Chapter Nine

Dream On, Dancer Darling

I can't believe you made me go in that haunted house..


It's the boys and mine first real free day since I moved in and they're all planning something against me, I can feel it. I got a text from Kyuhyun (who'd apparently stolen my number from Ryeowook) this morning that said that he, Yesung, and Siwon were all keeping to their promise and taking me sightseeing around Seoul today. To be honest, I don't know what to expect. They might just lock me away in a closet somewhere. I really do wish they don't do that though...
The 3 boys showed up at my front door at 9 o'clock. Luckily for them I was already dressed and ready to go. My hair was still a tad wet though, and it hung on my shoulders like a towel. I was dressed in a pair of skinny jeans and a t-shirt that belonged to my cousin. 
"Good morning, Nani. Are we too early?" Yesung asked, standing in my doorway with Siwon and Kyuhyun smiling behind him. 
"Of course not. Come on in, I'm going to go get my shoes." The 3 guys came in and sat on my couch as I ran into the back room to get my shoes and phone. 
The sightseeing was amazing. They showed me everything from the largest skyscraper in town to the smallest grocery they could find. The 4 of us took turns sticking our heads out of the sunroof. We even had an old woman yell at us for being too loud and disruptive. We finished our day around 3-ish when we were all driving home.
"Thanks for today guys, It's been amazing," I said, collecting all my things and holding them in my lap. They all said nothing, sitting there with weird, suspicious grins on their faces. I knew they were plotting against me. I just knew it. 
"We aren't taking you home, Nani," Kyuhyun whispered like some sort of sociopath. "You're coming with us." I looked to my left at Siwon, who had the same grin on his face as the rest of them. 
"Siwon, where are we going?" I asked. He shook his head no. So, he wasn't going to tell me? Guess this means I need to resort to drastic measures. I scooted closer to him and got close to his face, playing with hair. "Siwon...Where are we going?" I slurred my words, trying to make it as ual as possible. Siwon's grin turned into a face of hunger and he watched my lips like prey. 
"We're going to the local fair to meet up with the rest of the guys," He studdered, still keeping his eyes on me. I grinned and scooted back to my original seat. I crossed my arms and looked at Kyuhyun and Yesung. They groaned and Yesung slapped Siwon.
"That's how being a girl can help, boys," I laughed, aiming my jokes at Kyuhyun. 
"Sorry guys, she's hot," Siwon laughed, putting his hands up. 
"So, why are we going to the fair?" I asked, putting my jacket and phone away.
"We thought i'd be something fun to do. Is that okay?" Kyuhyun asked, his face turning concerned.
"Sounds like a great time," I tried to smile to get his face back up. He did a cute aeygo and looked out the window, admiring the buildings as we drove by. Yesung did the same, he and Kyuhyun whispering silently together. I scooted closer to Siwon so that our knees were side-by-side. "Today has been amazing, Siwon, thanks," I whispered, so that I wouldn't totally break the silence. I tapped his knee slightly to get his attention. He looked at me, his eyes focusing on mine, and he smiled. 
"I'm glad you could come along," he whispered. 
Neither of us said anything else. We just sat there, staring into each others eyes like some sort of couple. Damn Nani, what are you doing? Oh well, he's doing it too.
"I now pronouce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride." I heard Yesung giggle. I took my eyes of Siwon and moved them over to the two idiots sitting in front of me. Yesung held open a magazine like a church bible and Kyuhyun pretended to cry with a tissue.
"My little Siwon just got married!" Kyuhyun pretended to cry. I rolled my eyes, laughed, and moved away from Siwon.
"We aren't dating, you idiots. We don't even like each other," I said, laughing at them. They scoffed and carried on laughing. We don't even like each other. He'd never date a choreographer anyway.
When we got to the fair, it was empty. There wasn't a single soul there. Normally, back in France, whenever there was a fair, it was packed with teenagers and grandparents taking their grandchilden on all the child rides. This fair was different though; Totally empty, besides the workers. 
"Where the heck is everyone?' I asked, silding my hands into my pockets and walking next to Yesung. 
"The perks of being a superstar. Your entertainment company rents out the fair. This way, we don't have to wait in line," he said. I nodded, not too shabby. I was glad I didn't have to wait to go on the super slide (that ride was always my favorite.(: ) The four of us walked until we saw everyone else in front of the arcade. They were all there in jeans and t-shirts like I'd seen Zhou Mi in the other day. Henry noticed the four of us first and screamed 'OY', turning everyone else's heads toward us. 
"You guys made it finally," said Shindong, crossing his arms in an 'i'm angry' way. 
"We'd get there earlier if Nani wasn't weighing us down," Kyuhyun joked. I slapped him in the arm and he shot me a quick wink.
"So, what are we doing first, gang?" Sungmin asked. 
"Well, I don't know about you guys," Donghae said, crossing over to put me in a headlock. "But I'm taking Nani to the arcade so I can beat her in Dance Dance Revolution."
"What makes you so sure, mister? I have my dancing shoes on," I scoffed. I wiggled a little, turning his headlock into a side hug. He rested his head on mine and I laughed. 
"So, I guess we split up and meet back?" Zhou Mi said, grabbing Henry's arm and pointing towards the Carosel. 
We all agreed on the plan and Donghae dragged me into the arcade, just like he said he would. Right next to the door was Dance Dance Revolution; A favorite of mine and apparently Donghae's. We stepped onto the platform and he grinned at me.
"Ready to lose?" He asked, cockly.
"I should be asking you that question." I leaned forward and scrolled through the songs to dance to. Nothing really caught my eye until I reached the very last song: 'y, Free, and Single by Super Junior.' Donghae and I both started laughing. "We definately have to do that one." I clicked play and the arrows started to scroll up the screen. 
Up left...Down right...Middle...JUMP! Hae better watch out, I'm so good at this game and I like this song. See, look. My score is already higher than his. Up left...
I finished out the game with a score of 98,973 and Donghae ended with 98,234. Needless to say that he was pretty angry. 
"That's totally not fair! You cheated," he frowned, crossing his arms like a child.
"How on Earth could I have cheated? It's a video game, Hae."
"You cheated it somehow, I just know it." He stepped off the dance platform and held out his hand. "However, I'll be a good sport about it." I put my hand on his and stepped off the dance platform. I gave him a quick hug for being so adorable about the whole thing and we walked out together.
"Where are you off to, Nans?" He asked. "I'm going to go get Eunhyuk for the swings." Just at that moment, Henry and Siwon walked up, looking like a total couple. I laughed when I saw that their arms were linked together. How cute is that gay couple? If only they were gay. Donghae said hello to both of them before wondering off to find Hyuk. 
"Want to come with us to the haunted house, Nani?" Henry asked. See, I don't really do haunted houses. They give me the creeps, but I couldn't just stand there by myself at the fair. 
"As long as my two strong men don't let anything get to me," I joked, hanging onto Henry's shoulder and batting my eyelashes. He pecked my forehead with his lips quickly and grabbed my and Siwon's hand. 
"Let's go then!"
The three of us walked into the haunted house with Henry leading, me behind him and Siwon behind me. The second we walked in, I felt a chill go up my back. I really hated haunted houses with a strong passion ever since I was a little kid. The entire house was pitch black with tiny flickering lightbulbs to light the walkway. I felt my hand shake a tad, but I didn't let it bother me.
"SCARED YET?" A voice cackled over the intercom of the house. Yes, I'm scared. If someone jumps out and scared me, I swear... I heard Henry burst out laughing in front of me and I heard Siwon giggle a tad behind me. The farther along in the house we got, the chiller the music got and the darker I felt. Honestly, I'd much rather be on the swings with Donghae and Eunhyuk right about now.
Suddenly, a animatronic chainsaw assassin came into sight, along with loud sound effects, and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Okay, now I REALLY don't want to be here. Henry spun around quickly, saw me shaking, and began to laugh. 
"Calm down!" He yelled. He immediately turned back around and began to walk. I didn't want to walk. I'm not going to. There's no way I was going to keep walking. 
I felt arms squeeze their way onto my hips under my arms and I felt a head rest on mine. 
"Don't be scared, Nani. I'm right here." Siwon's golden voice whispered in my ear with a sense of y and calming. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath. I continued to walk, but I kept Siwon's arms around my hips the whole time. I didn't scream but once and everytime I would flinch, Siwon would squeeze me a little, calming me back down. It felt like I had a knight in shining armor and it felt good. 
Well, I got out of the haunted house in one piece. Barely. We made our way through and I swear I could've kissed the ground. I unwrapped Siwon's arms from me and turned to face him. He smiled at me. 
"Thanks for calming me down in there, Siwon. You're the best," I said, reaching up and kissing his cheek. I felt his face get hot and he shrugged.
"Anything for you." I spun over to Henry, who sat there giggling. I gave him a quick slap on the head. 
"I can't believe you dared me to go in there! I am never trusting you again," I jokingly yelled. Henry gave me a pair of puppy-dog eyes and I laughed. 
Everyone had enough time to do one more ride before they had to close down the fair. I, of course, saved the best for last, which was the ferris wheel. Everyone else was apparently waiting for that one as well, so we all went on at the same time. I was the first one to climb into the first empty carriage and I sat, waiting to see who I was sharing the carriage with. Sure enough, I saw brown hair flop into the closed-in carriage. Ryeowook.
"Hey," he smiled, taking the seat opposite me. I smiled, greeted him back, and relaxed into the leather seat. "Did you have fun tonight?" He asked politely. 
"I did, I did. You guys have been so excepting of me and I feel overwhelmed with it," I smiled. The fair worker shut the door and I felt the ferris wheel start to move. I looked out the window that was behind me and smiled. The fair looked so pretty from up here, so lively. I hear Ryeowook cross over the carriage and saw him take the seat next to me, gazing out the window too.
"I find that so beautiful," I sighed, taking note of this lovely moment with this lovely boy. 
"So, I'm not the only one. The lights are mesmorizing," He whispered, getting closer to me. I nodded in agreement and turned my head to where I was looking at his profile. Wow, he was pretty. His cheekbones and eyes were intransing. I could barely keep my eyes off them. He turned his head to face me and we sat, staring at each other.
"Hello," he whispered.
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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment