But then again, I think kai should probably get some revenge because he is the one who starts everything with mei lin. However, I also respect him for being with rainy until Luhan's comeback. Well. I upvoted this and I hope this story will gain some attention. Maybe you should promote it a bit (;
hahiho96 #2
Chapter 54: Huawaa... finally happy ending. Hahah but you have smart idea authornim, i never thought that lulu is the culprit behind those scene.. huhuhu i love itttt
Saimai #3
Chapter 54: YAHHHHH i finally finished this amazing story, i really love it.
At first i was so scared to read it but i ended up enjoying it!!
ponlok #4
Chapter 5: U did an amazing job!!! @Littledeer ;)love the story..... *♡*
Chapter 54: wow!! good job, author-nim!! you made go like hah?? a lot.. lol.. still.. i felt bad to mei lin.. hope that she will feel better!! thumbs up to you!! =D
kevinswife4ever #6
Chapter 54: awesome story finished in one day XD
cheesecakelover2000 #7
Chapter 54: FINISH!!!! Woah...your ending was unexpected. 0.0 but I curious about Mei lin and Rainy relationship. ..and even the truth was already revealed, I'm still feel ...scared.
Btw Good Job!^^
cheesecakelover2000 #8
Chapter 13: Ahhh! Your story was so scary. I want to stop read it but.... I can't. Now wherever I go, I'm being too paranoid. I started imagined things like ghost and stuff.I even need a company to go to Every where.
Ps:your story Is so awesome. You have talents in making scary story...
SyasyaD #9

ok. you did a good job ! :D
rudelysweetk21 #10
Chapter 54: Oh 0.0 does the kid knows who is his real papa..he calls both jong and han papa?? But wow liked the names summer wind.rainy.sunset :DD