Chapter 18

Love and Revenge

A/N: Hey guys I'm back! Really sorry for the late update, Jeongmal :((
I hope all my updates today would make up for it ^^




I felt silver running all over my body as Hana raised her brow and looked at me in doubt.

“Whoever entered this bathroom would face with this kind of thing, that’s why we closed it.” The security man said and wiped the sweat on his forehead.

“That was scary!!!” Hana made a face like she was going to black out.

“Please don’t tell other about this because it really effects on our hospital.” With that word, uncle security walked away with pale face.

“We were hunted by that damn ghost in the middle of the day, seriously!!” Hana said and closed her eyes in fear. I just shrugged my shoulder.

“But at least it was just a random ghost. First I thought it was--------

“Don’t remind about her, Hana!”

“But it scared the hell out of me.”

“But we’re safe now!!”

“Ok it happened already; I won’t talk about it anymore.” She shook her head trying to erase all those stupid ideas.

While we were walking back to the ICU room, Yoon Semin was running toward us. He looks so exhausted.

“Where did both of you go huh?” O.O

“And where did you go?” Hana asked back.

“I was looking for both of you all over the building.” He explained while seriously panting.

“Something happened but it wasn’t serious.”

“Are you sure? Look at both of you, seems like it was deadly serious.”

“We were trapped in the bathroom with million cockroaches and we met ghost.” I explained.

“Huh??” 0_0

“Don’t act like you were shock. It wouldn’t happen if you didn’t leave us in the first place.” Hana protested but Semin didn’t really care at all.

“Can you tell me the detail?” He turned to face me.

“Stop talking about it, I’m hungry!” Hana said with annoying tone. So many things happened from morning until evening that we forgot to eat.

“Let’s find something to eat first, shall we?” I suggested.

“Good, I’m hungry too.” Semin rubbed his tummy.

“Ok then we’ll tell you the whole thing.”

“Sure but stopped clung on me like a monkey, will you Hana?” He tried to push her hand away from hugging his arms.

“Rainy has Luhan, but I’m alone. I need someone to comfort me, Semin ah.” She pouted and tighten her grip. These two actually look cute together.

While we were walking to the restaurant, Hana told the whole thing to Semin. I somehow felt frighten because bad things kept happening to us. But no matter what happen, I hope Luhan will always stay by my side and protect me. Since we left the bathroom, he never let go of my hand and it was the only good thing that happened to me today.


“Eh isn’t it Kim Jongin?” Hana pointed to a guy who has a tray of food in his hand and he was searching for an empty seat. He was really Jongin! I don’t know why but recently I met him almost everday. This is annoying!!

“Hey?” Jongin greeted when when he spotted us then walked toward us.

“What are you doing here, Jongin?” I directly asked.

“I came here to clean my wound because I didn’t have any sister that could help me unlike your precious brother.” He made an annoying face at Luhan. The second match begins soon, I guess.

“Ah Did both of you fight with each other?” Hana asked when she saw Jongin and Luhan has the same wound on their faces but right now I’m too tired to explain.

“Why did all of you present here all together?” He asked

“We just met last morning, How come you didn’t know?”

“You’re so annoying, Hana. Just answer me!!”

“Yoonji is in ICU room.” I said

“Huh? Who’s Yoonji?”

“Kim Jongin, You really didn’t remember anyone besides Rainy?” Hana said and rolled her eyes.

“Isn’t she the one who usually wears Harry Potter glasses?”


“But I just saw her talking on phone last morning.”

“Huh? When?” I and Hana looked at each other.

“Before you and Hana arrived at the school, I saw Yoonji walked inside the building while talking on the phone. What happened to her?”

“She fell down from the top of the building.” Semin said with a calm voice.


“She fell in the pond.”

“Did you book the coffin yet?”


“Um sorry! How’s she now?”

“Still in an emergency room.”

“This is a long story I guess. Why don’t we eat together? All of you go and buy food, I’ll look for the table for all of us.”


All of us gather again with trays of food.

“I’ll buy the drink, what do you guys want?” Semin being a gentle man.

“I want cold coffee.” I replied

“Pretty girl like me must go with orange juice.” Hana

“How about you, Luhan?”

“Orange juice.”

“Ok I’ll meet you guys later.” With that, Semin left to the drink section while three of us walked toward the table where Jongin was. As soon as we arrived, Hana started to eat like she’s just been starving for a week.

I sat next to Luhan while Jongin was on the oppsite side in front of me. It was awkward when out eyes met.

“Do you want me to buy Pepsi for you, Rainy?” Jongin asked like he was a gentle man.

“Semin already went to buy cold coffee for me.”

“But you used to like Pepsi, didn’t you?”

“It’s not good for health.”

“Say as if coffee is good.”

“At least it didn’t eat my stomach.”

“Pepsi may be not good for your stomach but coffee will destroy you without you knowing it.”

“Why the hell did you care?” It wasn’t me this time, my brother Luhan.

“I’m the same age as Rainy so I’m older. Pay respect, Kiddo. Call me Hyung!!!”

“In your dream, bastard!” They were glaring at each other with forks in their hands.

“Both of you shut up! This is hospital so it won’t die if you use folks to kill each other coz’ we have doctors here.” I said before something else could happen.

“Why did they bark at each other like long-lost enemy?” Hana narrowed her brow. “Oh maybe one is being protective toward his ex and one is being protective toward his sister.” Hana pointed at Jongin then she changed to Luhan.

“I’m back!” Thanks to Semin who came on time to break the tent atmosphere. He gave drinks to everyone like a waiter before he took a seat.

“By the way, why did all of you gather today? I mean since last morning, party for old friends huh?”

Me and Semin only looked at each other didn’t know how to response until Hana opened .

“Weird thing happened to us.”

“Weird thing?”


“What was it?”

“We got mails from Silver Mom as you know, it was Mei Lin. We knew that it’s impossible because she already died. We met up to talk about it.” I explained.

“Well this is really weird.” O.O

“It’s all happened because of you, Kim Jongin!!” Hana said and shot him a dead glare.

“Eh why me??” Jongin avoided it by continue eating his lunch.

“If you didn’t betray Rainy, if you didn’t have with Mei Lin, these stupid things wouldn’t happen.”

“KIM HANA!!!” Semin warned her because he may think it would effect on me.

“It’s ok Semin, what Hana said was true.” I waved my hand wanted to tell him that I’m fine but actually the past flashed back in my head and it was what I usually dreamed of at night. it was the horrible and terrified nightmare.

Back in high school, I was Jongin’s girlfriend. That time, he was so popular at school and all the girls were jealous. Those girls looked at me with dirty eyes and whispered to each other.

That girl is so luckly.


Why did it have to be her?


She looked horrible standing next to Jongin oppa.

Right! I was just a normal girl and my family has no big name in the social either. I myself sometimes had doubt why Jongin chose me instead of those hot girls in school.

Finally something I didn’t expect to happen did happen. That Tuesday evening-------


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Chapter 54: This story is so underrated. I'm glad I found this! It is an amazing story. Semin, kai and luhan are my favourite characters. Well, it is true that what they did to mei lin are too much. But it is her who started the fire. Having with your bestfriend boyfriend, like seriously! But then again, I think kai should probably get some revenge because he is the one who starts everything with mei lin. However, I also respect him for being with rainy until Luhan's comeback. Well. I upvoted this and I hope this story will gain some attention. Maybe you should promote it a bit (;
hahiho96 #2
Chapter 54: Huawaa... finally happy ending. Hahah but you have smart idea authornim, i never thought that lulu is the culprit behind those scene.. huhuhu i love itttt
Saimai #3
Chapter 54: YAHHHHH i finally finished this amazing story, i really love it.
At first i was so scared to read it but i ended up enjoying it!!
ponlok #4
Chapter 5: U did an amazing job!!! @Littledeer ;)love the story..... *♡*
Chapter 54: wow!! good job, author-nim!! you made go like hah?? a lot.. lol.. still.. i felt bad to mei lin.. hope that she will feel better!! thumbs up to you!! =D
kevinswife4ever #6
Chapter 54: awesome story finished in one day XD
cheesecakelover2000 #7
Chapter 54: FINISH!!!! Woah...your ending was unexpected. 0.0 but I curious about Mei lin and Rainy relationship. ..and even the truth was already revealed, I'm still feel ...scared.
Btw Good Job!^^
cheesecakelover2000 #8
Chapter 13: Ahhh! Your story was so scary. I want to stop read it but.... I can't. Now wherever I go, I'm being too paranoid. I started imagined things like ghost and stuff.I even need a company to go to Every where.
Ps:your story Is so awesome. You have talents in making scary story...
SyasyaD #9

ok. you did a good job ! :D
rudelysweetk21 #10
Chapter 54: Oh 0.0 does the kid knows who is his real papa..he calls both jong and han papa?? But wow liked the names summer wind.rainy.sunset :DD