Chapter Fifteen

Dream On, Dancer Darling


After the skype call, I kept getting random pictures of Siwon from the other members. No joke. Sungmin sent me a picture of Siwon drinking wine. Kyuhyun sent me a picture of Siwon talking on the phone. I think I've recieved a picture from everyone. I'm not arguing though. 
I spent the day shopping with my mom, telling her everything that's happened to me since I saw her last. She had plenty of advice, like condoms and what-not which, by the way, was awkward advice to get in the middle of the boutique. I think I just wasted my entire month pay in one day. Still, it was incrediably fun to spend it with my mom. I miss her so much, I never see her anymore. 
Now, I'm just wasting away in my living room, watching Boys Over Flowers which was incrediably old, but still made me cry like a child. As I took a swig from my tea, my phone started to vibrate in my lap.
'Siwon: Get dressed, beautiful! Wear something nice!'
'Nani: Whhhyy? I'm watching BOF!'
'Siwon: Boys Over Flowers? Really? Aw, Nani. :) Please get dressed?'
'Nani: Not unless you tell me why!'
'Siwon: You'll see. :) Thank you!'
I rolled my eyes. Well, no sense in saying no now, he was probably already on his way anyway. I decided on an cute pink polka-dot dress and some tan heels. I did my hair all pretty and I think I looked pretty good.
Siwon showed up about ten minutes later. He knocked on my door wearing a black suit and tan tie, like he was about to go to some sort of music award show. He was carrying a single rose and was looking at me lustfully. It made my legs go weak. 
"Hello Nani," he looked me up and down. "You look beautiful as always." I just realized that this is the first time I've seen him in person since our kiss. Seeing him in front of me, dressed like this, I just wanted to kiss him again. I suppose I can't do that, can I? Instead, I just kissed his cheek.
"You look incrediably handsome, Mr. Siwon," I said as he handed me the rose. Aww, how did he know roses are my absolute favorite?
"Now, will you tell me where you're taking me?" He didn't respond. He just took my hand and led me out of my apartment. 
He didn't have his limo this time, but a fancy black sports car. 
"Wow. You get along well," I said. I slid myself into the passenger seat and he shut my door. He laughed as he got in the driver side.
"Perks of being an idol," he laughed.
He drove me to this huge building with a line extending from the front door to the end of the sidewalk. Where are we; some sort of club? I'm (and he's) a little overdressed for a club. He opened my door, grabbed my hand, and led me right to the front door. There was a bouncer who looked like he'd been taking steriods and a tiny man who was about 1/8 of the bouncer's size in a worksuit.
"Reservations for Choi, please Phillip," Siwon said to the tiny man. He hasn't let go of my hand yet. His thumb was slowly the top of my hand and I smiled. The man, who I now know as Phillip, ran off and came back with 2 menus. A resteraunt! Makes sense. 
"Follow me please, Mr. Choi." 
Phillip sat us down near a window far from the front of the resteraunt. The resteraunt was packed and I think I even saw Victoria from f(x) sitting about 5 tables over. 
"If this is where you were taking me, you could've told me!" I said when both of us sat down. Siwon grinned slyly and smirked. 
"Then it wouldn't have been a surprize, now would it?" I felt my heart stop when he looked at me with his eyes. They were just.. Just perfect. I didn't even think about my crush on Ryeowook. I didn't even think about it once. I opened the menu and began to read. Pasta...$59.00. Oh my god! There's no way on Earth I can pay for any of this.
"Uh.. Siwon? This is really expensive.." I said, studdering. I can't have him pay for me, I'd feel way too bad. Maybe I'll just eat a salad. He took both of my hands and began to rub the tops with his thumb, like earlier. He must love doing that. 
"My treat," he said in a -like voice. 
"I can't do that! I'd feel bad. I can pay for mys-" Before I could argue, he leaned over the table and put his nose on mine.
"I'm paying. Don't argue with me, beautiful." Well, I don't think I can now. I can barely breathe..
The dinner was amazing. I ended up getting Pasta (which was the cheapest thing on the menu. I still felt bad.) and it was like eating heaven. Siwon got a steak. I couldn't help but laugh at him whenever he tried to cut it. Poor thing can't cut his own food. 
He drove me back to my house and even walked me up to my front door. When we got there, I spun to face him. 
"Thank you for an amazing night, Siwon. I had a great time." He grinned. 
"Anything for you. I just.. I, um..." He studdered. He looked down at his shoes. "I just wanted to take you out. I mean, I really like you." I smiled. I seemed to recall we made out on my kitchen table a few weeks ago, Siwon dear. 
"I really like you too." He looked up from his shoes and smiled. He leaned forward, I leaned foward... You can guess where that lead to. His lips tasted like cotton candy, which sounds weird, but they did. I was finally kissing the man of my dreams and I couldn't be happier. I let him go and smiled towards him.
"Want to come inside?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He looked at me seductively and I unlocked my front door. Walking in, he stood over in the hall as I locked the door back. "Now, where were we?" I threw myself at him and locked our lips again. After a few seconds, I opened my mouth a little futher, letting him enter. He picked me up by my thighs and placed me softly up against the wall. I intertwined my fingers with his hair and I felt him smile. I watched as his eyes opened slowly, still kissing me, and he looked around. Then, he shut them again. I think he found my bedroom..
I think you can guess where THAT led to. Needless to say, Siwon isn't the biggest church boy you've ever seen. After our...."fun"....ended, we both layed next to each other and just stared into each other's eyes. I finally had Siwon exactly where I wanted him. He smiled and kissed my forehead.
"I love you, Nani. I really enjoyed that," he mumbled softly into my forehead. I snuggled my head into his chest and ran my fingers up and down his chest, making him shudder a little by my touch. "Nani.. Will you be my girlfriend?" Finally. My heart skippped a beat and I smiled wider than I ever had before.
"Of course I will." 

I have up to Twenty-Six chapters already written for this fan fiction, but I'm going slow with my updates ;) ANYWAY, THEY'RE FINALLY TOGETHER. On chapter 15, wow.

Thanks for reading everyone. Stay perfect <3


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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment