Chapter Ten

Dream On, Dancer Darling

Ryeowook and I didn't kiss. Although, a part of me wished we had.


Super Junior-M was away all day downtown to perform their 'Go' dance number that Eunhyuk and I did. I unforunately was not able to go, because today is the very first day of choreographing for the 'Break Down' music video. MY FIRST MUSIC VIDEO. I was super excited to get started, but I thought I was going to have some dancers to help me. I'm going to have to choreograph different moves for 7 different people (not 8. Siwon isn't dancing in this video for some reason. No one would tell me.) and I don't have a single person to help. However, I do have 2 weeks to choreograph, so I spent my time waking up this morning. I strolled into the studio with my hair up in a bun, makeup-less, around 10:30 in the morning.  The normal report time is around 7-ish, but everyone was out of town anyway. Besides, today was totally opitional, but, knowing how I need to choreograph for 7 people, I needed an extra day. So there I was, 3 hours late, dressed like a homeless person. No madder, right?
The dance studio was cold and dark. I loved unlocking the studio for the first time in the morning. The frozen locks being used after 12 hours of rest. It was such a realistic feeling. I flipped on the lights and there, in the middle of the studio dance floor, sat a chocolate-frosted donut and what looked like a cookies and cream frap from Starbucks; my favorite. I stared at it as I put my dance bag against the floor. "Hello?" I yelled out. I heard my voice echo through-out the backroom and back into the dance room. It was totally empty in here. I feel like I'm in some sort of horror movie. "Hello? Someone in here? You left your oddly accurate breakfast in here." After staring at the coffee for a few minutes, two idiots jumped out of the back room and screamed 'surprize' at the top of their lungs: Yesung and Shindong. Not only did I scream in surprize, but I also covered my face. I wasn't wearing makeup. Trust me, every boyfriend I've ever had told me I looked beautiful without makeup, then, when we broke up, took back that statement. Ever since my first boyfriend took it back, I've been extrememly self-concious about my makeup. I wear it everywhere, from the pool to a drive-thru dinner.  I know just how bad I look without a touch-up and there was no way I was letting two of my cilents, my heroes, see how bad I looked. I backed myself into the front corner and hugged my legs to my chest, burying my face in between them. Yesung and Shindong's laughter slowly caved to a stop and I heard both of them sit in front of me. 
"Nani? It was just a joke. We didn't know you'd be this upset," Yesung sighed as he started to play with my shoes on my feet. I shook my head. 
"I'm not upset," I said, my words getting muffled by my legs.
"Then why are you hiding yourself from us?"
"Because," I sighed. I lifted my face, showing my bare skin. "I'm not wearing any makeup. I look like a creature from Star Wars." Yesung's face fell.
"You do not," he said. 
"I think you look beautiful, Nan. Whoever told you otherwise is obviously blind or clueless," Shindong said, offering me a smile. I smiled a little and nodded.
"Thanks guys. Ever since I was little, I've been self-concious."
"No need to worry around us," Yesung shouted, standing to his feet. "As long as you don't judge us for not wearing stage makeup and guy-liner all the time." I laughed as Shindong gave me his hand and lifted me up.
"We brought you breakfast and our talent to help you choreograph!" Shindong yelled, pulling his and Yesung's coffees out from the backroom.
"Well, that's sweet, guys. Thanks," I said, slowly sipping on my frap. "You two are the best."
With two extra bodies, it was so much easier to choreograph. I finished a little, it was still pretty hard to make sure everything would mix properly. Yesung and Shindong were amazing little helpers, Shindong and Eunhyuk's talent levels were about the same and Yesung was pretty quick on his feet so 3 professional dancers working together can get some things done! After we were done, they drove me back to the Super Junior house, where the three of us circled around a TV in Shindong's room. Yesung flipped through the channels before reaching a Korean music station. On the screen came a large man with the chubbiest cheeks and a microphone.
"Now, up next, is a Korean boy-band that's taken the world by storm! You've seen them sing Super Girl, Perfection, and now, singing their new hit 'Go' off their studio album 'Break Down', here's Super Junior-M!" The man began to clap and giggle wildy as the camera switched over to a stage. There were my Suju-M boys, all lined up just like I'd choreographed. The fan-girls began to scream and I felt a chill go up my back. Down, on the bottom of the screen, read 'Choreographer: Lee Hyukjae and Soo Ming'. That was my name. THAT'S MY NAME.
"Nani! THAT'S YOUR NAME!" Shindong yelled. I KNOW THAT'S MY NAME.
The dance started and I could not stop smiling. The boys were doing the entire dance perfectly and they sounded amazing. Plus, they all looked incrediably dashing. I hadn't seen these little outfits and not going to lie, they looked pretty handsome. Eunhyuk lead the dance, just like we'd discussed. Henry looked so happy to be on that stage and Zhou Mi sounded the best. Ryeowook, Sungmin, and Kyuhyun were amazing, as usual. Donghae looked so cool in his sunglasses. Then, there was Siwon. Siwon winked in the middle of the dance at the camera and it made me smile from ear to ear. He was so cute, even when he wasn't trying. I really need to call the boys to let them know how amazing they looked.
The dance finished and I could hardly breathe. I could just see myself getting home, calling my mom with happy tears in my eyes. Yesung and Shindong both kissed me on the cheek and made me some special tea to celebrate. World, you better watch out. Soo Ming has made it big.
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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment