Chapter Four

Dream On, Dancer Darling

Hello, I'm Ryeowook. And who might you be..?


The limo ride to the shoot was one of the best things ever.  Everyone was acting like we'd known each other since birth. 
I got in the limo and immediately, the 3 boys played "who gets to sit next to the girl", which is apparently a huge game Super Junior plays everytime a girl is involved. Siwon ended up winning after threating both Kyuhyun and Yesung with 'nuclear warfare'. There were 2 leather benches in the limo, one for Siwon and I, the other for Kyuhyun and Yesung. I sat down on the bench on the left and Siwon joined me, throwing his jacket on the opposite side of the limo. 
"So, Nani," Yesung started, breaking the silence. "How do you like it here is Seoul?"
"It's different from France, but I've been here many times. My parents live not far from here."
"Oh! So you pretty much know your way around?" 
"Well," I said, twiddling my fingers. "Not really. I've visited Seoul many times, but not enough to know it as my new home."
"We can show you around!" Kyuhyun cheered, as if this was the best idea he'd ever heard. His smile was adorable, it was.
"Really? That would be amazing! Maybe whenever we have a free day. Plus, I could get to know you guys better." 
"Well, it sounds like you know Siwon pretty well," Yesung commented, soon shoving his hands over his mouth like he didn't mean to say it. But, come on, everyone could tell my audition has become quite the joke in the Suju house. I laughed; good thing for me I don't get embarrassed easily. 
"I take it he's told you about my audition?" I asked, smiling and trying to keep from blushing. Next thing you know I'm going to get my paper and it's going to have my grinding on Siwon on the front cover. 
"No, no, all we know is that you have quite a pair of hips," Yesung laughed. Soon, both Yesung and Kyuhyun were in fits of laughter, almost crying from laughing so hard. I rolled my eyes, but both of their laughters were contagious, so I soon laughed as well. I glanced over at Siwon, who was even more red than he was in the office. It was cute, though, i've never seen him get THAT embarassed before. I leaned over and poked his red cheek and he smiled at me. I shook my head.
"You did this to yourself," I joked, hitting him softly in the arm. 
I climbed out of the limo first, my hands shaking at the fact that I was about to meet Ryeowook. I WAS ABOUT TO MEET RYEOWOOK. He'd been my favorite member ever since I watched their music video for Super Girl 3 years ago. Seriously, there are no words that can be used to describe my excitement. 
"Are you ready to meet the rest of the guys? They'll absolutely love you, just like us," Kyuhyun said as he took my hand and lead me into this gorgeous white building. 
"What building is this?" I asked, admiring every light and futuristic aspect. 
"We aren't sure, it doesn't really have a name. We call it the 'white building', since none of us are creative enough to come up with any other name," Yesung joked, opening the door to the building for me. "It's where they're shooting Super Junior-M's next music video." I smiled, I'm probably going to be choreographing it. Wow, my very first music video. My very first music video. Gosh, I could just cry. The 4 of us walked into a photo studio in the back of the building. The room was empty.
"Where is everybody?" I asked, generally concerned. They were late for their photo shoot. 
"EVERYONE GET OUT HERE," Yesung screamed in my ear. I grabbed my ear and slapped Yesung on the arm. Damn, that hurt. However, it worked, and the rest of Super Junior came filing out of another room that looked like their dressing room. My eyes followed each member as they came out. Donghae...Eunhyuk...Zhou Mi...There's Henry...Shindong...Kangin...Sungmin...and there he is. The god himself. Ryeowook. 
I felt my heart stop as my eyes met Ryeowook's. There he was, in the flesh, my first celebrity crush. I couldn't breathe, what on Earth was I going to say to him? He smiled at me and walked up, shaking my hand. 
"Hello, I'm Ryeowook and who might you be?" He asked with a certain y smirk. I could barely contain my smile, which could've led to screaming in an instant.  Ryeowook stepped back so that all of the guys could see me. 
"Hey guys," I said, still shaking a little from Ryeowook's hand shake. "I'm Nani, your new choreographer." The guys cheered and they all gave me a welcome hug, including Ryeowook. I can't breathe. I can't. Someone call me a medic. 
"Oh! You're Soo Ming!" I heard one of them shout. The very second whoever shouted that out, the rest of the group went silent, all staring at me with wide eyes.
"She's even prettier in person," Henry gushed to Siwon. My eyes went wide; really?! Do they all know me as Siwon's ty buddy? I gave Siwon a death glare. 
"Really? Has my name been mentioned a few times in your house?" I asked him as he buried his face in his hands. 
"A few times?" Eunhyuk laughed. "We barely got him to shut up! Apparently you're quite the dancer. I don't know if you know this, but I'm the dancer of the group," he boasted, as if I didn't already know. Trust me, I've memorized almost every dance move Super Junior's ever done. I could do any move he shot at me. I've noticed, watching the performances, that Eunhyuk is the best dancer at of all of them. I'm definately excited to see what exactly he can do. 
"Yes, hello, my name is Soo Ming, also known as Nani, and I'm the who shoved my in Siwon's crotch." The guys burst into laughter, like Kyuhyun and Yesung had done in the car.
...Wait, what exactly did I just say?...
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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment