Chapter Six

Dream On, Dancer Darling

Would you like red wine or white?


The very second I got home, I unpacked my 'dresses' box and picked out the prettiest dress I could possibly find. It was a tan mini-dress with some cute white heels to match. I probably should've chosen better clothing, since it is the middle of November, but I need to look as attractive as possible. Dinner with Super Junior, I mean, come on.
(here's what the dress looks like! not actually me in the picture though! -nani) 
While I was getting ready, I got a call from Vincent. He wants me to meet with Zhou Mi tomorrow for coffee. Apparently, Zhou Mi has some ideas about Break Down, which is the next single to get a music video. A music video that I'll be choreographing. Gosh, how exciting. So, that's tomorrow at 10. 
I drove my tiny red Volkeswagon beetle 10 minutes to reach the Super Junior dorm and it was huge. Not a mansion, but it was vastly larger than any other house in the nearest neighborhood. I had to go through security just so I could park. I stuffed my phone into my purse, got out of my car, and strolled up to the front door, which was painted a lovely dark brown color. I knocked 3 times with a huge door knocker on the front that made me feel like I was about to meet royalty. Well, I am about to see K-POP royalty, depending on how you look at it. I heard the sound of someone's feet march along the floor and the door slowly unlocking. The door opened and there was Donghae, in a suit.
"Nani! You made it! Siwon told us he'd invited you. Come in, come in!" He said, opening the door wider, signaling me to come in. He looked dashing in his suit. Did they all dress up for me? I stepped in nervously and looked around the foyer. Holy... Wow. They may not be royalty, but they sure live like it. 
"Guys! Nani's here!" Donghae yelled while locking the door. I heard his words echo through the long hall. "Most of them are still upstairs in their rooms. You can follow me into the kitchen, if you want. I know Shin and Hyuk are already down here." I giggled at their cute nicknames for each other. I followed Donghae into the huge kitchen, where I saw Shindong and Eunhyuk sitting at the table, drinking red wine, and Ryeowook bent over the stove. They were all wearing suits, just like Donghae. 
"Nani! Welcome to our home," Shindong welcomed me with a hug and a smile. Ryeowook turned around and smiled as well. 
"Hey Nani. You look breathtaking," he said, looking me up and down. I grinned, someone noticed! He reached below a cabnet and pulled out 2 bottles of wine. "What can I get you, madam? Would you like red wine or white wine?" Ryeowook looked like a prince in his suit, holding two bottles of wine. I'm so over the moon right now, I could drink both bottles.
"Red wine would be lovely, thank you." He poured me a glass (almost seductively) and handed it to me with a wink. I nodded my head as a thank you and I walked over to the table where Shindong and Eunhyuk, now Donghae, were sitting. 
"We're so glad you could make it, Nani. Today was so much fun," Donghae said, taking a tiny sip of his white wine. I nodded in agreement. 
"This whole day has been a dream, I'm glad I'm here," I agreed. It's true, it is a dream. 
Soon, the rest of the boys were down, sitting at the table as well. Siwon gracially took the empty seat next to me and he kept smiling at me periodacally. After bits of small-talk, 'Chef Ryeowook' presented us with some sort of Korean cuisine, called bibimbap. I'd never had it before, seeing as I moved to France when I was little. I was used to French cuisine, but not Korean. The food was fantastic; Ryeowook was quite the cook. Everyone else at the table agreed with me. Donghae told us a story about how he got home really late one night and Ryeowook had made him this as a midnight snack and how he's loved it ever since. 
"Hey Nani, did Vincent call you about coffee tomorrow?" Zhou Mi asked, eatting his rice with chop sticks. 
"He did. 10 in the morning sound okay?"
"That sounds fine to me! I can't wait to get started." He shot me a smile and I smiled back. 
"What are you two planning over there?" Kangin asked. 
"I have some ideas for the Break Down music video I'd love for her to hear," Zhou Mi boasted. He seems pretty proud of his ideas, how cute is that?
"Speaking of Break Down, what are you going to make us do, Nani?" Henry asked. 
"God, I have no idea. I haven't even thought about it yet. Plus, you need to film at the end of the month," I studdered. Oh no, will I even get any free time? I'm going to have so much I have to do. Plus, if they perform for anything, I'll need to go and choreograph that. 
"No need to stress her out already, Hen!" Siwon said, standing up for me. "She just got here guys." Everyone nodded in agreement and they all promised to not talk about it anymore. Thanks, but it's not going to get out of my mind. 
After dinner, I helped Ryeowook and Kyuhyun clean up the plates and I collected all my things to leave. 
"Hey, thanks for helping us, Nani. See you later!" Kyuhyun gave me a hug and went to go join the rest of Super Junior, who were playing some sort of game online. Then, it was just Ryeowook and I, alone in the kitchen together. 
"Thanks for dinner, Wook. It was amazing; you're a great chef." He smiled, like he knew it already. 
"Thanks for coming. It's been lovely having you over." I gave him a hug real fast and collected my purse.
"I'll see you later Ryeowook."
"Wait!" He ran up to me so that we were closer than we'd been before. He was about my height so I could look straight into his eyes; not up or down. "Can I have your number? Just so I can have someone to text if I get lonely?" He flashed some sort of puppy dog face that made me knees weaken. 
"Sure, put yours in my phone as well. I tend to get lonely often." We switched phones and we both put our numbers in. 
"I'll make sure to keep in touch," Ryeowook smiled as he clicked his phone off. He leaned over and kissed my cheek. "Like I said, thanks for coming."
Ryeowook just kissed my cheek. Kim Ryeo-wook just kissed my cheek. I... Oh my god. 
But, I need to do one thing. I need to get over this fan-girl crush. It's unprofessional.
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mass update on Friday or Saturday! Look out for an update on all my fan fictions.


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Chapter 36: oh my word. Please update soon!
krissy25 #2
Chapter 36: omg plz update... this is amazing...
Kpopinspired #3
Chapter 36: Please update soooon !!!!
Kpopinspired #4
Chapter 7: This fan fiction is absolutely wonderful do far !!!
ffuitychan #5
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
ffuitychan #6
Chapter 12: nani unnie i really envy you >/////////<
but I love you too <3
Chapter 36: woah there siwon you caused this on yourself
Please update soon! I freaking love this story!! Hwaiting unnie!!
Chapter 35: HAHAHAHA im sorry siwon but you deserve a punch in the face for lying on you anniversy
REALLY?! update soon gurlllllllll

if anyone had YouTube account please comment