Chapter Twenty-Nine

Dream On, Dancer Darling
I spent the night last night. Not in Kyuhyun/Yesung's room, but in Siwon's. By the way, Yesung was NOT HAPPY that'used' his room for our...'actions'. That's how he said it, I don't know. Although, he sounded much more awkward than I. Anyway...
I was planning on sleeping until 10 or so, then going to vocal rehearsal with Super Junior-M at noon, but a certain blonde SHINee member decided to veto that plan. I woke up at 7 o'clock this morning by 
playing through-out Siwon's room. I panicked and shoved my phone under my back so I wouldn't wake Siwon. I looked over to him; he was out like a light. I could've played that right in his ear and he still would've snored like an elder. I don't think I could've rolled my eyes any harder than I just did. Babo. 
I opened the text from that idio- I mean, Key. 
'Keykey<3: Hiya Nani! :) Wanna meet for coffee?'
'Nani: My god Key. It's 7 in the morning!'
'Keykey<3: Yeah? Oh.. Were you sleeping?'
'Nani: Mhm.'
'Keykey<3: Aish, I'm sorry. Onew warned me you would be.. So, is that a no on coffee?'
I looked over at Siwon. I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I just grabbed one cup of coffee, right? I'll leave him a note on the bedside table. 
'Nani: I'm in! Usual place?'
'Keykey<3: Usual place. :) See you then!' 
I dressed in high-waisted shorts, a Rolling Stones t-shirt, and combat boots. I also put my hair up in a high bun, because no one wanted to see my hideous hair this early in the morning. And I wrote Siwon that note. 
'Dearest Siwon:
Good morning sleepy head. <3 I'm out getting coffee with Key and should be back soon, depending on when you wake up. I'm not sure.. Anyway! I'll see your beautiful face soon. 
Have a great morning sweetheart. :)
Nani xoxo'
Every other member of Super Junior was fast asleep like Siwon. The living room and kitchen were deserted. It seems so alien when there isn't someone playing video games or it doesn't smell like burnt popcorn (thanks to Yesung's horrid cooking). 
I drove down to Key and mine's usual coffee place, called 'Mikal's Cafe'. It's owned by Key's aunt or something, so Key and I get free coffee whenever we go. Free coffee is good coffee.
When I got there, Key was already sitting in a table nearest the window. It was lovely being able to walk in and not having to escape fan girls or photographers. It's early, so the only people out are businessmen and they could care less who we were. Key had a Journey t-shirt on and his hair was all spiked up, just like I like it. I told him he should wear it like that more often. 
"Good morning sweetheart," I said, taking the seat opposite him. He smiled. 
"Hi Nani! What do you want? I can go get auntie to make it." He stood, about to go back in the back for my coffee.
"Oh, peppermint mocha, please. If you have it." He looked at me disbelivingly. 
"Auntie? Out of peppermint mocha? Psh-please." He nodded off into the back, leaving me to my silence. I glanced out the window, which was probably a mistake, because in less than 5 seconds, the window was full with photographers and fans of both Super Junior and SHINee. Key must've heard the noise and he came out with a frown.
"Ugh, not these guys again," he sighed, rolling his eyes. "Come on, Na. There's a table in the back." 
He led me to a secluded room, where all that sat was a table, 2 chairs, and a bunch of random decor items. Most of which were SHINee-related. He rolled his eyes when he walked in behind me. 
"Auntie's been decorating, I see," he growled. He took one of the chairs and offered it to me. I sat and he scooted me forward. "Coffee's almost ready!" He sang before skipping out of the room. Babo. 
I took my phone out of my purse to check my messages. 
(1) new message from Your Lovely Boyfriend <3
I clicked open and read:
'Siwon: Sorry I wasn't awake to kiss you goodbye this morning :('
I smiled slightly at my phone and replied to him.
'Nani: It's alright sweetheart. I'll be home from coffee in a few hours or so.'
His responses became constant, so he's probably home alone. Or he's just bored, out wherever Choi Siwon goes this early in the morning.
'Siwon: Don't get attacked out there! Can't have any fans messing up my gorgeous girl's face!
'Nani: Haha, alright then stupid.'
I heard the door open and I clicked my phone off. Key came walking in with 2 cups in his hand. He set one down in front of me.
"Careful, it's hot," he warned. I blew on the drink softly before taking a cauctious sip. He did the same. "So, Nani," he started. "Where on Earth did you get your jacket?"
We spent the next 4 hours, talking about absolute nothingness. 
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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment