Chapter Twelve

Dream On, Dancer Darling


Is torturing me really that funny?
I had Friday and today off, away from Super Junior. Ryeowook sent me a picture of him with gifraffes while I was standing in line at the grocery. They seem to be having fun, where ever they happen to be. Me? Well. Seeing as I have no friends besides Super Junior and Lee, I've spent the past 2 days in my apartment, watching dramas and eating popcorn. I also had some time to think about Siwon, as if I don't already do that enough. After two days, my mind has still not been made. I'm so confused, I don't really want to think about it. Anyway, I was just about to flip to my next drama when my phone began to ring violently on my side table. I picked it up and scrolled it up, revealing a new text from Siwon. Hmm. Let's see what he wants. Maybe Chris is right...
Hey! Miss you. Hope your break from us has been a good one!(:
The boys and I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to have an American scary movie marathon with us? 
I sat silently, staring at my bare living room wall for a moment. I really hate scary movies and any scary thing imaginable. You saw how I overreacted in the haunted house with Siwon and Henry. However, this could be a chance to see if Siwon really liked me or not. 
Sounds like a plan! American movies? Those are the scariest...
I'm coming in my pajamas!
I drove over to the Super Junior dorm around 6 o'clock PM. I stayed true to my word and showed up in my Hello Kitty pajama shorts, black sweater, and black slippers. If the boys were going to make me watch scary movies, they better let me do it in my favorite pajamas. I walked up to the doorstep and knocked with the door knocker. I heard scattering feet across the hardwood floor and the door unlocked, revealing a shirtless Zhou Mi. He grinned wide.
"Nani! You made it!" He cheered. Soon, we both looked at each other's pants. I was wearing Hello Kitty pajama shorts, he was wearing Hello Kitty pajamas pants. Oh my god. We're like the same person. We both squealed and hugged tightly. He led me into Yesung and Kyuhyun's bedroom, which apparently was the biggest and nicest. Their furtature had been pushed out into the hallway and the floor was covered in pillows. The rest of Super Junior sat on the pillows, laughing and drinking coffee. They all turned to me and smiled.
"Yay! Nani's here!" Kangin yelled, smiling. He's in a better mood than the other day.  
"Hi guys! Thanks for having me!" I thanked. I snuggled my down into the pillow next to Kyuhyun and Sungmin.  I quickly scanned the room, my eyes, sure enough, ending on Siwon's gorgeous eyes. He was shirtless, like every one else except Kyu, and he was sporting track pants. God, is being shirtless a big thing in this household? Sungmin gave me a hug and smiled. 
"Ready to watch?"
"Not really, but..." He gigged and rolled his eyes. 
"Oh, come on, Nani! They aren't real." It was now my turn to roll my eyes.
"Stop laughing, Sungmin-ssi! It's not funny." 
The movie started. They finally started on some movie called Nightmare on Elm Street. I'd given up on my sweater, so I was now sitting in between Kyu and Sung in a tanktop and Hello Kitty shorts. The boys didn't seem to mind though, seeing as all of them were shirtless.
Okay, so this movie isn't so bad...Wait, ew! No! What the hell.. NO DON'T GO IN THERE...oh god...OKAY, NOPE, I'M DONE. NOT WATCHING ANYMORE.
The main villian's name was Freddie and he scared the hell out of me. The verysecond I saw him decapitate his first..victim..I jumped into Sungmin's lap. I sat there, tiny me, shiving in my lap. I heard him laugh.
"Nani-ssi, what the heck are you doing?" He wrapped his arms around me and I took both of his hands with mine. I felt him breathe on the back of my neck. 
"This movie is really scary. Americans are crazy," I said, still shaking a tad. 
"Well, calm down. It's okay, I've got you," he whispered into my ear. I felt immediately calm. Surprizingly, I finished the movie without screaming again. Although, I can't exactly say the same thing for Shindong...
After the movie was over, Donghae some sort of cute animated movie. In other words, Donghae watched the movie while the rest of us layed down to sleep. 
"Hae, must you watch such silly movies?" Yesung asked.
"They are my childhood! Don't question me," Donghae laughed.
The rest of us layed down on the cushon-y pillow floor, playing and laughing with each other. 
"So, Zhou Mi. If you could cut off anything on your body, what would you cut off?" Eunhyuk asked, giggling as he asked. I glanced over to Zhou Mi and his face was priceless. 
"Cut off? Wow.." Zhou Mi said, studdering. "Not my hair. Anything but that."
Midnight..One o'clock..Two o'clock..Three o'clock..Four o'clock.. Finally, at 4 o'clock in the morning, all of us were done talking and we were all tired as hell. 
"Goodnight everyone. I love you," Siwon tiredly said to all of us. I grinned.
I let a huge sigh out, relaxing my back and the rest of my limbs. All of the thoughts in my brain died at the very same moment. My tired eyes closed and I layed down, soon laying on someone. I looked up and smiled. I felt Kyuhyun's body warmth next to me and he wrapped his arms around me. I feel...good.
I feel...accepted.

Ahh, this is a total filler chapter. Sorry guys. :)

The next chapter is going to be a killer. Something pretty big happens.. can you guess?  ;) 

Until then, stay beautiful. Thank you very much for reading!

I'll try to post the chapter when I can. I go back to school tomorrow, but I may be able to post it late tomorrow. We'll see, it's exams week, so I'm going to be out of my mind :\ Annyeong! <3


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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment