Chapter Eleven

Dream On, Dancer Darling


Welcome to the SM Family, Soo Ming. 
I've been one of the most talked about people on the Super Junior forums. Their 'Go' performance two days ago and the boys' tweets about me have sparked interest in the ELFs. Some good and some bad. Kangin told me to not pay any attention to the haters, because 'they're just jealous'. Apparently, the boys have plenty of haters beating down their self-confidence walls everyday and I can tell by experience that it's no fun. But, they're the least of my worries right now. Vincent called me last night, telling me to meet him at the SM Entertainment main building for a meeting. Why is it a worry of mine? Well, he didn't really sound like Vincent, if that makes any sense at all. Vincent has a very happy voice, but he sounded stern and, well, angry. I have no idea what he could be mad about.. But I'm really scared.
I came into Vincent's office at exactly 9 o'clock, when he told me to meet him. I walked into his office to see the entire Super Junior sitting at the long table. Last time I'd seen this table, it was empty. Now, it was all filled except for one seat: Mine.
"Ah, Nani. I knew you'd be on time. Please, join us," Chu said, standing and holding the seat for me. Honestly, I wanted to break down crying right then. If I was going to get fired or yelled at, it was going to be in front of my new best friends. How embarrassing would that be... I walked nervously over to my seat, making eye contact with Siwon before sitting. He offered a nod, sending me strength to fight through this. I really enjoy him being here, otherwise I'd die. I scooted my chair forward and the room became silent.
"Congratulations on your successful first gig. We expect great things from you," Songowon smiled. Good, so I'm not getting fired. I let out a relief sigh.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it, sirs."
"And we've heard that you've begun choreographing for the Break Down music video. Am I correct?" Suung asked. I nodded. While Super Junior had a break-day, I was in the studio, all by myself, trying to choreograph. It was fun and I could rest easy, knowing that I could mess up and no one would be there to judge me. 
"It's underway, sir." Now it was Vincent's turn to talk.
"We understand that you were planning on returning to choreograph today, seeing that you've booked the studio. However, we'd like you to cancel it." Cancel it? My dance-day? "Instead, we'd like to welcome you to the SM Family officially. That's why the boys are here. We're going to have a photo shoot for the SM Entertainment website. Everyone is dying to finally see you." Suddenly, two women with their hair in buns and heels bigger than my forearms wondered into the office. "Our stylists are going to get you ready and you are to meet us in Room C4 when you are done." He turned to the two women and clapped his hands. "Chop chop!" The ladies ran over, snatched me out of my chair, and pushed me out of the office. They were running like their entire lives depended on this one photo shoot. They dragged me into a back room and flipped the lights on. They didn't even say a word. They just started to dress me. 
15 minutes later, I came out of the room dressed like a supermodel. I don't want to brag, but I looked hot. Lee came back in the room to get me and her jaw hit the ground.
"Wow, Soo. You look insane," she stuttered.
"Insane? Is that good or bad?" I asked. It sure sounded bad.
"Good, good! Sorry, don't mind my teenage slang," She apologized. She's a teenager? Makes sense, she looks about 17, 18 at the most. She led me to Room C4 (concidering that I'd never been anywhere in this building besides the conference room.) and I pushed the door open. All eyes, from Vincent to the photographer, turned to me. I felt like I was a murderer coming in for my trial. 
"Wow," Vincent said, walking up to me. "You look great." I smiled, thanking him. I looked over to Super Junior and gave a quick wave. I felt a few of them look me up and down and I even heard someone whistle.
"Now, boys, don't you eat Nani up like a sandwich," Lee said, stepping into the room behind me. "Yes, she looks great, but let's not make her feel uncomfortable." Lee seems to be my savior in this situation. The photographer, who introduced himself as Chris, stepped in between Suju and I. 
"Now, boys. I would like each of you to pose seperately with Soo Ming. Vincent, does that sound doable?" Chris asked, aiming his question in Vincent's direction. Vincent nodded and he and Lee left, shutting the photo-shoot room door behind them. Chris clapped loudly, shaking me out of my gaze. 
"Shall we get ready, Nani?" 
I'm ready. At least, I sure hope I'm ready.
Chris wanted to capture my picture with Sungmin first. He had to leave to meet with his family, so Chris wanted our picture first. I stood on a black 'x' taped onto the white floor. The entire room was white, not a splash of color to be found. Sungmin came out of the boys' dressing room and stood with me. I hovered over him, thanks to my heels. He let out a laugh and sighed.
"Chris, she's taller than me!" He gigged. Chris shrugged and I laughed along side Sungmin.
"No madder! Now, Nani. I want you to lean down and kiss Sungmin's cheek. Sungmin, you give the camera your best y smirk." I bent down and lightly placed my lips on Sungmin's cheek. I shut my eyes for effect and I heard the camera flash go off. 
"Amazing! Sungmin, you can leave now." Chris said, reseting the camera. I gave Sungmin a quick hug and he hurried off into the dressing room again. Next was Kangin. He stumbled into the room, complaining of a heavy leather jacket. That picture didn't last long; Kangin was in a horrid mood and wanted to get his picture over with. Vincent also wanted Super Junior-M present, so Henry was next. Henry and I's picture was flat-out adorable. Chris wanted Henry to hand me a plastic rose and me too look head-over-heels in love with Henry. It looked like a picture out of a magazine. Next was Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk and I were the same height, even with my heels on, so the picture didn't seem as awkward. Hyukkie and I gave the camera y stares and Eunhyuk walzed back into the dressing room. To save time, I'm not really going to go through every photo, except for Siwon's, of course. Siwon's was the very last one and, to be honest, I think Chris had planned it that way. Siwon came out in a leather jacket, similar to Kangin's, leather pants, and his hair gelled up. The greatest part of his entire outfit? He was shirtless. He had the jacket on, but nothing under it. He looked down-right y. However, it was funny, because you could tell he had loads of makeup on his abs. He strolled out with his hands in his pockets and stood next to me. He was little bit taller than me. He's taller than me with my heels on? God, I'm short.
"Hey Nani. You look...beautiful," he stuttered. His face got really red.
"You don't look too bad yourself," I joked, poking his bare stomach.
"Siwon and Nani," Chris snapped. We turned our eyes to him and he smiled. "Nani, since you're shorter than Siwon there, can you stand in front of him? Good, good. Now, Siwon's put your hands on her hips. Not there, you awkward little fish, lower! Very good. Now Nani. Raise your hands and put them on his face. Now, bend your knees. Perfect! Now, both of you seduce the camera." What kind of pose was this? This pose was incredibly ual and to be honest, a little awkward for me. I'm not dating Siwon, and I may harbor those cute fan-girl feelings for him, but he doesn't like me back. I really wonder what he's thinking right now..
After Siwon's picture, he dissapeared, leaving me with Chris alone. 
"Chris, what the hell was that pose? I felt so awkward," I complained, walking up to him and hitting his arm.
"What? I was trying to do my buddy Siwon a favor," he joked. He did a little suggestive thing with his eyebrows.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh come on Nani. You're not a stupid girl. Siwon's crazy about you." I rolled my eyes.
"Please. A world-wide superstar falling for a measly choreographer who can easily be replaced with a simple fan-meet?" He put the camera down on the table and looked at me with disbelief.
"No. A human falling for his best friend. He talks about you every time I see him, which  is almost everyday. You can ask anyone living in the Suju house. He mentions you every chance he gets. I wish you could've seen how red his face got when I was putting you in your pose. Don't break his heart, Soo Ming."
No. A human falling for his best friend. Don't break his heart, Soo Ming.
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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment